Optimal temperature in the aquarium for guppies, care and maintenance

Nature and everything that is her creation beckoned and continues to attract man. Perhaps that is why the majority of modern residents of megalopolises plant exotic flowers, aquariums in their houses, and equip ponds with private inhabitants: fish and waterfowl on private house plots. Those to whom conditions do not allow large-scale projects to choose small home aquariums. Of course, this decision is due to the fact that recently, aquariums are incredibly popular. Anyone can purchase for themselves everything they need for this hobby at affordable prices. And the choice of exotic fish on the market is so great that my eyes are wide. There are predatory giants astronotuses who love cool contents, and small guppies, the temperature in the aquarium for which is not so important, but it still matters. By the way, today's material will be devoted specifically to these small unpretentious fish and the correct conditions for their maintenance.

guppy aquarium temperature

Diversity in the world of live-bearing fish

Guppies - a type of aquarium fish that have won widespread recognition. Both beginner aquarists and experienced specialists are engaged in their breeding. In such a case, it is important to know the nuances, for example, to understand what the temperature in the aquarium for a guppy should be, how many times and how to feed these fish, whether they need an aeration system and so on. It is worth saying that guppies attract the attention of aquarists for many reasons:

  1. These tiny fish are unpretentious in maintenance. A beginner will cope with them. Many start them without heaters, because the temperature in the aquarium for guppies can be close to room temperature.
  2. Being viviparous individuals, they will not build special islands for throwing eggs. They also do not need to be handed out for spawning in a separate aquarium.
  3. A huge number of colors in the color of scales and tail fins makes guppies attractive to aquarists.
  4. Watching the hectic life of a small flock of guppies in your own aquarium is the highest pleasure for a real esthete.
  5. Guppies are a kind of aquarium cleaner. They are often advised to start newcomers, because in an unstable and not fully launched aquarium, various unwanted inhabitants, such as white glass worms or nematodes, may appear. So, guppies can easily save an inexperienced aquarist from such a misfortune by simply eating unnecessary animals.
what is the temperature in the aquarium for guppies

Ideal guppy aquarium temperature

Judging by the survival threshold, the guppies are able to exist in conditions of 15 to 36 degrees Celsius. But for them it is more likely an extreme temperature, so such indicators should not be adhered to. Otherwise, you can significantly reduce the life of the fish, killing them with a negligent attitude. Experts recommend setting the temperature within 23-27 degrees. In general, ideally, the temperature in the guppy aquarium should be 24 degrees Celsius, but a slight deviation of a couple of degrees to the smaller or larger side will not cause significant harm to the health of the pets. By the way, the rather extensive temperature range of guppy content in an aquarium is another reason that these fish are the most sold out in pet stores. They can be relieved without fear of more heat-loving fish or cold-loving.

guppy fish tank temperature

Experts recommend, if necessary, raising or lowering the temperature in the aquarium for guppies according to the principle of gradualness. A sharp drop can harm the health of the fish. During spawning, the temperature can be slightly increased, because at first the fry need more gentle conditions for correct and rapid development than adult, stronger ones.


In addition to the question discussed above about what should be the temperature of the water for guppies in the aquarium, there are a number of other rules for their successful maintenance. If we approach the issue of proper nutrition, then experts advise alternating dry feeds and frozen ones; both options can be found without problems in pet stores. Guppies love Daphnia, Corretre and Cyclops. Fish will not refuse from bloodworms. Experts recommend pouring a pinch of food once a day, it can be done twice, but little by little. Fishes should not be overfed. In addition, the quality of feed plays a crucial role. If you buy it immediately for a month, then the "live" feed is better to freeze. Obviously, the questions about what temperature in the aquarium for guppies are needed and how to feed the fish are the main ones in the content, but there are other important nuances.

optimal guppy aquarium temperature


The level of lighting plays a fundamental role in aquarium farming. Experts recommend the use of lamps whose power does not exceed 60 watts. In this case, daylight hours should last from 10 to 12 hours. Lighting still plays an important role in the proper development of plants planted in the aquarium. Without it, the green oasis will simply perish. It is worth remembering that the use of even fluorescent lamps can slightly heat the aquarium with fish.

Chemical indicators of water

Guppy aquarium water temperature

I would like to note that not only lighting with the water temperature in the aquarium for guppy fish plays an important role in the health of little handsome men. The chemical composition of water is also important. Acidity should be neutral and hardness should be between 10 - 25 ° dH.

Baby Care Facts

Sooner or later guppies will give offspring. When this happens, take care of the young. It is better to fry fry from adult individuals. For these purposes, a capacity of 20 liters may well work. But there is another acceptable option: divide the aquarium with a mesh with a small mesh. So the fry will be able to penetrate through its holes, floating away from the mother, who can eat them. The optimum temperature in the aquarium for guppy-young animals does not differ at all from that recommended for adults. Of course, the first days of life it is better to adhere to a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, gradually reducing it to 24.

optimal guppy aquarium temperature

Water change in an aquarium with fry

Experienced aquarists recommend replacing up to 40% of water every day in an aquarium with young guppies. In normal life conditions, when all the fish are adults and mature, this procedure is carried out once a week or as the aquarium becomes contaminated. In all cases, the water to be poured must be settled and have as close a degree as possible to the temperature in the aquarium of guppy fish in order to avoid unnecessary stress for the pets. The sponge from the filter needs to be washed as needed if its model is installed inside the aquarium. If an external modification is used, then the cleaning procedure will be carried out quite rarely (sometimes once every six months). As for the aeration of water in a guppy aquarium, it will never be superfluous, because the additional saturation of tap water with oxygen is a big step on the path to the health and longevity of the fish.

As you can see, keeping guppies is a snap. It is only important to choose the right conditions for them, and then the natural corner in the house will delight and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1557/

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