At what age can a baby be carried in a kangaroo and how best to do it

It often happens that there’s absolutely no one to leave the baby with, and taking a bulky stroller with you is uncomfortable. A way out of this situation was suggested by cute kangaroo animals. They do not have such problems - the baby comfortably settles in his mother’s “bag”, located directly on his stomach. "Why don't we do the same?" - people thought and invented a kangaroo backpack. Although this invention is not at all modern: since ancient times, women, going to work in the field, took a small child with them just like that, in a hanging shawl. This is convenient for a woman, and at the same time, the baby, feeling that his mother is very close, behaves calmer on a walk. Carrying a child in a kangaroo backpack is much more convenient than carrying it on your hands - the shape of such a backpack is perfectly tailored to the needs of the baby and does not hinder movements.

Parents of newborn babies often think about how old they can carry a child in a kangaroo. It is they who often need to take the child for a short walk or to the store without using a stroller. But children at this age are still very defenseless, the spine is only beginning to become stronger, and there is also a fear that the head will not hold properly in an unusual position.

So, at what age can you carry a child? Kangaroos have various functions for children from birth. For the smallest in backpacks, a solid back is provided, it is long enough to fit the baby's head on it. Be sure to verify her presence by purchasing the model you like.

Until that time, when the baby begins to keep his head steady enough, that is, up to about three months, the backpack should be worn so that the baby is more in a horizontal position, only at a slight angle. After adjusting the straps, it is necessary to make the baby comfortable in a horizontal position facing her mother, and she is comfortable enough to move around with such a “load”. While the child is not yet 3 months old, carrying it in a kangaroo in a different position is not recommended.

At what age can you carry a baby in a kangaroo sitting? As soon as the baby begins to hold his head tight enough, somewhere in 3 months, he can be worn in a kangaroo in more loose poses. The most popular of them is when the baby sits facing his mother. In this position, he is more protected, it is convenient to talk with him during a walk. If the child is more curious, it can be very interesting to consider the surrounding objects, people. Then he can be planted with his back to himself so that he can see everything around. In this case, the straps are tightened as much as possible, and the child with his back is closely pressed against the adult. Do not forget, at this age a collar for the neck is still needed, it is provided in many models of kenguryatniks.

At what age can a child be carried in a kangaroo behind his back and at the hip? It is advisable to do this when the baby is already able to sit on its own, as in this position, the mother cannot constantly control his posture and tilt. The kid will have to get comfortable, and sometimes hold on to his mother. This can be allowed already from about 6 months, and from the same age there is no need for a solid back and collar for the baby’s neck.

So, from what age you can carry a child in a kenguryatnik, more or less clear. What to consider when purchasing a kangaroo backpack?

It is better if the model has wide soft straps. In this case, they will not cause inconvenience to an adult.

The fastenings of the backpack should be as reliable as possible, because they support the weight of the baby and should not open during his movements.

Models with a belt for a belt are more preferable to the adult. Then carrying a kangaroo will not result in an overload of the spine.

Do not neglect models with special head restraints. They are most safe for the baby if during a walk he falls asleep.

And, of course, the fabric from which the backpack is made must be of high quality, environmentally friendly and skin-friendly.

If you correctly and seriously approach the choice of a kangaroo backpack, then it will greatly facilitate the life of mom, and the baby will be comfortable and cozy for a walk.


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