"Alice in Wonderland": a summary of the book chapters. Characters "Alice in Wonderland"

In this article we describe the work "Alice in Wonderland." A summary of this fairy tale written in 1865 is brought to your attention. You will get acquainted with its plot. Key characters will also be presented to you. "Alice in Wonderland" is a fascinating story that you will certainly enjoy. We begin our story from the very beginning, from the first chapter.

First chapter

The girl Alice, the main heroine of this book, begins her journey through the Wonderland unexpectedly for herself: bent over from idleness and heat, she suddenly discovers a rabbit, which is not surprising in itself. But this rabbit not only turned out to be a speaker (which Alice was not at all surprised at that minute either), he had a pocket watch and, in addition, he was in a hurry somewhere. So begins the work "Alice in Wonderland." The summary of the book, of course, does not describe in detail all the events.

alice in wonderland book

Alice, burning with impatience, rushed into the hole behind him and suddenly appeared in a vertical tunnel. It quickly (or not quite, because the girl even managed to notice that she was on the shelves of the walls, and grabbed a jar with the inscription "Orange marmalade", which, unfortunately, turned out to be empty) failed. But in this world, everything ends, including the fall of Alice, and quite safely.

Alice is in the hall

The work "Alice in Wonderland" continues. A summary of it consists of the following events. The girl is in the large hall, the Rabbit disappeared, but she found many doors and a small golden key on the table, with which she was able to open the door leading to the magnificent garden. However, getting there was not possible, because the main character was too big. At the same time, the bottle turned up on her, which read "Drink me."

This is just the beginning of the most interesting events of the work "Alice in Wonderland". Summary of chapters is curious. The work itself is even more interesting. After reading the author’s text of the tale, you will get acquainted with Carroll’s original style of narration.

Alice, despite all her caution, decided to drink from it and began to rapidly decrease, she was even afraid that something might happen to her, which happens to the flame of a candle when it is blown out. Fortunately, there was a pie nearby, on which Alice read "Eat Me." Having done this, the girl grew to such a size that she began to say goodbye to her legs, which were far below.

Second and third chapters

Everything here was very unpredictable and strange. Even the verses and the multiplication table that had been long learned by the girl came out of her bias. Alice did not recognize herself, she even decided that it was not her at all, but another girl. From endless oddities and grief, the main character cried, crying a lake in which she almost drowned.

The work "Alice in Wonderland", a brief summary of which this article presents, further tells us how the girl discovered that not one was floundering in this strange tear lake. A mouse snorted beside her.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice, being a polite girl, started a conversation with her, as it would be awkward to be silent. Unfortunately, she started talking about cats, remembering about her beloved pet, left at home. But, offended by Alice's callousness, the Mouse left.

Chapter four

The rabbit, who appeared again, sent her, like a servant, for gloves and a fan to his home, as he was about to go to the Duchess. Alice did not argue, entered the house where Rabbit lived, but drank out of curiosity and there was liquid from some bottle. Once again, the girl grew to a gigantic size, such that it nearly destroyed his house. Fortunately, she was pelted with pebbles turning into pies, and the girl became tiny again, and then ran away. The author of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" has rich imagination! The summary of the work, meanwhile, describes only the main events.

Alice wandered for a long time in the inhospitable grassy jungle. She almost hit the young puppy on the tooth, after which she was near a huge mushroom, on which Caterpillar was sitting and smoking a hookah.

Fifth chapter

The girl complained to her that she was constantly changing in size and did not recognize herself, but the Caterpillar did not find anything special in such metamorphoses, reacting without any sympathy to the confused Alice. Especially when I heard that the girl is not happy with her current three-inch height, because he was very happy with the caterpillar! The offended Alice withdrew, taking a piece of the mushroom with her.

It came in handy when the main character saw the house. The girl chewed on a mushroom, grew to a size of nine inches and went to him.

Sixth chapter

Alice's adventures in Wonderland continue. She saw a footman who stood on the threshold, looking like a fish. He gave another, toad-like, invitation to a party in croquet to the Queen. Alice found out for a long time from the Footman-Toad whether she was allowed to enter, but did not understand any of the answers of this servant (not without, incidentally, strange logic).

In the end, the girl decided and went inside. This continues Alice in Wonderland, a book that still does not lose its popularity.

The main character found that she was in the kitchen, in which there was no rest from pepper and smoke. A cook was cooking here, and not far was the Duchess, who had a screaming baby in her arms. The cook was throwing dishes in both cases. Big Cat watched with a grin all this. The Duchess briefly explained to her surprised Alice that the Cat was smiling because he was Cheshire, and said that all cats could smile. Then she began to hum a familiar seemingly lullaby shrill baby, but for some reason Alice became terribly frightened of her. The duchess finally threw the girl a bundle with the baby. The girl brought out a grunting restless baby from the house and suddenly saw with amazement that this was Piglet, and not at all a child!

Alice in Wonderland

The main character involuntarily remembered other children, from which, perhaps, would be nice little pigs.

Alice’s adventures in Wonderland continue. Here, in front of the girl, the Cheshire Cat appeared again . She asked him where to go next. Smiling, the Cat explained that if Alice doesn’t care where to come, you can move in any direction. The cat told the girl calmly that in the country where she went, everyone was abnormal and disappeared. But not all. His broad smile remained, hanging for a long time in the air.

characters alice in wonderland

This property of the Cat was especially useful to him when the Red Queen, ferocious and terrible, ordered to chop off the animal's head (chapter eight). The Cat immediately disappeared. Only one head was visible in the air. But how can one be ordered to chop it off if there is no body?

Meanwhile, Alice went to the March Hare and got to tea drinking.

Chapter seven

Alice in Wonderland

The Mad Hatter and the Hare were forced to drink tea continuously as a punishment for these heroes killing Time. These characters ("Alice in Wonderland") reacted to the main character inhospitable - they laughed and intimidated. The girl left and got after another adventure in the royal garden, where gardeners painted red roses in white.

Alice in Wonderland Chapter Summary

Chapters Eighth to Twelfth

Here the spouses appeared, Chervonny Koroleva and Korol, surrounded by courtiers - smaller red hearts and diamonds. And although they showed harshness to others, Alice was not afraid. She reasoned that these were just cards.

In the hall, the girl saw almost all the friends from Wonderland. Judged at this time, Hearts of Hearts, who stole the Queen’s baked pies. Suddenly they called the main character, who had grown to the usual size. About her sound logic, all attempts to intimidate the girl made by the spouses were broken.

alice in wonderland book summary

The magic was scattered. The girl woke up near her sister on the same meadow. It was just a dream.

So ends the tale "Alice in Wonderland." This book was written a century and a half ago, but does not lose its relevance to this day, remaining one of the most famous works for children.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1555/

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