Flag and coat of arms of Australia. What animal on the emblem of Australia?

Australia is a mysterious and unusual country, located either on the smallest continent, or on the largest island. Animals living on the territory of this state are also unusual and unusual, and besides, they are not found anywhere else. Of course, with such initial data, the emblem of Australia is almost the most artistic, special and unusual among, perhaps, all emblems on Earth.

The history of the Australian coat of arms

coat of arms of australia

The history of modern Australia began with the settlement of its exiled convicts. And even though they did not go to “emigration” by any means voluntarily, the descendants of many of them still inhabit this continent. The natives (Bushmen) who settled the country before the exiled criminals did not have a state, so there is no need to talk about Australia’s coat of arms. And at the beginning of a more modern history, this country consisted of disparate parts, so the history of its coat of arms began only in the twentieth century.

The man who gave the national emblem of Australia was the British king Edward the Seventh. It was he who approved the original version of this state symbol in 1908, in fact recognizing that the distant island-continent became almost independent. This happened on May 7, and after about four and a half years, the final (at least for the current moment), the Australian coat of arms familiar to us, was approved. This was done in 1912, September 19th. An interesting fact: the "morally obsolete" type of coat of arms was used much later, until the 66th. For example, it was minted on sixpence.

national emblem of australia

What is depicted on the emblem of Australia?

Its central part, in the best traditions of heraldry, is occupied by a shield. It is divided into six parts - the "states" or individual states that became part of Australia. Interestingly, the shield is held by two of the most recognizable Australian animals - the ostrich emu and the kangaroo. They stand on the branches of mimosa. This plant is also called golden acacia. The shield itself is divided into six approximately equal parts.

And what other animals on the emblem of Australia are present? A bird called shrike, swan and lion. All of them are symbolic and carry a deep semantic load.

But in addition to animals, the emblem also contains other symbols: a seven-pointed star located in the center above the shield, the constellation Southern Cross, the crown, a golden star with a cross. At the bottom, an artistically curved ribbon with the signature of the name of the state is located (it is also the name of the mainland).

And each image is not just chosen - the emblem of Australia is actually a disguised record of its history.

Symbolism of parts of the Australian coat of arms

The selection of the shield as the center of the composition is not surprising: first of all, the shield always symbolizes protection. The second heraldic meaning is both victory and possession. Given that Australia is not so easily received what is now called "autonomy", it is not surprising that the shield was chosen as the basis for its coat of arms. At the same time, from a heraldic point of view, the Australians are extremely honest: the edge of the shield is framed by an ermine border. And those who are not familiar with the basic provisions of heraldry, it should be understood that the ermine is an animal of royal and royal; at certain times in some countries only representatives of the “ruling family” could wear clothes from his fur. Thus, the emblem of Australia reflects the fact of a long British protectorate over this distant continent.

what animals on the emblem of australia

Moreover, every sixth part of the shield also symbolizes some part of the country, which at one time became part of the state. So, the shrike is South Australia. The state, called “Victoria” (which at the same time recalls the legendary British queen, who gave the name to an entire era, and the goddess of victory), combines the Southern Cross and the imperial crown. The symbol of Quisland is the Maltese cross, and New Wales has a regular cross, but with a gold star. Western Australia is represented by a soaring swan. Tasmania got a solemnly walking lion with a raised paw.

An interesting point in the emblem of Australia is a star about seven rays. If there are six parts of the country (namely, the rays of the star indicate them), then where did the seventh come from? It denotes the federal district of Canberra, which is actually not a state. According to another theory - a sign of the union of all Australian lands into a single whole.

Symbolism of animals in the coat of arms

The value that Australians attach to the beasts on their coat of arms is curious. According to them, of the entire "zoo" on the sovereign symbol, not all participants are equal. To the question of which animal on the emblem of Australia is the main thing, they, without a moment's doubt, will say that there are two of them: a kangaroo and an emu. Because it is they who are purely physiologically unable to move backwards. And that is why they are the main symbols of Australia.

Rules for “using” the emblem

what animal on the emblem of australia

What can not get past the attention is that, so to speak, the "internal" use of the coat of arms does not require even special drawing skills. Everything can be sketchy, if only the main "participants" of which the emblem of Australia consists are well recognizable. Cubism and avant-garde, I think, should not be carried away, but they will not carp at you much.

Another thing is official use. If you are going to display the emblem of Australia at a gala event, when meeting with foreign (high-ranking) persons or apply, for example, in your logo, you will have to follow all the rules, and quite strictly. One can be comforted only by the fact that the motto on the tape, which is rather complicated in drawing a mimosa and the base of the coat of arms, are not obligatory - these are more decorative parts.

Another state symbol

flag and coat of arms of australia

As in other countries, the flag and coat of arms of Australia are its main state symbols. The flag is as symbolic as the emblem of this country. Like the very first version of the sovereign panel, the image of the British flag remains on the banner. Previously, it was considered a symbol of fidelity to the crown; now it has a more historical meaning - it reflects the past of the small continent. Six stars on a blue background - a symbol of six colonies, united in one state.

In the past few decades, many Australians are unhappy with their flag - they have long ceased to like its component in the form of a British banner. At the same time, they joyfully, actively and amiably celebrate their Flag Day (September 3), celebrating it with celebrations, fireworks and a festive mood, despite the fact that this day remains working (unless, of course, it falls on Sunday).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15652/

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