Doodle Alchemy: Walkthrough Doodle Alchemy Recipes

Alchemy is an incredible project that has won the minds and hearts of millions of users around the world. Extremely straightforward game offering exciting entertainment that is not tied to time. At the beginning of the game you are given four elements that need to be crossed among themselves in order to receive new ones. And then you have to use the received objects to cross them again and again to get something new. The idea seems rather primitive, but, as you know, everything ingenious is simple, therefore, โ€œAlchemyโ€ was waiting for incredible success. One of the biggest advantages of this game is the fact that it is not tied to time, that is, you can open the application at any time and close it in the same way - all progress is saved exactly at the place where you stopped last time. Therefore, "Alchemy" is an ideal way to have fun in any conditions - during breaks at school, at university, at work, in public transport and other places where you may have nothing to do, but you need to spend time somehow. It is worth noting that this game also has clones, such as Doodle Alchemy, the passage of which will be discussed later.

Differences from the classic game

doodle alchemy walkthrough

Naturally, you should not think that Doodle Alchemy, or "Alchemy on paper", is an identical analogue of the original version of the game - then it would simply not make sense. There are differences, but they are not particularly significant. For example, in Doodle Alchemy, the passage takes much less time, since there are not many elements there. But at the same time, the peculiarity of this version is the original graphic design - the game is no longer presented on a black background, now all the elements are entered in the book. It should be noted that an important element is accompanied by a beautiful and stylish image. Also, images, as they appear, are distributed across different sections of the book, which greatly facilitates their search and further use. And in general, such a design looks much more attractive than the original version. Although the passage in Doodle Alchemy is not very different in essence from the classic version, this project also has its fans who prefer to consider the extracted "badges" in a more interesting graphic plan.

Elements for the first letter of the alphabet

doodle alchemy recipes

There are several approaches to considering the passage of this game. First of all, it is worth paying attention to its complete non-linearity. That is, you will not be able to go through Doodle Alchemy according to some previously created plan. You have dozens and hundreds of probabilities, each of which you can use at any time, so simply drawing a player along one line will not work. But how then will the passage in Doodle Alchemy look like? The easiest way to consider getting elements to certain letters of the alphabet is that any user can look into the guide, check which elements he does not have, and also figure out what he can do at the moment. There are not so many of them on the letter โ€œaโ€ - to get an aquarium, combine glass and fish to get aluminum, cross the plane and metal. An alcoholic is obtained by combining man and alcohol, and an atomic bomb is a combination of a scientist and an ordinary bomb. America will come out if you add to the ocean of Columbus. Moreover, it is worth noting separately the elements that were added by the latest update - Australia and diamond. The first is obtained by combining the image of the country and the kangaroo, and the second by pressure and coal. In Doodle Alchemy recipes, as you can already see, can be quite realistic, since in most cases they are close to the real state of affairs.

Next letter

answers to the game doodle alchemy

You will get a little more elements on the letter "b". But itโ€™s worth paying attention that in the old version there were much fewer combinations, in the new Doodle Alchemy recipes are presented in much larger quantities. Thus, from the initial combinations, you can cross a worm with air to get a butterfly, add a swamp to life to get a bacterium, and combine water and cement to make concrete. The combination of two basic elements, earth and water, gives a swamp, and gunpowder and metal, assembled together, turn into a bomb. The reed processed by the tool turns into paper, and the air combined with energy turns into a storm. Not without mentioning countries - in order to get a tractor "Belarus", you need to add potatoes to the country. These are the initial recipes for the letter โ€œbโ€, now let's look at those that were added with the latest update. A pig treated with fire turns into bacon, if you put pressure on the oil, then you will have gasoline, and if you put two books together, you will have a library. And that's not all - the combination of the dam and the beast gives you a beaver, and the combination of the sick and the brick house turns into a hospital. Fire and beets together turn into borsch, and the diamond processed by the tool becomes a diamond. Answers to the game Doodle Alchemy can only be given a certain combination of two elements. You, most likely, have already noticed this too. Thus, we can say that Doodle Alchemy is a simplified version of the classic "Alchemy" with an improved external component.

Letter "b"

alchemy walkthrough android

As for the letter โ€œc,โ€ the answers to the game Doodle Alchemy, that is, to put it simply, combinations of elements, were initially very few. There were only three elements - vodka, seaweed and warrior. The first was obtained by combining alcohol and water, the second - life and water, and the third - weapons and a hunter. But the developers quickly expanded the range, and new elements appeared in the game that you can open. Combine human and blood and get a vampire, when you add Robin Hood to the country, you get the UK, a combination of two wheels will give you a bicycle. If you add desert to the beast, you get a camel, but a combination of two basic elements of air will give you wind. If the grapes are attacked by bacteria, the result is wine, and the grapes themselves can be obtained by combining earth and wood. Another alcoholic drink, whiskey, is obtained from a combination of alcohol and wheat, but to get hydrogen you need water and electricity. By not the most obvious logic, a beast crossed with a cloud will become a wolf, but it is much more understandable how a clock in combination with life gives time or how pressure and lava turn into a volcano. This is what happens in Doodle Alchemy walkthrough. Android is the perfect platform for this kind of game. This was proved by the classic version, but this option is another confirmation of this fact.

