Private kindergartens of Tver

Today, many Soviet-style kindergartens are in decline. In addition, the facilities available are not enough for all children. To avoid the endless queue, parents are increasingly sending their kids to private kindergartens. And this is not surprising, because such institutions have a whole host of advantages. Let's look at the best kindergartens (Tver), the addresses of such institutions.

Art family

We begin to survey Tver kindergartens from an institution called Art Family. You can find it at St. Petersburg highway, 15.

This private kindergarten (Tver) forms groups by age, in which there are no more than 15 children. This approach allows educators to pay attention to each baby. The disclosure of the creative and intellectual abilities of children is facilitated by conducting for them more than a hundred developmental activities for each month.

kindergartens Tver

Kindergarten Art Family provides kids with full five meals a day. At the same time, cooks take into account the individual needs of children. In particular, the characteristics of children prone to allergies are taken into account.

Particular attention is paid to security. CCTV systems installed in the rooms allow parents to monitor in real time what is happening with the child.

Corporate Crib

When considering kindergartens in Tver, you should pay attention to the institution called "Corporate nursery", which is located on Kommuny street, 23. This place will be an excellent option for parents who do not find a place for their own child in the municipal garden.

Here, children are brought up in groups divided by age. Children from one and a half years are accepted in the presented kindergarten. The maximum age for admission is 7 years.

private kindergarten tver

In kindergarten, children will be taught to be sociable and cultural. Professional teachers of the institution organize classes in such a way as to reveal the artistry and hidden talents of the children. The created conditions contribute to the comprehensive development of children at the stage of preparation for school.


We continue to survey the kindergartens of Tver. Next on our list will be a family club called Spring. You can find the institution at 15 Artyukhina Street, Building D.

Classes are organized in small groups by age. During educational activities, children are taught to communicate with peers and seniors, and are introduced to the environment. Educators provide the disclosure of the talents of children, give them positive emotions, prepare classes aimed at physical development.

kindergartens g Tver

Other private kindergartens of Tver do not have such a wide base of visual and demonstration, methodological and sports equipment as the institution in question.

β€œFree parents”

A private kindergarten, which can be found at Lidiya Bazanova Street, 5, is an institution focused on the short stay of babies. Here parents can leave their children from 2 to 6 years old for several hours, going about their business.

In groups divided by age categories, classes are organized for children aimed at:

  • knowledge of the world;
  • disclosure of creative talents;
  • physical education;
  • speech development;
  • elementary preparation for upcoming school.

"Family and Me"

We will finish our survey of the best private kindergartens in Tver with the institution located at 25 Khromova Street, Building 2. Children from 1 year to 6 years old are welcome here. In nursery groups, kids are prepared for admission to the state garden. Visiting groups for older children allows children to acquire basic skills for successful learning at school.

kindergartens Tver addresses

Teachers of a private kindergarten combine a teaching and play approach in their work. Much attention is paid to the development of creative abilities of kids. Children are taught various drawing techniques, in particular, creating images in the sand, which has a relaxing effect on the children's psyche. In addition, there are classes on sculpting sculptures and crafts from a wide variety of materials.

Thematic classes are held in separate rooms. Each teacher purposefully works with only a few kids at a time. The remaining children at the same time play games under the control of other carers.


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