Traffic management: duties of passengers and pedestrians. Attention on the road

One of the most important topics for each of us is the organization of traffic. The responsibilities of passengers and pedestrians are no less important than those performed by people sitting behind the wheel. Many mistakenly believe that the road is a place where only drivers are responsible for everything that happens. Not at all. The road is a place where everyone can become both guilty and injured.

traffic management duties of passengers and pedestrians

Briefly about the topic

The correct organization of traffic is very important . The responsibilities of passengers and pedestrians are numerous, as are those performed by the driver. In this regard, I would like to note the first point. And it consists in the fact that the participant in the road traffic is that person who is directly involved in the movement. And in order for the latter to be orderly, everyone is required to comply with the rules established by law.

The most important thing to learn is that the right-hand traffic is legalized in our country. This means that when implementing such a transport adheres to the named side of the road. Now the second point. A road may include one or several carriageways, as well as sidewalks, tram tracks, dividing lanes and curbs. Each participant has his own place. Roadway - for trackless vehicles. Tram tracks - respectively, for trams. Sidewalks are for pedestrians. The curb is also intended for their movement, as well as for stopping cars.

About stops on the carriageway

In fact, more often pedestrians violate traffic rules than drivers. Take, for example, cases when they cross the roadway on which active traffic is carried out. When they come to the realization that cars are flying in both directions, and they won’t be able to quickly run across (otherwise there will be an accident and other consequences), they decide to stop at ... marking. Be it either double or single lane. Many people think this is normal, because cars pass by. However, not everyone takes into account the fact that cars come in different widths. And sometimes two cars go literally back-to-back, and such a grief-pedestrian can be hit by a mirror, for example. Yes, and you just need to remember: the markup is designed to distinguish between rows, and not to stop a person who is too lazy to reach the transition, which are usually in a couple of tens of meters. Fortunately, there is now Administrative Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Part 1). According to her, pedestrians are fined, violating traffic rules and crossing the road in the wrong place.

pedestrian responsibilities

Safety islands

Many are aware of their existence, or at least have seen it. What are they needed for? The law on traffic states: the purpose of the islet of safety is to split the crossing over the road into two parts. And in each of them pedestrians monitor only one direction of movement. There is no need to constantly turn heads from side to side to see where the car is coming from. Everything is much simpler in this case. He looked to the left - got to the islet, turned his head to the right - reached the sidewalk.

These islands are also designed to reduce the speed of cars, as the lane begins to narrow and shift to the side. Thus, it is possible to make the left turns available at intersections safer. And all thanks to a decrease in turning radius. Of course, in this case it is better not to overdo it to the motorist and not to make the same radius minimal.


Rules of the road (it’s 1 time to learn them and be safe) - this is what everyone should learn. Even the one who believes that he will never have to drive a car. This is a topic for everyone to learn, like the ABC or multiplication table. Well, or if you do not memorize the entire book, then at least the signs need to be learned.

Basically, people need to know where to cross the road. Pedestrian crossing sign - it would seem that could be easier? But there is one nuance that may surprise many. Some people, meeting a warning “triangle” in a red frame, which shows a person moving along a “zebra,” believe that it is here, in this place, that you can cross the road. Not! This sign only warns that in 50-100 meters there will be a pedestrian crossing. It’s important to remember this! The sign that indicates the place where it is allowed to cross the roadway is a blue rectangle.

traffic law

What a pedestrian should strictly follow

In addition to the above, you need to remember the circular pointer in a red frame. Inside it is a man. It is crossed out by a red line. Means that the transition is prohibited there. It can be life threatening. And the transition will remain prohibited either until the cancellation sign, or until the next intersection. By the way, it is often installed on highways.

Another pointer is in the form of a blue square. It depicts a man descending down the stairs. And this means that in this place the pedestrian is obliged (!) To use the underpass.

Where can I cross the road?

A banal question, but it can be revealed in very detail. Everyone knows that if a green traffic light comes on at the crossing, then you can go. This knowledge is not enough. It is for this reason that now many people are passing road tests to understand how competent they are as pedestrians.

Well, transitions are both unregulated, and vice versa. The traffic light is adjustable. On the rest it is not, but there is only a transition sign and a “zebra”.

It is important to know that even if the green traffic light comes on, it is better to wait a couple of moments, look around and go on. No need to think: “The color has changed, you can safely go and not worry - I'm right!” Yes, the pedestrian is right. It just may well be that the car slipped through a traffic light, the driver did not see how the color changed. He, noticing a person on the “zebra,” began to slow down, but ... everyone knows that the stopping distance is a couple of tens of meters. So no need to rush. Better to protect yourself.

