How to grow a rose from a shank at home?

Currently, many flower growers seek to grow beautiful and beloved flowers, not only in garden and summer cottages, but also at home. Lovers of roses are no exception.

The image of a rose has many meanings: it is a symbol of perfection, pride, wisdom, love, silence and mystery. The images of paradise, heart, beloved, Venus, and Our Lady are connected with her. There are few people in the world who will remain indifferent to such perfection, because it will be able to decorate any celebration, holiday, garden, apartment, and will also bring a lot of admiration to close and dear people. Is it possible to grow a rose from a stalk at home? It turns out you can. How to do this, we will consider later in the article.

you can grow a rose from the cuttings

How to grow a rose from a handle of a house?

There is nothing complicated in propagating a rose by cuttings, and even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. It all depends on correctly selected material for planting and the strict implementation of simple rules.

But it must be borne in mind that far from all varieties of roses can submit to the propagation method by cuttings. For example, it is doubtful that wrinkled and yellow park roses will be able to please you with cuttings that have taken root, but there will be no problems with miniature and wicker views of these beautiful flowers.

The advantage of the method of propagation of roses by cuttings is that the root shoot does not form in the plants obtained with its help, and this greatly simplifies the care.

Such events are more successful in the period from late June to late July, when the rose fades and its leaves and petals begin to fall. Such a basis is most likely to revive the most beautiful specimens. But just as often, cuttings are carried out in late autumn, and even try to grow rose cuttings in winter.

grow a rose from a cuttings at home

Preparation of cuttings

Young and grassy flower shoots are completely unsuitable for cuttings at home. But the stems of one year of life, with a girth of about four to six millimeters, which either have not yet begun to bloom, or are already fading, are suitable for these purposes as well as possible. It's all about the significant amount of carbohydrates in such cuttings that contribute to faster and more efficient rooting.

How to grow roses from cuttings of donated roses or grown on your own flower garden? Let's talk about this further.

Cuttings of roses should be cut to a length not exceeding 25 cm. When cutting stems into cuttings, it is very important to ensure that they have at least three buds. Cuttings should be cut using a sharpened tool (for example, a special secateurs), treated with alcohol and boiling water. The lower cut is done obliquely - at an angle of about 45 degrees under the kidney. The upper section is made directly, slightly higher than the kidney. In addition, at the lower cut, it is better to make another light cut along the stem about two centimeters long. This will accelerate the formation of roots.

how to grow a rose from a cuttings of a purchased rose

We must not forget that until the stem has formed roots, its moisture supply will not be replenished. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the volatility of an existing one. For these purposes, a partial removal of the leaves is performed: the upper ones are cut off by about a third, and the lower ones are completely removed.

To increase the percentage of successfully rooted cuttings, experienced gardeners resort to keeping the lower cut in various liquid biostimulants for plants for half a day (for example, in β€œHeteroauxin” or β€œEpine”). Or just dip the slice into a dry powdery biostimulant (for example, in Kornevin). You can do without them, but this increases the risk of a lack of a good result, since the use of stimulants in certain quantities has a beneficial effect on the survival of cuttings. In this case, it is very important not to exceed the concentration of these substances, otherwise it can adversely affect the flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of such preparations. Consider ways to grow a rose from the stalk of a purchased rose or grown on its site.

how to grow a rose from a stalk at home

Methods of rooting cuttings

Prepared cuttings can be rooted in various ways, of which there are a lot. However, the most effective are:

  • in potatoes;
  • soil;
  • water
  • packages.

In water

Consider how to properly grow a rose from a stem in this way. This is one of the simplest and most popular rooting methods. The shoots prepared using the above method must be put in cool boiled water. Every two to three days, water must be changed. Thus, after a month, the roots will begin to form roots, which can then be planted in the ground. Following this, the cuttings will need to be covered with plastic bottles and not removed until leaflets are formed.

For this method of grafting, it is better to take young shoots from the side branches of the flower.

However, when applying this method of rooting cuttings, some nuances must be taken into account. Firstly, it is better not to put a large number of cuttings in one container - it will be crowded. Secondly, you can’t pour a lot of water into the tank, as this is fraught with a lack of oxygen at the bottom of the tank and the subsequent death of the specimens from rotting. Therefore, just in case, you need to prepare for the fact that not all cuttings can survive and take root. In addition, this method is not suitable for all varieties of roses. The most successful result will be with ground cover and dwarf species.

how to grow a rose from the cuttings

In the soil

And how to grow a rose in the soil from a shank at home? This type of rooting is the most difficult compared to the others, but it gives a good result due to an increase in the percentage of plant survival.

How to grow a rose from a stalk? To begin with, pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. As it is better to use medium-sized pieces of brick or rubble. After that, the drainage is covered with special soil for roses. It can be purchased ready-made in flower shops or shops for the garden. But the best option is to prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix in a small pot equal amounts of turf and leaf land with sand (1/3 of turf land, 1/3 of leaf land and 1/3 of river sand).

The prepared mixture is additionally covered with sand at 5-7 cm above. When planting the cuttings, it is worth checking that they are deeper than the sand layer, that is, directly in the ground.

Cuttings are best placed at an angle, oblique cut down, at a distance of about three to five centimeters from one to another. The distance directly between the rows themselves should not be less than ten centimeters. After this, the flowers must be poured with clean water and covered with glass jars or plastic bottles with a cut bottom.

