Forest Fiddlesticks Guide

Guide on Fiddlesticks in the forest provides an overview of items for better assembly, pluses and minuses of the character, as well as runes with skills. This champion was rarely selected during the seventh season in matches on the Fields of Justice, but has the right to life. With proper skills, he can inflict a huge amount of damage to the entire team of opponents.

The main positive and negative sides

Guide to Fiddlesticks is best to start with what his strengths and weaknesses are. Of the minuses, the list includes early weakness and vulnerability to counterplay in the forest. Without a blue buff (golem) it becomes almost useless, plus minimal mobility with quick death with the focus of an enemy avant-garde. Among the positive aspects in the game for the champion, you will feel an easy farm of minions thanks to a skill setup, good control of a single target. In a team battle, a hero can become a decisive factor in victory if he correctly uses his ultimate.

guide feedsticks


The skills in the Fiddlesticks guide are the basis, because for the game you need to know all the information about them and the pumping order. The passive ability “Awe” consists in the fact that the use of skills with preparation in 1.5 seconds increases the speed of movement of the hero. Active skill (Q) “Horror” throws the effect of fright on the target and it starts to go in reverse control. The second skill (W) "Exhaustion" drains the enemy’s health and regenerates it from Fiddlesticks within five seconds. The amount depends on the level of pumping. The third active ability (E) “Dark Wind” is launched on the target, causes damage, imposes “silence” and jumps alternately on five more targets. Ultimate (R) is the main weapon for dealing massive damage. After activation, short preparation begins, after the hero makes a jump to the selected point. Around him appears an area that deals great damage to all enemies inside. During the action, the character can use all the skills. It is better to pump first W, then E, last Q, ult - whenever possible.

Fiddlesticks Guide Season 7


New runes in the Fiddlesticks guide must be mentioned, as season 7 is over, and this innovation is of paramount importance. Take “Witchcraft” as the main branch to increase the power of skills by 15 units. The first rune “Magic Comet” is an additional projectile after the skill hits the place where the enemy stood. Further in this direction, select "Mana Stream" to regenerate this resource 1 time per minute for the first use of the skill. The Rune of Excellence reduces the cooldown of abilities at level 10 by 10%, an excess percentage turns into a power of skills. The last option is best to choose the "Impending Storm", which every 10 minutes adds an indicator of attack power and skills. In the second branch "Domination" useful runes will be "Eye Collection" and "Ruthless Hunter". The first accumulates damage for kills, and the second - the speed of movement between battles.

Guide Fiddlesticks 2017


In the Fiddlesticks guide in 2017, it is recommended that you collect the “Talisman of the Hunter” and potions to restore health with initial items in the forest. Try to put totems so as not to die under the pressure of an enemy forester. As early as possible, the user needs to collect "Enchantment: Runic Echoes" and "Zhonya's Hourglass." This is the core that will allow you to inflict damage in team battles and survive. The subject of running speed should be “Sorcerer's Shoes”. Another good option is Rabadon's Deathcap, which gives a large amount of skill power. The remaining two things are taken adaptively for the enemy. The standard option is Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Void Staff. They will add damage, give penetration of armor and slow down from the skills used. An alternative to the Fiddlesticks guide in season 7 might be the Banshee's Veil as a more protective item.


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