Collage: an example of creating a Wish Card

It's no secret that thoughts are a vital engine. A positive attitude helps in achieving goals and fulfilling desires, and negative emotions and laziness destroy the most ambitious plans. An example of this is a collage of dreams that can be made up. It helps to determine life goals and find ways of implementation. You can create a vivid visual plan in various ways.

What is a wish collage

Collages of desires, examples of which can be seen in the photo, are also called “Treasure Map”, “Newspaper of Happiness”, “Poster of Desires”. You can meet other names or come up with your own. The bottom line is that this is a visualization of a dream, of a happy future.

collage example

Imagination is a tool that a person uses to achieve what he wants. The goal is clear when it can be imagined. Pictures and images used to create the collage help to identify the main points for self-programming.

You can create an annual collage that displays the tasks for the year relating to various aspects of life. Or thematic, aimed at solving a specific problem, for example, losing weight. The principle of building a collage, an example of which will be considered below, is similar in each case.

Specialists also single out individual and family options. In the first case, a person sets himself goals and objectives, and in the second, this applies to the whole family. Collective posters are created with the participation of all actors, taking into account common needs and wishes. Such options enhance the energy of the fulfillment of dreams many times.

When to proceed

It is important to feel that you can begin to complete the collage. For example, on New Year's, on a birthday. These dates are filled with festive magic and faith in miracles. The first five days of the new moon are also favorable. Perhaps the universe itself will tell you the time by sending a signal, in this case you need not wait, but start working.

collage how to make an example


To make a collage, an example of which can be the stories of people who have achieved success in this way, very few materials are needed.

It is necessary to take a clean sheet. It can be whatman or half of it. On a large area, you can place all your plans, and at the same time they will not look chaotic. You will also need a personal photo in which a person smiles, is satisfied with his life, he is well.

Still need clippings from magazines, brochures, printouts from the Internet. It is important that the pictures are clear, bright, preferably color. They should not be negative. You can prepare life-affirming quotes.

For work, you will also need scissors, glue, markers, felt-tip pens, pencils.

The collection of materials can take several days or even weeks to visualize all the collage points from the example.

Creative process

When all the materials are prepared, you need to tune in to the creative creative process. You can’t sit down to work in a bad mood, a positive attitude is important.

Lay out all the prepared workpieces in front of you and start work. Place a personal photo in the center of the paper. Around arrange the images of the main goals, and fill the edges of the sheet with long-term plans. This must be done in such a way that there are no clear gaps. There should be no white spots in the dream.

Felt-tip pen to make lettering on the collage. For example, in the image of a dream car - "My new car." All phrases should be in the present tense. There should be no negation in them. No need to write "I want to not get sick", rightly - "I am healthy." Not “I want a lot of money,” but “My first million.”

If you are dreaming about buying real estate, then you don’t need to cut out the first picture you get, you need to pick up an image of the house you really want to live in.

collage of desires examples

If you plan to find the second half, then it is worth picking up symbolic images of couples in love, hearts, pigeons and other paraphernalia. Do not stick a photo of your favorite actor. You cannot force another person to love against your will. Need to build a real relationship.

Feng Shui Collage

In this state, the desire collage will work. But if it is done according to the rules of the ancient Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui, then the action of higher forces will be directed in all directions.

How to make a collage, an example will be considered in detail.

A blank sheet of any convenient format should be divided into 9 equal sectors, as in the game tic-tac-toe. To do this, use a pencil and a ruler. Write the name of each sector. In the center is the “I, Health” sector, on the right the central cell is “Children, Creativity”, on the left in the center is “Relations with Relatives, Friends”, the upper central square is “Glory and Success”, and the bottom is “Career”. The upper right corner is dedicated to love and marriage, the upper left corner is dedicated to wealth and wealth. The lower left corner is Knowledge, Travel, and the lower right is Assistants and Patrons. Lettering should be done in a beautiful handwriting.

In each sector, write your cherished desire, corresponding to the orientation of the cell, but this should be done not in the form of a request, but in the form of approval and gratitude. To write not “I want to find reliable patrons”, but “My guardian angel helps me” or “Vladimir Vladimirovich favors my business”. It is recommended to leave some of the sectors without desire, but this does not mean that there will be no changes in this direction, simply there should be a place for surprise in life.

examples of proper collage

Seal each square with a background image of the corresponding elements. So, in the zone of wealth, you can place a picture with a suitcase of money or a mountain of gold bars. Decorate the section of family relationships with hearts or symbols of harmony, in the travel area put a photo of sandy beaches or forests. There should not be free clean space.

Now it's time to stick pictures with desires. In the center - put your photo. A picture should be taken at a favorable moment in life. It is advisable that other family members or close people be on it. If the dream is a beautiful slim figure, you can stick a clipping of a photo model with your face.

In the sector of love, arrange a family photo, or a picture of a couple in love.

If you want to buy a car in your dreams, then you need to put a tenderloin with a car moving from left to right - forward to the dream. Against the background of the house, stick figures of his future satisfied inhabitants. If you want to get big money in your dreams, then you need to portray yourself with a bundle of notes in your hand.

In the sector dedicated to children, you need to stick a family photo with the children, and if they are not, then the image of the baby, stork, cabbage, children's attributes.

In each compartment it is recommended to make inscriptions, slogans or explanations. For example, “My chic wedding”, “Our cozy home”, “Happy family”, “My highly paid work”

Fantasy will tell you how to fill in all the points of the collage. You can see the correct example, but you do not need to copy exactly - everyone has their own fate and desires.

Collage Charge

When all the points are completed and the result is satisfying and brings joy, you need to endorse the plan. You can sign in the lower corner and put a date or leave a handprint. If the work is collective, then each participant must put his autograph.

collage example

In order for the goals to be achieved, they must always be in front of the eyes, so the finished collage needs to be hung on the wall. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this must be done in the western part of the house. But if this is not possible, then you can place it by the bed so that when you wake up and fall asleep, you see the picture. So the subconscious will look for ways to implement the project. You can take a photo of the collage and place it on the screen saver of your phone or computer.

A desire that comes from the soul and brings benefits will certainly come true. No need to think about how to achieve this, you just need to dream, and the Universe will tell you the way.


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