How to choose a filter for the pool?

Owners of private pools often think about the question: β€œWhat kind of filter for a pool should you choose?”. This question can be answered if you know at least a little what filters generally exist.

Filters for pools are different. Let's start with the cartridge filter. He does not require any special treatment. The filter element is propylene membranes. You can make it so that such a filter will not even be visible in the pool. So that the appearance does not deteriorate. It will be simple enough to mask the filter, with which almost everyone can cope. The main advantage of such a filter is that it is inexpensive. So, with severe clogging, the filter can simply be thrown away and replaced with a new one. And it will not hit anyone in the pocket. But this filter can also be washed periodically under a normal stream of water.

A simple device is a sand filter. Water, as the name implies, is cleared by calcined quartz sand. But, if the cartridge filters have no impressive weight and are relatively small in size, then the sand filter is quite heavy. By and large, the creators of the sand filter did not begin to reinvent the wheel. This is a regular sand tank through which water flows. The sand filter costs a little, so there is no problem changing it periodically.

But for the diatom filter for the pool you have to fork out a bit. It is based on powder from small parts of skeletal minerals. This powder also cleans water. The degree of cleaning is really excellent; several cartridges work simultaneously. But, as we said, it costs a lot.

It is clear that any filter is clogged, which purifies the water. There is no way to do without it. Experts advise flushing the pool filter about once every ten days. But there are one more small problems. For example, the same sand filters constantly accumulate lime. If this happens, the filter efficiency drops sharply. And in some cases, its complete blockage occurs.

Specialized stores sell products that clean the filter of lime deposits. But no one says that you need to spend money almost every month on a special tool. Cleaning can be carried out 1-2 times a year. And there is no difficulty in this process.

Anyway, if you have a pool, you subscribe a priori to certain expenses. A good filter is really needed. And you don’t need to save on it if you want to swim in clean water and feel just wonderful! Choose the best quality product, do not save on your friends and relatives.


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