DIY knitted ottoman: step-by-step workshop

Famous designers insist that various small details complete the interior. Therefore, in the material presented below, we study the technology for making knitted ottomans with our own hands. This interesting item can fit into almost any ensemble of the room, giving it comfort.

What can be connected ottoman

Before embodying an idea in life, it is necessary to prepare. The first step is to purchase yarn. Experienced needlewomen say that you can knit the studied product with any knitting thread. However, it is better to give preference to a denser and thicker wool yarn. And the tape is also perfect.

In addition, many creative people knit studied interior items from old clothes. It should first be cut into strips of a finger wide, tied and twisted into a skein. You can still make a knitted ottoman with your own hands from twine, which is freely available for sale in any hardware store. Or use plastic bags as material. They should be stacked and cut into 2-3 cm wide rings. Then fasten together and also wind into a ball.

In any case, the choice of material lies entirely on the shoulders of the needlewoman. Therefore, you can choose yarn, focusing on your own taste, the wishes of the household and the style of the interior.

knitted ottoman

What tool do ottomans create

Not all needlewomen are equally good at knitting and crocheting. Therefore, they do not dare to decorate their home with a do-it-yourself knitted ottoman. However, a huge number of workshops compiled by professional knitters proves that you can realize your idea with any tool. But at the same time, it is important to consider that an iron hook and knitting needles are more suitable for a conventional knitting thread. The size should be equal to the thickness of the yarn. But for working with twine, clothesline or other dense yarn, you should buy a wooden tool.

What to put inside

Another important and difficult question that novice masters often do not cope with is the filler. After all, we will only make a cover. Therefore, the question of how to fill a knitted ottoman, for many will turn into a serious stumbling block. However, experienced craftsmen say that literally anything can be used.

Indeed, materials that can be purchased at the store can act as filler. Or outdated clothes, towels and other things made of fabric material. In addition, it is permissible to fill the ottoman with the contents of the pillow. And even feather. If you don’t feel like loading yourself with difficult questions, you can put an unnecessary blanket inside the case.

do-it-yourself knitted ottoman

How to save on filler

Very many needlewomen, thinking about how to fill a knitted ottoman, come to the conclusion that they can not find the necessary number of unnecessary things. Is it really in this case that you have to abandon the idea? Professional knitters shake their heads. And they offer a rather original alternative. The idea is quite simple, but it requires the preparation of twenty plastic bottles of the same size. In the depicted version, two-liter eggplants from Coca-Cola are used.

Ottoman from bottles

The first step in ten bottles is to carefully cut the necks. Put the rest on a whole bottle. As a result, we get ten “nesting dolls”. We expose them, forming a circle. Two pieces in the first row, then two rows of three and again two. We carefully wrap the structure with tape.

We take a box of suitable size from any equipment. We draw an ottoman twice on it, outlining circles. Cut and glue the bottom and top of the structure. Then we wrap it with an old blanket and prepare a knitted cover for your product. So, we manage to make a knitted ottoman with our own hands!

We are used to looking at plastic containers as garbage. However, needlewomen prove that in experienced hands this material turns into a useful and original thing.

knitted ottoman master class

Dimensioning a Conceived Product

To connect the ottoman, you must clearly determine the size. To do this, we calculate the parameters of your idea. If a frame made of plastic bottles is prepared, we measure the distance from the center of the upper circle through the side wall to the center of the lower circle. This is the length of the cover.

Then we determine the radius of the seat or the bottom - from the center of the circle to the side. Thus, we find out the distance during which we first need to make an increase, and then a decrease. And you should also measure the diameter of the circle or the circumference of the ottoman. This is the width of the cover. The manipulations described above must be performed for all the workshops “Knitted ottoman with their own hands”, explaining the technology of performing work using knitting needles and a hook. If the needlewoman plans to fill the prepared case with a soft filler, you can specify the parameters of interest offhand.

Knitting patterns for ottoman

crocheted ottoman

As we mentioned earlier, you can knit the studied interior item using both knitting needles and a hook. To say which tool is better, even professional knitters do not take it. Therefore, in the article we will study both technologies so that the reader can choose independently. Let's start by making a knitted ottoman with knitting needles. For such work, you must select a pattern. Most often, craftswomen prefer a simple facial surface. When on the one hand only facial loops fit, and on the other, only the wrong ones. Although, if desired, you can also supplement the canvas with braids and plaits. Looks interesting products associated with a garter stitch, which involves knitting facial loops on both sides of the fabric.

