Original DIY birthday present: ideas, photos

Can I make an original birthday present with my own hands? Of course. After all, the main thing is not the price of the present, but the attention that you give to the person. If the birthday boy is close to you, then you know exactly what he wants to get. Based on this knowledge, unique things can be done. Moreover, they can be both utilitarian and decorative. We will consider the ideas of creating original birthday gifts with our own hands below.

Soap composition

Do you know how to create useful gifts? Then, probably, you have already acquired the skill of soap making. But you must admit, giving rectangular, albeit very beautiful soapy pieces is uninteresting. Yes, and why, if you can make a more original present. How? You can make several soap preparations. For example, a figurine of a bear, ice floe and an iceberg. Now combine the parts and glue them together, slightly melting the figures. The composition will look original. She can decorate the bathroom, and if necessary, alternately use each soap figurine for its intended purpose.

Photo Frame

original DIY birthday present

If the birthday boy loves to clothe his memories in photographs, and then also print them out, then there should not be any problems with the present. What is an original DIY birthday gift you can make? Photo frame. You can create it from any material at hand. Cardboard, wood, even pieces of linoleum, can be put into action. Of course, it is better to use natural natural materials. To make the present more original, you can make not one frame, but a whole collage of them. You can fasten the parts with glue or wire. The decision should be made based on the design of your crafts. You can immediately insert a photo into the frame or offer to do this birthday.

Decorative composition

DIY birthday gift for girlfriend

Do you like to create and as a material for crafts choose non-trivial objects? Perhaps you find inspiration in dry leaves, stones, or the details of various mechanisms. Such crafts can be an original birthday present. With their own hands they will not be difficult to build. You need to come up with a composition, but it's better to draw it. Then select all the necessary materials and bring the idea to life. You can get a volumetric sculpture, as well as an applique and even a bas-relief. But it should be remembered that the craft you are making is not for yourself, but for a friend. Therefore, immediately think about where he will put it and whether your creation will fit well into the interior of the birthday apartment.


make a DIY birthday present

What is a DIY gift for a girlfriend’s birthday? Present the decoration to the girl. You, like no other, should know the girl and her taste preferences. Therefore, it will be easy to navigate what exactly needs to be made. Perhaps it will be miniature earrings, or maybe it will be a large wire pendant. Consider the opinion of a friend, not only in form, but also in the material of the product. If your friend prefers heavy jewelry. In this case, stones should be used, and if light, then lace and thread. You also need to consider the color scheme of your product. If you are afraid to miscalculate, choose black, white or beige colors. They are universal and can fit any look.

Decorative bottle

What to present for a birthday? If you don’t have any ideas, donate alcohol. How to make a DIY gift for such a birthday? Giving a bottle of champagne, even in a beautiful package, is not very presentable. But if you decorate the vessel with beads, lace, rhinestones or sweets, the present will produce a completely different impression. So think about an idea. If you give a bottle of brandy to a man, you can sew clothes on it. For example, the working form of the birthday person. It will be especially interesting to look if your friend works as a cook or a doctor. And if you give champagne to a girl, you can dress a bottle in a beautiful ball gown.

Edible bouquet

Thinking of making a husband a birthday present with your own hands? Build an edible bouquet. Such a composition can be made from your man’s favorite snacks. For example, Bavarian sausages, sticks of smoked cheese, smoked sausage or fish. You can beautifully arrange products as wrapping paper or as a newspaper. To such a non-trivial gift as an application, you can build a cake of beer.

DIY birthday gifts photo

If you are preparing a present for a girl, then you should be less artsy. For example, to build a bouquet of flowers of the same color scheme and complement them with fruits to match. What can be used to make such compositions? Anything: strawberries, apples, lemons or pears. You need to focus on the taste preferences of the birthday girl.


If you want to surprise a loved one, give him a piece of your talent. For example, sew him a personal pillow. Moreover, you can make a present of two types: decorative or utilitarian. Of course, the usual pillow for sleeping will give too trivial. Therefore, you can make a pillowcase and fill it with buckwheat husk or dried herbs. Such a pillow will help a person sleep peacefully and treat a large neck or lungs. If you want to create a decor item, then your choice should fall on an anti-stress pillow. Such toys can be given to both a child and an adult. The pillow will help to relax and relieve tension in the hands, which accumulates there in a day.

Painting plates

And what about fruit and candy dishes in your home? Most likely, there are no personal plates for these products. And if your friends don’t have such items, it means that you can safely present them. And you can give not standard dull things, but homemade, painted ones. Get a large plate in any store with dishes and paint it with acrylics. If your friends love decorative products, then you can create a plate that can be hung on the wall. Draw on it a cute landscape or a funny image that will appeal to the birthday boy.


