Details on how to remove privat in Minecraft

Today we’ll talk about how to remove a privat in Minecraft. Thanks to the wonderful WorldGuard plugin, we can protect property from grippers - malicious pests. If there is such a useful program on the server, the inhabitants of the virtual world get the opportunity to privatize both individual objects from their belongings and the territory on which their home is located. However, there are situations when such features must be disabled.


how to remove privat in minecraft
The solution to the question of how to remove the privat in the "Main" directly depends on why this action is supposed to be performed. In the case when we no longer need to use a specific region, previously transferred to private ownership, this will not cause any inconvenience to other residents who will occupy the site after us. The fact is that the functions of WorldGuard allow you to not only set a private, but also delete it. Moreover, the latter procedure is even easier to carry out. We choose the order of actions based on what we made personal. If any items, such as a door or a chest, become private, we will only need a single simple command. So, to solve the question of how to remove the old privat, we use the / cremove code. Next, left-click on our object. Thus, he will be freed from the protection of WorldGuard. We will not be able to remove the privat from someone else’s property in the described way.


how to remove privat in mine
To solve the question of how to remove a privat in Minecraft from the territory, we will resort to another tool. We enter the chat command / region remove, then through the space indicate the name of the region, which was invented earlier, when the character assigned it to himself. Such a decision will remove from our property the territory, as well as the name of our character, who was its owner. If the specified method does not work, you can try another command - / region delete, also indicate the region name with a space. Thus, the question of how to remove a privat in Minecraft can be considered resolved, however, the described process has a number of features, which we will also figure out.

It's important to know

how to remove old privat
If the name previously assigned to the reserved territory cannot be remembered, we will first clarify it. Take the rope from the inventory. It can also be made on a workbench. This item will help us. To create it, install green mucus in the central cell of the workbench 1, four threads on the left above it and in the lower right corner. As a result, we get two ropes. Next, take one in hand and right-click on the area from which you want to remove the privat. There will be an inscription, which is its name. There is also a special command to get the information we need - / rg list. If at the moment disconnecting a private from the region is not required, but it is necessary to deprive a specific resident of the right to use the site, in this situation special teams will also help us. In this case, we enter the code / rg removemember into the chat, then the spaces and the player’s name (in the case of ordinary user privileges), separated by spaces. That's all. From now on, we know how to remove the privat in Minecraft, however, we should not rush to make such a decision.


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