How to transport a newborn in a car without endangering it

Already on that solemn day, when the baby is taken from the hospital, the baby makes his first trip in vehicles. Then trips with parents will become familiar, and safe - only on condition that the carriage of the newborn in the car will be conducted according to the rules. Only then will the life of your heir be threatened: after all, 97 children out of 100 who died at the time of the car accident would be alive if their parents took care of the safety of their child.

how to transport a newborn in a car
How to transport a newborn in a car? Why do we need devices for this?

All restrictions on the transportation of the baby are based, firstly, on his age characteristics. The newborn has too much imbalance between the weight of the head and the strength of the muscles that fix it. If an adult is able to hold his head at the moment of shaking, then in the crumbs it throws back. Considering the baby’s weak muscles and brittle bones, this can lead to serious injuries during any sharp braking, high bumps or turning the machine.

When transporting a baby in her arms, even the most caring mother will still get tired or distracted, and this can be the very “fatal” moment that will have to be regretted. All this forces intelligent parents to select special devices that ensure the safety of their child. These include car seats and chairs.

How to transport a newborn in a car? Car seat

carriage of a newborn in a car
The cradle is sometimes included with the stroller for babies. This device is best adapted to the horizontal position of the body that is familiar to the newborn. In addition, nothing prevents the baby in the cradle from breathing correctly.

When placing the cradle in the back seat of the car perpendicular to the movement, do not forget to fix the crumb in it with the built-in straps. Yes, she herself is also conveniently and firmly fastened with special restraints to the seat.

But before you carry the newborn in the car in the cradle, consider some of its shortcomings. Firstly, the baby will grow out of it very quickly. And secondly, this device takes up a lot of space in the car. In addition, it is not strong enough, especially taken out of the stroller.

How to transport a newborn in a car? Car seat

Worthy competition for the infant carrier is a special chair. In it, babies can be transported from the first days of life. True, the position of the crumbs will be somewhat unusual - reclining, but this does not pose any danger for him if the correct incline is observed and riding no longer than an hour and a half.

how to carry a newborn in the car
A children's car seat is mounted on the seat, with its back facing the direction of travel, and is fastened with special brackets or standard straps. The child in it should be comfortable and firmly fixed.

Make sure that the chair's tilt is within the range of 30-45 °, since with a flatter angle (more than 45 °) the safety of the chair is greatly reduced, and with a lower tilt (less than 30 °), the baby's head falls forward, which makes breathing very difficult. For additional fixation of the head, special rollers are also used, which lay crumbs on both sides of the head. Note that using homemade pillows or rollers is not recommended!

To summarize, let us recall once again: before transporting a newborn in the car, think about whether you have everything you need so that the trip gives you and your child only pleasure?


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