Separator: principle of operation, a review of models and photos

A unit that separates the initial product into fractions is usually called a separator, while the chemical composition of the liquids does not change. Such an apparatus is used in the food, chemical, automotive fields. The principle of operation of the separator is the same, but its design may vary.

By scope, it is worth highlighting several types:

  • industrial;

  • household.

General description of the device

Separator design

The separator device and its principle of operation are almost the same in any models. Everywhere there are containers for entry, exit and drum. To select an operating mode, there is a control panel. Modern devices are capable of producing cream with a fat content of 5-20%.

When working with a mechanical unit, it is necessary to catch the optimal number of revolutions per unit time. Most often it is 60 revolutions per minute.

Today, manufacturers can offer a wide selection of models, all of them, with proper care, storage and operating conditions, have a high service life. Metal separators are more durable than plastic, but they are much heavier and more expensive.

Dairy units

Industrial devices are used in the food industry. They are able to process huge volumes of milk, dividing it into various components. These are complicated separator devices with a working principle that differs in the volume of production, they occupy entire workshops.

Household Electric Milk Separator

Household separators are in demand by private farmers. They allow you to process a small amount of product without unnecessary labor.

Depending on the type of processing, the principle of operation of the separator for milk can be of several types:

  1. Cream separator. Separates whole milk into cream and skimmed liquid.

  2. Normalizer. It produces milk of a given fat content.

  3. Cleaner. Separates various foreign particles, dust, dirt from milk, while not dividing the product into components.

  4. Universal. It is capable of simultaneously performing both cleansing functions and dividing the initial product into cream and skim milk.

  5. Curd. The results of his work are cottage cheese and whey.

  6. Clarifier. It brightens and homogenizes milk.

  7. Separators for serum. Lighten and degrease it.

For industrial purposes, all types are used, while in households they use classic ones - for separating cream from whole milk, and universal ones - for separating foreign substances.

Manual milk separator

By design, separators can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Open. The resulting products are in contact with air. Such devices can be both stationary and portable. They have a significant drawback - when milk interacts with air, it foams, which complicates the operation of the separator.

  2. Half closed. In technology, the source of whole milk comes from open sources, in contact with air, at the output, the processed products are separated into sealed containers.

  3. Closed. Complex separators, which are part of the general design line and cannot be an independent apparatus. At the inlet and at the outlet, the products come from closed containers.

Household units always have an open look and are divided into 2 types:

  1. Manual - with a mechanical drive.

  2. Electronic - work from the mains.

In today's world, most often you can find separator devices on the principle of electrical operation. That is, with an electronic drive. They take up little space. For the operation of the device, a working outlet and a small free space for placement are enough. But manual units do not lose their relevance. They do not depend on the availability of the power grid and have a budget cost, however, they require rather high power costs, but sometimes this is the only option for milk processing.

Fuel separator

It happens that water accumulates in diesel fuel, which can cause irreparable damage to the parts of the car and disable them, falling into the tank of the car. Installing a fuel separator today is the only way out of an unpleasant situation. However, the choice is up to the buyers.

Fuel apparatus

The principle of operation of the separator for fuel is to separate and retain foreign fluid and other mechanical impurities. Once in the apparatus, the source material is twisted in a centrifuge (drum). Under the influence of centrifugal force, all excess compounds are thrown onto the walls of the sump, and the cleaned fuel enters the diesel system.

Further, the partially purified substance rises by means of special blades, small foreign particles settle on the walls of the flask, and the rest rolls to its bottom.

The final stage of purification is the passage of fuel through the filter, only after that it enters the diesel pump, which feeds it into the entire fuel system.

This small unit is able to significantly improve the quality of diesel fuel.

Gas unit

The apparatus serves to isolate liquid phases and mechanical particles from compressed gas. In addition to cleaning, the separator maintains optimal pressure in the system.

It can be either an absolutely autonomous apparatus that cleans gaseous mixtures of foreign particles, or a unit of the complex that is part of the general design of a station or plant.

Gas separator

The principle of operation of the gas separator is based on the removal of mechanical elements and condensate in volatile compounds using various types:

  1. Gravitational. It is able to filter foreign particles with a mass different from the source gas.

  2. Inertial. It is based on a sharp change in the direction of the gas flow, as a result of which foreign particles fall on the walls of the trapping nozzles.

  3. Reticulate. It is used at the final stage of purification before supplying gas to special storages.


Industrial milk separator

Summing up, we can distinguish several main areas of application of separators:

  1. In the extraction of gas mixtures. Included in the design of snap-in stations for compression, distribution and transportation.

  2. In the food industry. For the production of cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheeses, skim milk, whey and other processing components.

  3. In the automotive industry. For cleaning fuel consumed by diesel engines.


In modern life, each person somehow faced with separators and the principles of operation of units. It is difficult to imagine their absence at work and at home, especially with a farmer or a motorist. This useful unit is designed to improve the quality of life of the population in any industry.


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