What can be done from plastic bottles, fantasy tells

Each house has a large number of different things that can be reused. One of such ornamental materials is plastic bottles. What can be made from plastic bottles? A lot of useful and beautiful crafts.

For homeowners, such material is just a godsend. Made piglets from plastic bottles of 5 liters, will not only be an ornament, but can also be used as flowerpots. To make such animals is very simple. It will take one 5 liter water bottle, four bottles of drinking yogurt, one plastic bottle, pink paint and eyes for soft toys of a suitable size. Put the bottle on its side. The lid will become a patch. Below we cut four holes and insert the bottles of yogurt into them - these are the legs of a pig.

Cut out ears from a plastic bottle. We make cuts at the top of the bottle and carefully insert it. From the same bottle we cut a strip in a spiral, closer to the neck - this will be the tail of the pig. At the bottom of the bottle we make a small slot and fix the tail-spiral. We cover the whole product with pink paint. Glue the eyes or draw them with black paint. We put two points on the patch. Our pig is ready. If you want it to function as a flower container, then cut a large enough hole on the back, fill the soil with soil, and plant flowers.

What can be made of plastic bottles to decorate a garden or home? Make a bouquet of flowers. Chamomiles from plastic bottles will delight you all year round. For their manufacture, special skills are not required. From improvised materials you will need three white milk bottles, one yellow cap, a green plastic bottle, wire, scissors. We cut off the upper part of all three bottles, with a height of 15 centimeters. We leave the threaded neck for one part, and cut it off for two. It turned out three blanks, on which we mark and cut the petals, rounding them at the ends. Do not cut it to the end, leaving 2 centimeters to the neck. We put the remaining two parts on the blank with a whole neck and bend the petals beautifully. We twist the yellow cover - this is the middle of chamomile. Cut green leaves from green plastic. String the leaves on the stem (wire) and fix the flower. A beautiful daisy is ready and you can "plant" it in the garden.

What can be done from plastic bottles, only your imagination will tell. There are many use cases. You can protect the flowerbed with colorful bottles by sticking them with their neck down into the ground. They will serve not only as decoration, but also become a kind of heating system for planted plants. The cropped bottom of the bottle will be a wonderful cup for seedlings. And the neck turned upside down and installed in a container with water is perfect for growing green onions on the windowsill.

From plastic bottles you can make a universal bag for the beach or shopping. To do this, you need to cut a certain number of squares from plastic. Using a hole punch, make holes around the perimeter and tie each square with bright threads, connect them into a bag. You will not see such a fashion accessory in anyone else.

Wondering what can be made out of plastic bottles? Make Christmas balls on the Christmas tree, which will serve you for a long time. This lesson will be attended with pleasure by younger family members. To make a beautiful Christmas ball you will need one plastic bottle, various finishing materials (sequins, rain, glass beads, beads), glue and a little imagination. We cut the bottle into rings of equal width. We connect several rings between them, collecting them into a ball. You can use multi-colored bottles, then the product is more interesting.

Spread each strip with glue and decorate with decoration material. From above we tie a sufficiently long rain, which will serve as a loop for attaching the ball to the tree. Here is our decoration ready. Plastic decorations and various toys are especially good when there are kids or pets in the house. You can not be afraid that the jewelry will break and someone will get hurt.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15627/

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