How to set fire to a cigarette without a lighter and matches: methods that work

It is extremely rare that heavy smokers do not forget a lighter or matches at home, going hunting / fishing, mushrooming or camping. However, sometimes these accessories are lost. Even lighters are jammed, and matches can become damp. And, as luck would have it, there’s not a single smoker nearby.

How to set fire a cigarette without a lighter and matches, if there is not a soul around? Let's look at real ways of making fire in natural and even home conditions.

A flame will ignite from a spark: what to use as a tinder

Dry grass as tinder

A flame from which you can light up flames up from a spark when it hits something flammable. Therefore, in any case, a tinder is required. It could be:

  • dry grass or moss;
  • fungus fungus;
  • bird fluff from an old nest;
  • trash from stumps;
  • cotton wool, toilet paper, napkins.

At least half of this will always be in the forest and in the backpack of everyone who solves the problem of how to set fire to a cigarette without a lighter and matches. Therefore, first you need to put together a small teepee from improvised material, and then try to ignite it.

Stone Age Method

The ancient ways to light a fire were the friction of wood and the carving of a spark from stone. The first is extremely unreliable: it is faster to quit smoking than to find a dry log in the forest, craft an onion, drill and cut the substrate.

But instead of flint, you can use hard stone, and a strong steel knife - as a flint. Now we need to sit closer to the wigwam and beat with a stone on the blade of a knife. From the spark, the tinder smokes, and the main thing is to have time to inflate the flame and light it.

The task is simplified if the sun is shining.

Makeshift lenses

Ice lens

A lot of people experimented in childhood, setting fire to grass and debris using an ordinary magnifier and a beam of directional sunlight. But they don’t go camping with magnifiers, but they often take a flashlight, a can of beer or soda, and, of course, plastic bags. In this case, the difficult situation of lighting a cigarette without a lighter and matches is no longer a problem.

A metal flashlight is what you need. We unscrew the reflective cone and put a bunch of tinder into its hole. We direct the wide part to the sun, catch the sunbeam. We quickly put the smoking tinder in the lodge, inflate it, light it. Similarly, the bottom of the aluminum can is used, which must first be polished to a shine. Chocolate or clay is great for these purposes.

A good lens can be made from a piece of pure ice if you find yourself in a forest in winter, or a plastic bag filled with water. Experienced tourists also recommend using a condom.

Now we learn how to make fire with the same flashlight or player.

Foil and battery

Method of making fire

To implement the method, you will need to remove one battery from the device and take a piece of foil. Ideal double-sided, from a pack of cigarettes.

The algorithm of your actions:

  1. With a knife, cut a strip no more than 5 mm wide and a little longer than the battery.
  2. The middle part of the strip is cut at the edges to a width of 2 mm. The transition from narrow to wide should be smooth.
  3. Now the ends of the strip need to close the terminals, holding the battery and foil with two fingers.
  4. The central portion of the foil will light up faster if you attach a piece of cotton to it.

How to set fire to a cigarette without a lighter and matches in the forest, we figured out. The main thing, having lit it, do not forget to put out the lodge from the tinder. And now we learn how a smoker can do without the usual accessories in an urban setting.

Potential sources of fire

It happens that you can’t get to the store, and there’s no strength to smoke hunting. People who have been in this situation recommend using “substitutes for matches and lighters,” from which you can easily light a cigarette:

  • gas stove with electric ignition;
  • heated hotplate;
  • heated soldering iron;
  • boiler included;
  • clamp the nail with pliers and, using a sharpener, heat it to red;
  • charger or transformer with a piece of nichrome wire:
  • break the bulb and light from a hot spiral.

Now you know the most popular and really working ways to light a cigarette without a lighter and matches. However, be careful with fire in the forest, as well as with soldering irons, boilers, and other items not intended for this purpose.


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