Answers for the letter "g"

alchemy free walkthrough

The best part is that the status of Doodle Alchemy is free. Passing, respectively, will not require any financial investments from you, that is, you will receive pleasure absolutely free. Therefore, hurry to find out what elements on the beech "g" you can create in this game. In the initial version, as usual, there were not so many of them. You could bring a dragon and a warrior and get a hero, combine sand and a swamp and create clay, sow arable land with seeds and grow peas. Moreover, it is here that a fairly rare phenomenon occurs for this game - a double recipe. To get a city, you can combine two skyscrapers, but also you will achieve the same result if you combine a skyscraper with a person. In the original Alchemy, this is a frequent occurrence, while Alchemy on Paper offers one recipe for one element. The last items you could get in the initial version of Doodle Alchemy are mushroom and thunder from a combination of earth with algae and energy with a storm, respectively. And here is what the latest update offers: adding carbon dioxide to the water will give you soda, the grass added to the tool will turn it into a lawn mower, the land combined with steam will become a geyser. The Volkswagen Beetle in this series is universally a symbol of Germany, so adding the element "country" to it will give you this particular state. A warrior combined with a chariot will turn into a gladiator, and the chemical reaction of oxygen and hydrogen will give you explosive gas. Bread fried over a fire becomes croutons, and a bacterium that gets into the air forms the flu. Both simple and banal recipes were added (water with dust turns into dirt), and not the most ordinary ones (when combining a bird with blood, a vulture is obtained). Passing the game Alchemy Classic did not always give such interesting scenarios, so in some ways this version is superior to its predecessor.

Not much new for "d"

walkthrough alchemy classic

The letter "d" in this game was originally popular - only four elements were added to it with the update. In Alchemy Classic, passing the Android version could take you a lot of time due to the complexity, the abundance of options and elements. In Doodle Alchemy, in turn, everything happens faster - just because there are fewer elements, and even updating does not increase them excessively. Initially, you could plant seeds in the ground to get a tree, combine a boat with wood - the result was a wooden ship. You could cross an egg with the ground to get a dinosaur, and if you brought the patient to a scientist, you get a doctor. The beast that appears next to the man becomes livestock, the dinosaur breathing fire turns into a dragon, and the wood processed by the tool forms wood. As for the update, one serious drawback was fixed in it - the lack of an element that would be obtained after combining the two basic elements of the earth. Now, if you cross these two elements, you will get pressure. When combining a steam engine with gasoline, you can make an internal combustion engine, a flower and alcohol give perfume, and fire with tobacco turns into smoke. As you can see, the passage of Alchemy Classic was much more complicated and confusing, so if you are just starting to play such games, then first of all it is better to familiarize yourself with Alchemy on Paper.

Letter with one element.

alchemy classic walkthrough android

Quite surprisingly, in the original version of this game there were no elements with the letter "e" at all. The passage of the game Alchemy could be completed without creating a single item starting with this letter. And you canโ€™t say that the update has changed a lot. Of course, the game now has an element with the letter "e", but it is one - this is Egypt. To get it, you need to combine the country and the mummy. That's all the Doodle Alchemy recipes for this letter.

Elements for the letter "g"

The letter "w" in this game is the perfect balance of the original with the update. In the initial version of the game, there were two elements for this letter, and the update added the same amount. At first you could get life from energy and a swamp, as well as a beetle from the earth and a worm, but then the developers suggested that you make pearls from sand and shells, and fat from a person and a pig. But thatโ€™s where the work ended, and the Doodle Alchemy game was left with four elements starting with this letter.

A small addition to the "z"

If in "Alchemy on paper" and those letters that were almost completely represented from the very beginning. For example, only one element was added to the letter "z" in the update - this is sound. To obtain it, you need to combine wind and metal. The rest of the elements you could get in the very first version of the game. When combining land and a lizard, a beast is obtained, crossing a worm and a swamp gives you a snake, a philosopher's stone and aluminum together turn into gold. Also worth noting is a rather interesting element called zombies. To get it, you need to make a corpse, and then add life to the corpse to revive it. As a result, you will get the walking dead.

"And" and other letters

The letter "and" was originally represented by only two elements - limestone and tool. The first could be obtained by combining plankton and stone, and the second by man and metal. But the update greatly expanded the possibilities by adding as many as six new recipes. For example, if you add a light bulb to a person, you get an idea; if you bring two fish together, the result will be caviar. Not without countries on the "and". In this game there are three of them - Italy, Iceland and India. In the first case, you need to add pizza to the country, in the second - a volcano, and in the third - not the most ordinary option - Kamasutra. it remains only to pay attention to the fact that iodine, which can also be attributed to the letter "and", is obtained from a combination of fire and algae. Naturally, the alphabet does not end with the letter โ€œandโ€, in fact, like the game Doodle Alchemy. However, it makes no sense to paint each element in detail, because the main thing is that you understand the meaning and principle. Now it will be much easier for you to solve the tasks that the Alchemy game will set for you. The walkthrough (iPad, Android and other platforms) is the same everywhere, so you can always refer to the guide without paying attention to what platform you are playing on.


Combine elements, cross objects, look for non-standard outputs, and you can quickly replenish your alchemical book with new recipes and combinations, which will bring you closer to the successful completion of the game. Remember that Doodle Alchemy is a simplified version of the classic "Alchemy", which received a much more pleasant appearance and simplified mechanics. If in the first part you could get one element by three, or even four different methods, then here almost always only one is suitable. In the classic version, you could combine several elements to get one, as well as get several, combining only two. Here you have one universal recipe: one for the other to make the third element. This is what you should adhere to. Do not try to invent a bicycle, but clearly go to your goal. And it can be only one - victory. You will achieve it as soon as you open all the combinations. The latter will now be available in your book, which you replenished throughout the game.


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