Dog food "Bisco": reviews, review, composition, manufacturer

Dry dog ​​food "Bisco" from the domestic manufacturer of ready-made diets for pets is one of the best in the declared premium category. Why brand products are so highly valued and whether they are really as good as they say, we will discuss below.

Feed manufacturer

dog food bisko reviews

The Russian manufacturer of dry food "Bisco" guarantees high quality products for pets through the use of a full-cycle production line of imported production and the latest recipes and knowledge in the field of animal nutrition. The work of the plant located in the Kuban is based on innovative European technologies that guarantee the absence of rejects and the compliance of feed with the declared composition and international standards.

The manufacturer emphasizes that Bisko dog food does not contain preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers - components that can cause allergic reactions and diseases in pets.

The company offers consumers only full-feed feeds that do not require additives, top dressing and the addition of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Product line

bisko dog food

Bisko supplies only 10 types of dry feed to the markets of the whole country, including Krasnodar:

  1. Junior. For puppies of dog breeds of medium and large size.
  2. Junior mini. For dogs of small breeds under the age of 1 year.
  3. Regular Food for adult dogs.
  4. Mini. Diet for pets of miniature breeds.
  5. Premium Feed for active dogs.
  6. Super premium. Food for pets consuming large amounts of energy.
  7. Super premium with lamb. Food, which includes minced lamb.
  8. Reproduction. A diet designed specifically for pregnant and lactating females.
  9. Reproduction mini. Feed for pregnant and lactating bitches of miniature breeds.
  10. Light. Special foods for dogs with obesity and elderly pets.

The product line offered by the manufacturer is quite wide and allows breeders and dog owners to choose the food suitable for their pets. However, in reviews of dog food "Bisco" it is noted that in the assortment there are no veterinary and highly specialized diets. Another gripe is packaging: packages of 3.6 and 10 kilograms are available, which is not always convenient. When switching to a new diet, the owner of the dog will either have to purchase a large volume or look for pet stores with the weighted sale of Bisco food.


holistic for dogs

The universal and affordable food "Bisco Regular" includes the following components:

  • Meat and ground beef.
  • Corn.
  • Fig.
  • Blood meal.
  • Animal fats.

A large proportion of the Bisco dog food composition is accounted for by the listed ingredients. The remaining nutritional components are supplements aimed at improving the diet of the animal.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer does not indicate the carbohydrate content, it is quite large - about 45-50%. Their source is grain crops, which, judging by the reviews of Bisco dog food, is not very good, since such a diet with a high carbohydrate content is not typical for predators, which include canids. Protein and fat in such food is not enough for a healthy and active development of the pet.

The manufacturing company focuses consumer attention on the marks "Eco" on the packaging of feed. The inscription appeared in January 2017, but it has nothing to do with the environmental friendliness of the feed ingredients, notifying that the product includes a phytobiotic or a natural corrector of amino acid nutrition.

Mentioned additive of plant origin and consists of shells of snails turbinella pirum. The manufacturer does not indicate the specific amount of the additive's ingredients and its mass fraction, mentioning only the beneficial effect on the dog, which consists in improving immunity, the condition of claws and coat, and improving appetite.

Many experts in their reviews of dog food "Bisco" doubt the usefulness of the supplement, based on its composition and useful properties of the components. On the part of the manufacturer, this step resembles a competent marketing move designed to attract customers.

However, this cannot be said about the other ingredients that make up Bisko dog food: they are very nutritious and healthy.


dog food for obesity

The main source of protein in Bisco feeds is meat flour and ground beef, the mass fraction of which is 30%. The composition also indicates bone meal, consisting of a large number of proteins.

The source of animal protein is minced beef - a product of processing animal carcasses containing crushed soft tissues and meat. According to the requirements, solid impurities and bones should not be included in it, but this largely depends on the quality of the feedstock. The protein content indicated by the manufacturer refers to the raw product, which after heat treatment and moisture loss is significantly reduced in volume.

Another source of protein is meat meal. It is obtained through rendering technology applied to any parts of animal carcasses. The composition of flour can include bones, cartilage, connective tissue, meat. In most cases, it acts as an affordable and cheap component for gaining the required percentage of protein, but loses all its useful properties and components as a result of processing.

The product of the processing of animal blood, blood meal contains a large amount of protein and costs producers much cheaper than pure meat.


Bisco Krasnodar

The source of lipids in the composition of holistic for dogs "Bisco" is animal fat. The quality of the feedstock by the manufacturer, unfortunately, is not indicated, but most often it is sebaceous waste processing animal carcasses, not suitable for human consumption. As a rule, this is a poor quality product added to feed to obtain the required percentage of fat content. This supplement, as noted by veterinarians in reviews of Bisco dog food, can be considered a drawback.


The percentage of carbohydrates is also not specified, however, the main sources of the component are mentioned - corn and rice. There is no benefit from these components for dogs - they are a cheap filler designed to lower the cost of the finished product. They are resorted to by many manufacturers of pet food, including those in the premium segment.

Additional components

dry dog ​​food bisco

The source of antioxidants and polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6 is flaxseed. It has a beneficial effect on the coat, skin and claws of dogs, maintains vitamin balance and prevents premature aging of the body. However, veterinarians and technology doubt that animals are able to fully absorb all useful substances from flaxseeds.

Beet pulp is a waste of sugar production, which is an affordable source of fiber. It has no special beneficial properties for dogs.

Probiotics regulate digestion and digestive tract function. In the feed "Bisco" does not indicate specific bacteria added to the composition, so the question of their benefits is controversial.

Vitamin-mineral complex supports the immune system and provides the necessary set of nutrients per day.

Judging by their composition, Bisko food for dogs can rightly be called premium - the amount of nutrients and animal components in them is greater than in the economy segment, but brand products do not reach the super premium category.

Reviews of owners and veterinarians

dog food bisco

Most dog breeders and owners respond positively to Bisco food. Negative comments follow from, as a rule, owners of dogs to whom food was not suitable due to the individual characteristics of the body and the tastes of the pets.

Specialists - veterinarians and zootechnologists - mostly agree, considering Bisko food standard premium diets suitable for all categories of dogs. If possible, it is advisable to dilute the food of domestic animals with meat ingredients or purchase finished feed of a higher class. There have been no frankly negative reviews about Bisko feeds from veterinarians.


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