How to Make a Child Eat

As soon as the child switches from breastfeeding to regular nutrition, the problem arises for parents: how to make the child eat? After all, the baby often begins to pick and choose, trying to get adults to make him a menu exclusively of goodies and sweets. And this, as you know, is fraught with an upset digestive system and vitamin deficiency.

Or maybe it’s not worth it to puzzle over how to make a child eat? Psychologists note that if the baby is forced, then, because of some sense of opposition, on the contrary, he will resist. And if, moreover, to apply the system of punishments, then there is a chance to reinforce a negative attitude to food. This is especially true in cases where a growing person defends his right to establish his “taboo” on a particular type of food.

If people involved in raising a baby and feeding him, respect his addictions and denial of certain products, if the child’s menu includes a variety of dishes, then they rarely have problems with baby food. After all, every product that the baby suddenly begins to stubbornly refuse, you can always find a replacement so that the nutritional value of the dinner remains at the highest level, so that the balance of proteins and carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins is always maintained on the menu.

Nevertheless , there are ways to make a child eat! To force gradually, unobtrusively, and so that the kid thinks that he himself chose such a good option - with an appetite to eat everything that is prepared for him for lunch or breakfast.

Firstly, children are extremely fond of sitting at a common table with adults, especially when he himself participates in the preparation of this table. So, it’s worth introducing it to the preparation of dinner: let the boiled eggs peel, spread the bread on a plate, sausage or cheese, let the mix stir or salt the soup during cooking. And then set the table with a beautiful tablecloth and ask him to help arrange the plates and lay out the spoons. It is unlikely that the child, “little hostess” or “such a good helper”, after he “cooked” food and “set the table”, will refuse to try his creation.

Secondly, a wonderful trick is to buy a special beautiful dishes with your favorite cartoon heroes for your son or daughter, fortunately, now our industry offers them in a huge assortment.

And thirdly, if you can’t dine with your whole family, you just need to play with him. Children just love all sorts of adventures! So, today we are flying in a spaceship! Mom - the captain and son - the chief assistant to the captain are ready to fly! The flight has begun. Only the ship is not simple, but magical: it flies from the fuel that its captain and his assistant eat. And if they eat poorly, then the ship will not have enough fuel to even make one circle around the Earth!

Of course, this method helps with older children who already understand what a spaceship and fuel are. But how to make a child eat if he is too small for such tales?

Yes, it’s very simple, because younger kids can come up with another tale, something about a bunny who sent “our little one” a treat from the forest or about a little bird who looks from a branch at a eating girl and rejoices.

And also young children really like picking food themselves. So from the age of six months you need to give the kids a spoon in the right handle - let them try to eat it themselves. Of course, the child does not eat a lot in this way, he still needs to be fed during lunch. But then adults will not subsequently have problems how to teach a child to eat independently.

If there are two children, and during the meal they manage to “feed” porridge not only their ears, but also the partner’s hair, you can undress them before giving them a spoon. Particularly nervous mothers can even leave the kitchen, leaving the children alone with a more balanced dad or grandfather with an increased sense of humor. After an “independent meal”, mother should, of course, feed the children and immediately give them a light shower.

But the problem of “how to teach a child to eat on their own” is far less complicated than the fight against poor appetite. Nowadays, adolescents with vitamin deficiency and dystrophy of various degrees are very common, but adults who did not know how to hold a spoon in their hands did not meet.


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