Sakharov Vasily: the writer's work

Vasily Sakharov is a talented Russian contemporary writer who has created a large number of works in the literary genre of fantasy and science fiction. His novels and entire book cycles have one important feature - they are all imbued with soulfulness and love for the motherland, which are characteristic of the Slavic peoples as a whole.

Sakharov Vasily Ivanovich: biography of the writer

Vasily Ivanovich was born on November 19, 1977 in Russia (Krasnodar Region) in the village of Ternovskaya. In 1997, Vasily Sakharov entered the marine school named after G. Sedov in Rostov-on-Don, after which he received the profession of navigator-navigator. After a while, the future writer was called up for military service in the Navy. In connection with the prevailing life circumstances, Vasily Sakharov is qualified in many different professions: orderly, sailor, landscaper, security guard and builder. For a long time he could not find his place in work and was more interested in his hobby - the search for treasures. At the moment, Sakharov Vasily Ivanovich is a member and is actively involved in the affairs of the Cossacks of the Krasnodar Territory.

Sugar Vasily

Creativity Sakharov

All the works written by Vasily Sakharov can be divided into such literary genres as fantasy and fantasy.

Writing career began with the publication of works in the famous online magazine. Vasily Sakharov (“Samizdat” became his constant companion, since he published the first samples of the pen on this portal) quickly gained popularity and recognition from readers. Already in 2011, the first novels appeared - "Soldier" and "War for the Gates."

In 2012, a book by Vasily Sakharov, “Bulavin,” appeared on the windows of bookstores.

Despite the fact that at the moment it is already possible to find printed versions of books authored by Vasily Sakharov, Samizdat is still an indispensable partner of the writer.

In addition to works of art, Sakharov has a large number of articles mainly on historical subjects. Since the author Vasily Sakharov was born in the Krasnodar region, many of his articles tell about the Cossacks, the history of the past. In addition, the author is very well able to convey what is now the Russian Cossacks.

All of Vasily Sakharov’s books are interesting for their plot, written with an easy syllable and, indeed, worth the time spent on them.

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The Thor Trilogy

A series of books "Thor" refers to the literary genre of combat fiction. The plot focuses on a young soldier who lives in the thirtieth century AD. Advances in technology have long allowed us to live on other planets that are suitable for humans. However, there is a danger threatening the human race. These are long, grueling wars that grow in scale and take away many innocent lives. The main character, Victor, is sent to one of the old military planets in order to create a new working structure. But fate plays a cruel joke with him, and the protagonist learns that his grandfather is looking for him, the existence of which he had not even suspected his whole life. The unexpected appearance of a relative dramatically changes Victor's life.

Book of Vasily Sakharov “The Vedun”

The novel belongs to the literary genre of combat and historical fantasy. In the center of the plot is an ordinary person who is invited to participate in an experiment, to which he agrees without hesitation. As a result of experience, the main character falls into the past, in the twelfth century. There is no way to go back, so the hero is lost - what should he do? As a result, he makes an important decision - to change history and help the Slavic people survive the Night of Svarog with less loss.

Sakharov Vasily Ivanovich

Trilogy War for the Gates

The cycle belongs to the fantastic literary genre. The action takes place in a parallel space in space, where the Empire of the Elves has been waging war on its rebellious slaves for many years. After their defeat, the elves begin to draw other worlds, the inhabitants of which are people, into this intraracial split. Through manipulation and false promises, the elves manage to create a huge army. Planet Earth is also participating in a war absolutely unnecessary for her. However, not everyone wants to die for the interests of others. The main character - Timothy Kudryavtsev, sets off on his own way, not wanting to participate in other people's conflicts.

books by Vasily Sakharov

The novel "Fork"

The work is written in the genre of fiction. The novel is an alternative history of World War II, in which there are prototypes of Hitler and Stalin. The main character goes into battle under the banner of Germany against the troops of the USSR. The main idea of ​​the author is the construction of the Russian state and the Cossacks.

Urkvart Roijo series of books

The entire series of books belongs to the literary fantasy genre. The soul and mind of the protagonist is in the body of the son of a dying Count Master. Without trying to impose his customs, the hero tries to settle and get along in an unusual environment for him. He makes friends, enemies, patrons. The main character is trying to learn ancient magic and become a former person again. The main idea of ​​the work is to show that in any world both people and nonhumans are like an ordinary person who has his goals, desires and secrets.

The novel "The Last of the Ancients"

author Vasily Sakharov

The work belongs to the style of fantasy. The plot focuses on a lonely baronial son who is not accepted in the family. Everywhere he feels himself a stranger. Upon learning of his blood secret and origin, the main character finally loses hope for the best, and goes to war, in which mages and representatives of ancient sorcerers participate. The novel describes the life story of this hero, all his spiritual torments, thoughts and reasonings, what he had to go through to finally find peace of mind and understand his purpose in this world.


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