Dante Alighieri's poem "The Divine Comedy": quotes

Dante Alighieri is a medieval Italian poet, great thinker and theologian. He is considered to be the one who laid the foundations of the literary Italian language.

During his life, Dante created many brilliant works that remain relevant until now. One of his most famous creations is a poem called "Divine Comedy", quotes from which have become aphorisms and are familiar to many.

divine comedy quotes

What is the quote “Give up hope, everyone entering here”?

Dante's work can be divided into three main parts - this is “Hell”, “Purgatory” and “Paradise”. In “Divine Comedy”, the author describes in detail how the afterlife is arranged - the narration comes from the first person and represents Dante’s journey through this world. The introductory part of The Comedy provides an explanation of how he got there: Dante got lost in the forest and met the ancient Roman poet Virgil, who suggested that he go down to the afterlife. Later it becomes known that he was sent to the deceased beloved Dante.

This quote from the Divine Comedy is the final phrase from the inscription placed on the gates of hell - the place where sinners fall after death.

Quote about evil towards loved ones. “When there are no vile thoughts in us, we should not be afraid of anything ...”

The world in which the action of the poem takes place is described from the point of view of Dante himself. Quotes from the book “Divine Comedy” clearly show the author’s attitude to people and phenomena. The religion of Dante Alighieri was Catholicism, so the poet considers everything from the point of view of the morality of Christians, one of the principles of which is "do not commit evil against loved ones." Dante writes: "Evil to one's neighbor is the source of misfortune." In his opinion, this is something that can be "thrown into the abyss", that is, lead to the collapse of the individual. And when a person has no vile thoughts and intentions, he "should not be afraid of anything."

Anger is one of the seven deadly sins, which also include greed, laziness, gluttony, envy, lust, and despondency. Anger is considered a moderate sin: in the model of hell created by Dante, the angry fall into the fifth circle - the Stygian swamp.

divine comedy book quotes

Achievement Quote

Despite the fact that Dante was a Catholic, a personal element invaded his faith, which is also reflected in the work. This quote suggests that for the author, such human qualities as humility and humility (which in Christianity demonstrate true morality) are not virtue.

On the contrary, Dante Alighieri presents a reluctance to put up with circumstances, the desire to change them and discover something new as the ideal of human behavior. The author of The Divine Comedy believes that inquisitiveness leads to heroic accomplishments. Therefore, in his work, he wrote the following line: “He who, in the glory of his forces, does not renew with victory, does not taste the fruit he has obtained in the struggle.”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15672/

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