Equipment for the production of plastic products at home

For the manufacture of plastic products, ready-made lines in technology or individual professional machines are used. For the production of plastic at home, special technology and forms are used.

Professional plastic manufacturing: twin screw extruder

Professional equipment for the production of plastic products is a large number of machines through which large sleeve films, plastic window profiles, plastic pipes, polymer sheet and slate are manufactured.

equipment for the production of plastic products

Flat-slot device includes the following components:

  • extruder with a filtration system;
  • pneumatic loads;
  • inflation head with cooling device;
  • calibration based mechanism;
  • flat lay module;
  • rods for turning the horizontal direction;
  • rewinder;
  • pulling device.

The basis of the machine is an extruder. All additional components only complement the device. The principle of operation of the device is based on automation controlled by a given program.

Plastic Plastics Devices

Such equipment for the production of plastic products involves pouring the finished mass into special forms, where it is subjected to cooling. The result is a finished piece product. Most of the elements made of plastic are made precisely on such machines. The technology makes it possible to create complex shapes that fit the right sizes, multi-color parts, hybrid, foam-based and others. The injection machine is designed to produce various types of plastics.

Such a device is also used as equipment for the production of heat-insulating plastic products.

equipment for the production of plastic products plastic

The machine design includes:

  • module for the preparation of raw materials;
  • module that regulates closing and opening forms;
  • drive unit;
  • automated control unit.

Such a device has a high cost and contains many modern solutions.

Blowing machines

This equipment for the production of plastic products , plastic is used for the manufacture of hollow containers with thin walls. For example, produce cans, barrels, bottles up to 5 thousand liters.

equipment for the production of plastic and rubber products

The blowing device heats the material and gives it shape by blowing. Often, this technique is combined with injection molding in a machine with a combined configuration. In this way, PET containers are made.

Extruded Blow Molding

This equipment for the production of plastic products, as well as rubber, carries out the synthesis of blowing and extrusion. It can produce a wider range of products than blowing devices: fuel tanks, bumpers, pallets, seats, barrels, buckets, toys, bottles for tomato and milk, bottles for cosmetics. All processes are carefully monitored by a microprocessor.

mini equipment for the production of plastic products

Equipment for the production of plastic and rubber products is divided according to:

  • from the configuration of the heads;
  • on the number of posts.

Device Options

Equipment for the production of plastic products includes:

  • An extruder through which plastic is transformed into a homogeneous mass of soft consistency.
  • Extrusion head located at the outlet of the apparatus. A mass passes through it. The head can be of different designs (single-strand or multi-strand, angular or direct-flow).
  • The mass that passes through the head of the extruder and is the basis for the formation of the sleeve or tube billet.
    equipment for the production of heat-insulating plastic products
  • The blown part is the main unit of the device. Compressed air enters through a needle, nipple or mandrel. The form is brought in and closed. The workpiece is subjected to cooling, after which the mold is opened and the finished product is taken out. It also cleans the weld.
  • The complete set of the extrusion blowing device is complemented by a compressor and a cooler.

Thermoforming units

Such equipment for the production of plastic products is intended to produce products based on film, the supply of which is carried out in a continuous mode. The thickness and consistency of the material may vary. Using this apparatus, products such as disposable containers, paper-based glasses or plastic are obtained.

The principle of operation of the device

The material is subjected to heating up to 140 ° C, the product is blown out of the roll. Typically, a film is used in the manufacture of which is 100 micrometers thick.

equipment for the production of plastic products

By type, such machines are divided into tape, rotary, revolving, single-position and multi-position. Units of revolving and rotational type are used for molding. The process proceeds in automatic mode, manually or on the basis of semi-automatic.

Additional devices

In addition to the main units, in the process of manufacturing their plastic products, devices are used that greatly facilitate the work:

  • drying devices;
  • loaders;
  • mixers;
  • crushing devices;
  • conveyors;
  • devices for collecting flash.

Mini Plastics

Mini equipment for the production of plastic products is used to obtain the product in small batches. As a rule, single or multi-seat forms are used. The weight of such a device is 15 kg. It fits easily on a sturdy table. Because such a device was called desktop. Some units come with their own small table.

equipment for the production of plastic products at home

Models with an electric-based drive and an automated closing module are more compact. Such small machines are used to obtain experimental parts for new equipment.

Do-it-yourself plastic semi-finished products

Plastic scrap can be found everywhere. Houses are constantly collecting old unnecessary things from plastic. There are many bottles and packages on the street. Those people who like to do something with their own hands may have an idea to use all this for the production of plastic products at home, to subject the leftovers to grinding and re-melting.

But the novice master is not recommended to resort to such actions, since each type of plastic has its own characteristics, and the melting temperature for them requires a different one. In addition, usually in factories and plants, parts are cast through specialized plants in which high pressure is maintained.

Equipment for the production of plastic products at home

Even if you collect pieces of plastic and grind and melt them, bubbles will appear. The best advice would be to purchase plastic in liquid form at a building materials store that will serve for the manufacture of parts that are as good as factory ones in quality. Replacement plastic can serve as rubber.

You will also have to purchase:

  • silicone;
  • large capacity;
  • lithol.

If you decide to produce something from plastic, then do the work in a closed room. Vapors from plastic are toxic.

We make a form

Equipment for the production of plastic products at home includes a master model, the basis of which can be anything.

Suitable for you:

  • plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • tree;
  • paper and other materials.

The model of the part to be cast must be coated with lithol or other lubricant. After that make a form. Silicone is very popular. Everything is clear here, since working with such material is very simple and convenient.

Important nuances

  • Silicone is of two types: for pouring and coating.
  • Each species has its own elongation coefficient and degree of viscosity. As for the first indicator, we use silicone with an indicator of up to 200% for the manufacture of plastic.

Pay attention to the viscosity of the material.

Pay attention to the viscosity index of the material. The lower it is, the more accurate is the shape.

This point is especially important if you are working with a material such as cast silicone. Also take into account the duration of the polymerization. If you use pouring silicone, then the master model should be placed in the flask (it can be made up of steel or bronze), and then pour silicone.

Material viscosity

The lubricant is carefully applied with a brush. In this case, all irregularities are taken into account. The silicone must be allowed to cool, after which the master model is removed.

A flask is a container made of metal. It should be a little more than a master model.

Casting details

This process is directly dependent on the basis for the production of the part. Polyester-based resins and plastics of liquid consistency are attractive in that they are not melted. Their difference is in terms of viscosity coefficient and lifetime.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The mold is taken and thoroughly cleaned. It should not be wet or contaminated. All residual materials remaining after preliminary work are removed.
  • If necessary, you can change the color of the composition. For this purpose, a drop of paint is added, but it should not be water-based (paint is incompatible with liquid plastic).
  • There is no need for degassing. Molding plastic at home from the very beginning provides for the short life of the substance. Bubbles of small-sized items are displayed manually after pouring.
  • All components are thoroughly mixed and poured into the template slowly in a thin stream. The filling must be continued until the mixture has filled the entire volume and a certain fraction of the channel for casting. After going through the degassing procedure, the volume of material will decrease and become required.
  • Submit a gradual cooling to get a high-quality plastic model. Follow all instructions clearly.


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