If this is a crossroads and there is no crossing, then you can go along the sidewalks or roadsides - the rules allow this. And if there is neither one nor the other? SDA (traffic rules) and this case provided. In such situations, a person has the right to cross the road at a right angle on a site where there are no fences and dividing strips. Be sure to move to the edge of the roadway. And the terrain should be viewed in both directions.

traffic rules 1


Above was briefly mentioned about the punishments that threaten careless pedestrians. Now it is worth touching on this topic in more detail.

So, for the transition in the wrong place or the red light will have to pay 500 rubles. If a person has violated the obligations of pedestrians, and due to his negligence, interference has occurred in the movement of one or more cars, the fine will be a thousand rubles. And finally, 1000-1500 rubles will have to be paid to those people who, through their careless actions, caused harm to light or medium gravity to human health.

What a passenger should know about stops

All that has been listed above is far from all the information that can be told on such topics as traffic management. The responsibilities of passengers and pedestrians are a very broad topic. I would like to talk about the first. Passengers also have many responsibilities.

So, for example, they can enter the minibus, trolley bus or other type of vehicle only in those places where it is allowed. As for the exit - the same thing. In fact, it happens like this: people stand anywhere and “catch” a bus. And when he flies past, they curse that he has not stopped. And he did it right, since the penalty for stopping in the wrong place is rather big. Also, passengers often ask the driver: “Stop over there.” The violation in this case is the same. Boarding and disembarking passengers are made exclusively at stops.

traffic provision

Other questions

There are still many provisions that pedestrians are required to observe, because they are also directly related to the concept of “road”. Traffic is often violated precisely by passengers. Most often this happens like this: a person plans to go to the other side to wait for the bus there, and then he sees how he is approaching from the other side. In order to be in time, he begins to cross the road in order to have time to get into it. The consequences may be different, but it always brings a little chaos to the movement. But now is not about that.

Each citizen must comply with the order at the entrance to and exit from the vehicle. During the trip, all people who stand are required to hold onto the handrails. In cases where there is a pointer over certain places, then they should not be occupied. They can be designed for disabled people, the elderly or those who have entered the transport with a small child.

It is important to observe public order and be polite towards other passengers and transport workers. Many personalities, especially when the car is full, start to get angry, push around, speak out about sitting. It must be remembered: this is public transport. Each person who entered paid and has the right to space and place. And you must put your luggage so that it does not cause any inconvenience or interference to others.

What must a passenger do?

So, about the responsibilities of pedestrians was said. But what about passengers? They also have them. Firstly, everyone should pay for travel and baggage, if he takes extra space. Are there any benefits? An appropriate certificate must be presented.

Tickets must be composted. If this is a long-distance route (intercity or to another region), then you must take the place indicated on the ticket. You can get out of the bus only after it stops completely. If a person needs to leave the transport at the next stop, this should be warned in advance, and loudly. The machine will not brake immediately. Not everyone remembers this, but everyone swears at the driver. If in the cabin a person saw a suspicious thing or something forgotten by others, it is necessary to notify the driver about this.

traffic school

What is not permissible for a passenger?

The modern traffic school teaches a lot. It was said above that the passenger is obliged to do, but now it’s worth telling about the opposite.

A person has no right to distract the driver from the road, talk with him during the trip and demand to drop him off or ask him to “stop the car immediately”. Also, you can’t ask for a “ride for free.” The driver is at work, and he takes the money. It is strange that for some individuals this fact is not known. Also, passengers should not urge anyone to relinquish their seat. Again, everyone pays. And it is not for nothing that buses are called minibuses. Everyone has equal rights.

You still can not make noise in the cabin and talk loudly on the phone. And even more so independently open the car door. In general, one must keep order and behave appropriately, culturally.


Much has been said about road traffic. But the metro is also a mode of transport, and it is also worth mentioning how to behave in it when boarding or waiting for a train. So, you need to stand on the right, and go on the left is the first thing to remember. You can’t run on the stairs of the escalator or sit on them. On the platform, it is strictly forbidden to go beyond the restrictive line. And if a person has something fell on the rails, in no case should you get the thing yourself. For this there is an attendant. We must turn to him, and he will do everything according to the rules.

traffic tests

Driver memo

The traffic management was described in great detail. The responsibilities of passengers and pedestrians, too. Finally, a few words should be said to the drivers.

Naturally, the attention on the road has not been canceled. Everyone must be careful, without exception. And the driver, moving even along an infinitely empty road, must remain concentrated. Not tense, but concentrated. Although everything comes with experience. Driving a car, a person masters the ability to do several things at the same time: to follow the road, the appearance of pedestrians, signs, markings, traffic lights, etc.

But how many emergency situations are known when a motorist knocked down a pedestrian and then justified himself: “I did not see him, he really appeared out of nowhere!” Sometimes it seems so. The field of view narrows when a person drives for a long time. And you can really not see some points.

In general, everyone must be careful on the road. And comply with traffic rules. These are two main conditions.


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