Preparing a fragment of a pattern

Having decided on the pattern, we are preparing a sample. To complete the ottoman, a square with a side of ten centimeters is enough. After which we carefully consider how many loops and rows have turned out. Denote the first parameter by the letter P, the second - R.

Divide the estimated width of the cover by ten and multiply by the value of P. The final number is written. Divide the radius of the seat by ten and multiply by the value of R. We also record the result. And finally, divide the length of the cover by ten and multiply by the value of R. This parameter is also fixed on paper. With the help of simple mathematical calculations, we manage to translate centimeters into loops and rows. Now we can begin to work, relying on our parameters.

Knitting ottoman with knitting needles

knitted ottoman with knitting needles

Experienced needlewomen note that making a crocheted ottoman with your own hands is a little easier than knitting. Because it will be possible from time to time to check with a centimeter. But novice masters are convinced that making calculations in advance, it is much easier to knit. You can completely immerse yourself in an interesting or complex pattern and not be distracted by taking measurements. We advise the reader to try both technologies, and then choose the most preferable one for themselves. Each option ottoman looks very impressive.

But we will not be distracted and proceed to a step-by-step master class:

  1. The first step is to dial a chain of five loops.
  2. Lock in a ring and just knit the first row.
  3. In the second - double the number of loops. After each loop add air.
  4. Subtract from loops equal to the width of the cover, ten. And divide the resulting value by the radius of the seat (in rows). So, we find out how many loops need to be added in each next row.
  5. After that, we return to work again. We expand our canvas to the desired size. Experienced masters recommend recording every action, because by analogy you have to reduce the loop.
  6. Then we knit a cover without increases and decreases, covering the sides of the ottoman.
  7. We put the cover on the frame or stuff it with filler.
  8. And we complete the work based on our notes.
  9. At the end there should be 10 loops.
  10. They must be reduced to five.
  11. Break the thread and stretch through the remaining loops.

We carry a cover that can be washed

knitted ottoman description

We decided how to fill a knitted ottoman. With our own hands we managed to bring the idea to life. However, a new question has now arisen. How to wash a cover that will certainly get dirty over time? Professional craftsmen recommend taking care of this in advance so that in the future you do not have to redo your creation.

It is only necessary to acquire a zipper, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the conceived ottoman. After that, you need to tie the seat and sides of the desired product. And make the bottom separately. The technology is the same, but first you need to dial the number of loops equal to the width of the cover. Then gently sew the zipper to the bottom, and then to the main part. And finally, we put the cover on the frame or stuff it well with the selected material or unnecessary rags.

Crochet ottoman crochet

knitted ottoman mk

If the reader is better controlled by the tool marked in the title of the current item, then we offer a detailed master class. However, first you need to make a reservation that traditionally, a cover for an ottoman is knitted with crochet columns. Although you can also make it openwork. But in this case, you need to prepare the lining. Experienced needlewomen recommend making it in a contrasting color. Then the cover will stand out favorably, and the product itself will look even more original.

So, making a crocheted ottoman is very simple. But you should start right. Therefore, we advise the reader to follow each step with our instructions. First of all, wrap the prepared yarn on any two fingers of the left hand. As a result of such actions, we will get a loop, which must be carefully removed and tied with six single crochet columns.

Next, gently pull on the initial tip and tighten the center of the circle. After performing these manipulations, we proceed to implement our ideas. In this case, you do not need to be guided by strict technology or record your every step. We will simply knit in a spiral, from time to time adding new loops, and forming a smooth circle. Having reached the desired size, we knit a “pipe” without adding or reducing loops.

The final stage is adjustable at will. If you want to make an integral ottoman, we reduce the loops for the bottom. Or we perform an ottoman from two parts, and then connect it with a zipper.

As you can see, even a novice master can do a crocheted knitted ottoman with his own hands or knitting needles practically without difficulty. It is only necessary to approach the task creatively, and then the process will certainly bring a lot of pleasure.


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