The roots will begin to form after 25-30 days. Throughout this period of time, the soil must be kept moist. When the first young leaves appear in order to harden the plant, you can occasionally remove the cans (bottles), which can then be completely abandoned.

Carrying cuttings at the end of spring or in the summer, some gardeners try to immediately plant roses in the garden, while others still resort to using pots so that temperature changes and bad weather conditions can not harm plants. Moreover, in late autumn, in any case, it will be necessary to dig up the cuttings grown on the bed, and then transplant them into pots and put them into the house so that the young bush will survive the winter.

In potato tubers

Now we learn how to grow a rose from a stalk in potatoes. This is a fairly common, effective and reliable way. To do this, the length of the flower stalk should not be less than 25 cm. It is better to pick potato tubers of medium size, as well as remove β€œeyes” from them in order to exclude their germination. Then in the tubers it is necessary to make small indentations of a suitable diameter. There, cuttings will be inserted.

how to grow a rose from a stalk in potatoes

After that, take a suitable container, at the bottom of which a layer of sand is poured with a depth of about 3-4 cm. Next, in this container, observing a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, lay potato tubers with already entered flower cuttings, which will need to be sprinkled with a small amount of soil . Immediately after planting the tubers with cuttings, it is necessary to irrigate with a thin solution of potassium permanganate (the solution should be weak, pale pink) and cover with banks. In a similar way, all the top dressing and nutrients of the rose will be obtained directly from the potato. As for watering, in spite of all the humidity created by potato tubers, it must be regularly carried out. And at least once a week it is advisable to do this with the help of sweetened water. To do this, simply bred 2 teaspoons of regular sugar in a glass of water.

Most gardeners choose this method, due to which, when growing flowers at home, the highest percentage of survival of cuttings is provided. Moreover, with further planting, their adaptation process occurs more painlessly and faster. Young sprouts emerging from the kidneys confirm the success of rooting.

In the package

Consider how to grow a rose in a package from a stalk. There are several ways, but the most popular are two of them.

First way

Many will be interested to learn how to grow a rose from a cuttings in this way. For this, in addition to the package itself, you need moss. Moss is placed in a plastic bag, and then prepared cuttings are inserted into it. After this, the bag should be tightly inflated, securely tied and suspended. With this method of growing cuttings, there is no need for watering, since the condensate accumulating in the bag will moisten the moss and cuttings. And thus, the roots should form by the end of the fourth week.

Second way

To grow a rose from a shank at home in this way, you need to soak about a dozen shanks in water at room temperature for 24 hours, and then wind them up in a simple newspaper. The resulting bundle should be wrapped in a bag or bag made of polyethylene and left to be stored at home at a temperature just above 20 degrees.

Each week, the bag should be opened, inspect the cuttings and slightly moisten the paper. If for some reason the stalk begins to turn black or rot, then it must be thrown away so that rot does not spread to other copies. In this case, you should replace the paper to get rid of mold.

After two weeks, roots should appear.

This method is also called the burrito rooting method. This method is considered ineffective. But, despite this, it is popular with gardeners.

The Cherenkov method of Trannua

This is another way to grow a rose from the cuttings at home. However, he enjoys little public recognition among gardeners and rarely gives the expected result. The cultivation of flowers using this method should be carried out at the beginning or in the middle of summer. The essence of this method is to allow the stem of the rose to get as much nutrition from the leaves as possible before pruning it. To do this, pinch off the cut stems and leave until the process of kidney swelling in the lower part of the branches occurs. When the buds swell, the ripening of the wood begins, its readiness for growth and development appears. In this process, it is very important to prevent the appearance of leaves from the buds, otherwise this reproduction will be completely inconclusive.

how to grow roses from cuttings of donated roses

Planting cuttings of roses in the ground

After the appearance of the roots on the cuttings, they can be planted in pots. But it is important to make sure that the upper bud of the handle rises above the ground.

Around the planted rose should create a greenhouse effect. To do this, the container with the seedling should be put in a large bag made of polyethylene or covered with a plastic bottle with a bottom cut out. A container with seedlings should be in a room with an air temperature of about 25 degrees. In addition, rose sprouts require regular spraying with water from a spray bottle.

Directly in the open ground, roses are best planted at the very end of spring, in the absence of the threat of frost return. Usually, a well-lit place without drafts and winds is chosen for this. The soil should be fertilized with organic substances, and if necessary, make mineral components.

Seedlings need to cut the stems, leaving three to four buds. And do not dig large pits, there will be enough depth in the size of the roots. After planting, roses need to be watered and sprinkled with sawdust to preserve moisture. For the first time, rose bushes should be protected from direct sunlight. The adaptation period of seedlings in a new place lasts about half a month, and then they begin to grow.

Whichever method you choose, it is important to remember that the best result is easier to obtain at a favorable temperature, which should be around +25 Β° C, as well as in good light and timely watering.


Summing up, we can say that at present, there are not so few methods and methods of how to grow a rose from a cuttings at home. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages, some of them are less effective, but more convenient, and vice versa. Therefore, when choosing a method of growing these magnificent flowers, it is important to remember that roses are capricious plants and require good and proper care.


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