Tibetan Lofant - a universal medicinal plant

The Tibetan lofant is a perennial plant and belongs to the family Lamiaceae. All types of lofant are good honey plants, but anise lofant is considered the best . The Tibetan lofant has a stalk up to 1 meter high and its leaves are similar in appearance to nettle leaves. In growing this plant is unpretentious, so even a beginner gardener can deal with its cultivation. If you have a shortage of land, then Tibetan lofant can be grown even between trees. To obtain a more lush plant, you need to grow it in fertile areas that are well lit.

Lofant Tibetan - growing

This plant has healing properties; all its aerial parts are used as medicinal raw materials. You can buy Tibetan lofant seeds in the store and grow seedlings, in the first year of life you can only make one cut. About 15 centimeters of its top are cut off during flowering. Tibetan lofant normally tolerates our winters even in the absence of snow. To protect the plant in the winter, the area where it grows must be covered with foliage or straw.

In the second year of life, the plant begins to grow actively and it is already possible to do two blanks of medicinal raw materials. Part of the plant is cut for the first time in July, while up to 35 centimeters of the plant can be cut. The second pruning is carried out in the fall, but already at a height of about 15 centimeters. Lofant raw materials must be dried like ordinary medicinal raw materials.

In the leaves, flowers and stems of the lofant there are many volatile, biologically active substances and vitamins. It stimulates the metabolism well, helps to remove various waste products, radionuclides and toxins from the body. When used inside, it helps with diseases of the kidneys, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Also, this plant has a calming effect on the human nervous system and helps to normalize blood pressure.

For external use, the lofant has a disinfecting effect, so it is used in the healing of ulcers and wounds, as well as in other skin diseases. The use of lofant infusion to rinse hair helps strengthen their roots, it also eliminates wrinkles and maintains skin elasticity.

When using Tibetan lofant, there is a general strengthening of immunity, therefore it is effective in the treatment of many diseases. For example, the fresh leaves of this plant well refresh the oral cavity and increase potency in men.

It is not difficult to prepare the infusion of lofant, for this you need to pour two tablespoons of greenery with two glasses of boiling water and wrap it for three hours. When taken internally, they drink ½ cup three times a day immediately before meals. For external use, they wipe the skin, and you can also add infusion when bathing or rinsing the head.

To prepare tincture from this plant, you need to fill in 200 grams of greens with half a liter of vodka. After this, for a month it should be infused in a dark place, it is necessary to periodically mix the composition. After the tincture is ready, it must be taken three times a day for 20-25 minutes before eating. In the morning and evening, take 10 drops, and in the afternoon 20.

This plant has a pleasant smell and you can just sit near the beds and breathe, while you get a boost of energy and a surge of strength. You can also hang a linen bag with dried lofant in the apartment. It should be located near the head of the head and periodically rubbed with your hands to enhance the aroma.

Lofant can also be added to salads, meat dishes, for making tea, stewed fruit. It is also used as a spice during the preservation of tomatoes and cucumbers, and can be used for baking.

Thus, we see that the Tibetan lofant has many useful and medicinal properties and therefore it deserves the right to love and attention of gardeners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15589/

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