Barcelona: useful information for tourists. Useful information about the metro in Barcelona

Traveling to other countries resembles plunging into the ocean: you plunge into a new unknown world, whose inhabitants have their own character, traditions, and features. Watching this uncharted little universe will be much more interesting if you learn about it as much as possible.

Breathtaking Barcelona

One of the most visited and beloved resorts for fans to see the world has become the beautiful Barcelona. It is a real open-air museum, because here at almost every step a tourist expects an architectural masterpiece, colorful combinations of styles and eras and entertainment for every taste. The many-faced city cordially welcomes its guests and knows how to impress even the most demanding of them.

Barcelona useful information

In order for a trip to the capital of Catalonia to bring you real pleasure, in this article we will tell you about what you need to do.

Barcelona: useful information for the traveler

Arriving in Barcelona, ​​the traveler first of all asks himself: "How to get from the airport to the city center and back, from one attraction to another, so that it is convenient and economical?"

The transport system of the capital of Catalonia

A great advantage of this tourist Mecca is its well-developed transport system, which is represented by sightseeing buses, taxis, subways, trams, trains, funiculars. It is not monopolized, it is curated by various companies, for example, TMB (metro), FGC (railway). The main transport authority for Barcelona and the surrounding area is Autoritat del Transport Metropolita.

useful information about Barcelona

At the same time, a developed system can become a significant obstacle for a newcomer. After all, it is quite difficult to determine exactly the optimal route and route without knowing the basic principles of moving around the city. Useful information about Barcelona will help you not to waste precious time trying to figure out the intricacies of bus and rail traffic.

For the convenience of residents and guests of the capital of Catalonia, the city administration divided it into 6 large zones with subzones. The most famous and most visited of them is, of course, the city center - this is zone No. 1.

Types of tickets

If you are traveling in Barcelona and can devote it to studying just one day, the best ticket option for you would be T-Dia, which provides the opportunity to travel by public transport for 1 day. Its cost varies from 7.6 euros to 21.7 euros (depending on how many zones you plan to visit).

Barcelona, ​​useful information about which is collected in this article, is an ideal place to combine relaxation with replenishing your knowledge and expanding your horizons.

In order to study the city in more detail, a curious traveler will need a single ticket T-10, which provides 10 trips by public modes of transport without reference to the date. It is very comfortable. After all, it is quite difficult to purchase a new ticket each time. And the fare in Barcelona significantly affects the thickness of the wallet. Therefore, the opportunity to travel on one ticket several times pleases everyone without exception. Trips on the T-10 in one zone will cost you 10.30 euros, in two - 20.20 euros, and further on increasing. Traveling on the T-10 is much more profitable than traveling with the purchase of a ticket for 2.15 euros each time.

Barcelona information

The information about Barcelona prepared before the trip will tell you that the T-10 card must be inserted into the composter of each type of transport on which you are traveling. The number of remaining trips is displayed on the turnstile display screens, so the city visitor will not have to remember anything. This is one of many convenient transportation solutions that Barcelona can boast of.

Useful tips for tourists will turn the trip into a real pleasure. Knowing some tricks, you can save money not only on moving around the city, but also on visiting a number of attractions and museums. So, the most popular travel option for a traveler is the Barcelona Card. It allows visitors to the city free of charge or with substantial discounts to visit some sights and museums for 2–5 days. The cost of the card depends on the number of days that you plan to devote to studying Barcelona, ​​and you can purchase it either in the tourist centers or via the Internet.

Benefits of Barcelona Card

What is the benefit of the Barcelona tourist map? There are several advantages:

  • Unlimited travel by public transport.
  • 30% discount on guided tours of the Gothic Quarter and some other places in Barcelona.
  • Discount at certain bars, shops, restaurants and clubs.
  • Discounts on visits to 26 museums, including the Sagrada Familia, the Museum of Modern Art and the Picasso Museum (cultural places that Barcelona is best known for). Useful information about the discount to these establishments will save you a considerable amount of money.
  • 20% off Aerobus.
  • The opportunity to visit 16 museums for free (including the Art Nouveau Museum, and the Museum of Art);
  • Barcelona map as a gift.
    Barcelona travel tips

Useful information about the metro in Barcelona

Very convenient for moving around the city is the subway. 11 lines, differing in color and number, are controlled by different companies and allow you to comfortably and fairly quickly get from one point to another. A funicular has also become part of the metro system, on which everyone can climb the Montjuic mountain, which Barcelona is so proud of.

Useful information about the capital of Catalonia will become a real travel assistant for tourists. For example, it allows you to find out that the metro of the city has a characteristic feature called the “Barcelona decision”. The peculiarity of the project is that instead of two lines in the metro there are three: in the middle, wide, and on the sides - two narrower. This design option allows you to reduce the crush when boarding and alighting people.

Useful metro information in Barcelona

The work of the subway is thought out to the smallest detail. If you have any questions, you can contact the metro personnel through special communication devices. In addition, each station has a detailed plan of the city's attractions, a metro map, a description of the routes of other vehicles. We did not forget about people with disabilities: numerous elevators and escalators facilitate their movement.

Useful information for Barcelona is prepared in advance by an experienced traveler. After all, as it is said in a well-known saying: “Forewarned means armed!” Armed with knowledge of the city where the trip is planned will never be superfluous.


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