Can't figure out how to make a birthday gift for your girlfriend with your own hands? Sign up for pottery courses. At a fascinating master class, you will be taught how to create ceramic products, and they will also show all the stages of creating dishes. You will learn how to work with clay, how to make rotation objects on a potter’s wheel, and also try to paint your product yourself. Do you think that the result of your first lesson will not be worthy of praise? Do not worry. Experienced educators always help beginners, and collaborative creations look amazing.


How can I make a birthday present for my grandmother with my own hands? Make a scarf. Older women are very careful about their throat and wrap it at any time of the year. Therefore, you will not be mistaken if you make such an accessory. And in what technique to make a scarf? If you draw well, you can try to paint a piece of silk fabric. This technique is called batik, and even without much preparation, you can make a painted scarf. You can knit a stylish accessory. And it doesn’t matter if you crochet a scarf or knitting needles. You can even sew it on a sewing machine or with your hands.


do-it-yourself birthday present for grandma

What kind of birthday gifts for a daughter can mom do with her own hands? Small, as well as large girls, love boxes very much. The child always has something to put there. It can be a kind of treasure chest. Indeed, your daughter will surely bring all kinds of stones, branches or beautiful leaves from the street. So create a repository for all this beauty. You can attract a husband to make a box. For example, to distribute duties in this way: a man makes the foundation, and you decorate it. If your husband is not eager to help you, then you can create a box from a shoe box. Cover it with wrapping paper inside and out, and then decorate with ribbons, lace or artificial flowers.


Do not think that men do not know how to appreciate the beautiful, this is all fiction. You can literally draw a dad’s birthday present with your own hands. Write a picture. If you hold the brush in your hands for a long time, then it will not be a problem for you to depict the landscape with your father’s favorite view. You can also present a portrait to a man. Believe me, all the representatives of the stronger sex are proud of such things.

If you want to surprise your loved ones, then you can give them an application. Making it a lot easier than painting a picture, but the image will still turn out spectacular. If you want, you can even come up with a whole panel. You can build it from improvised materials.

Flower arrangement

Do you want to surprise your girlfriend? Give her flowers. But do not present an ordinary bouquet. Something more complicated should be put together. If you do not want to overwork yourself, just place the flowers in a box in which you should first put the floral sponge. But over the years, this type of gift is losing popularity. Frameworks are in fashion today. What is their charm? Such bouquets are one-sided, that is, they can be assembled from a very small number of flowers. And to put such a composition in a vase will be simple.


If your man likes to cook, you should encourage his efforts. How to do it? Present an apron as a gift to a man for his birthday. With your own hands it will be easy to sew such a new thing. After all, an apron is the first thing that girls sew at labor lessons. You can build a pattern yourself or download a ready-made version. Be sure to take measurements from the birthday person. After all, the apron should first of all cover clothes from boiling oil and smudges of fat, and only in the second it will be a decorative element.

If it seems to you that some pattern must be applied on the apron, then you can do it with acrylic. And all kinds of applications will look beautiful.

Candy Compositions

You can see the photo of a birthday gift with your own hands below. This picture shows a bouquet of sweets. Yes, the topic is pretty hackneyed. But no one is stopping you from showing a little imagination.

DIY birthday gifts for daughter

As already mentioned above, bouquets of fresh flowers on a frame are in fashion today. You can repeat this idea in artificial colors, inside of which candy will be wrapped. You can decorate in this way not only a box, but also a bottle of champagne or a box with a main gift. You can also dilute the candy bouquet with fruits or soft toys. Show your imagination and do not be afraid that the girl will not be able to appreciate your efforts.

Knitten things

do-it-yourself birthday present for dad

And what kind of gift do you need and at the same time, an original DIY gift to your husband for your birthday? Tie your beloved man a warm sweater. In our century, when clothes are cheap, but their quality leaves much to be desired, you always want to have some cozy and well-knit sweaters. Therefore, equip your husband with such a thing, and you will see sincere gratitude in his eyes. If you do not know how to knit complex things, then you can make socks, mittens, a scarf or gloves with your own hands. Accessories are never redundant. A man will be happy with warm new things that will warm him in long winter walks.


If you do not know the person well enough, but you have a desire to somehow wish, for example, a colleague, a happy birthday, then you can present him with a small gift. For example, a magnet made by hand. You can make it from any improvised materials. For example, from plastic, wire or wood. You can attach a small toy to a small magnet or, from a large canvas, make a massive magnetic board, for example, on a refrigerator or on a kitchen wall.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15614/

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