Initial military registration

Military registration is a process carried out by military commissariats to clarify the number of male citizens. The category of eligibility of young people who are subject to initial military service is also determined. Usually this set of events is held with schoolchildren and students of vocational schools and colleges. At the same time, military registration and enlistment offices are guided by article 9 of the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service." So, what do parents of sons and young men themselves who need to register with?

Every year from January to March, the military commissariats carry out the initial registration of young men on military records. The event is organized jointly with educational institutions located on the territory of the municipal education department, which includes the military enlistment office. All young people who are 17 years old in the coming year must undergo a commission and register on the military in the place where they live. If for some reason the commission was not passed within the time period specified by law, this can be done within a year.

Previously, teachers of educational institutions write characteristics for each young person subject to vocational training, and specialists in professional and psychological selection - staff members of the military enlistment offices - together with class teachers and curators conduct surveys. The questionnaires indicate information about the interests, preferences in studies and the main character traits of future recruits. This information is then used to determine the suitability of a young man for military service in a certain type of army and psychological readiness for military service.

During the event, to which schoolchildren and students of vocational schools and colleges come in an organized manner, according to the schedule agreed with the local education department and the administration of the city or district, the main procedure is the passage of the medical commission. Each specialist doctor, examining a young man, as well as focusing on medical records provided by the clinic, determines his suitability for military service in his area.

During military registration, the presence of a representative of an educational institution is mandatory, as the children have not yet reached the age of majority. The parents of the inmate may also be present, since in some cases it is worth paying the attention of physicians when examining and studying the card to the particular state of health of their son (for example, chronic diseases or injuries, which may subsequently affect the impossibility of serving).

The presence of parents is also allowed on the commission itself, upon initial registration with the military, the chairman of which announces the results of the survey and preliminarily appoints a young man (in terms of health and professional psychological selection) to serve in a certain type of army. This does not mean that the young man will serve there in the future, just a conclusion is drawn about such a possibility in accordance with the category of suitability.

After that, each citizen is issued a certificate of the citizen to be called up - a military document with a photograph, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the department of the military commissariat. This document indicates the category of suitability, and also stamps the military enlistment office on the date of registration on military records. The children’s registration certificate may be required for presentation to the educational institution upon admission, as well as when applying for a civil and foreign passport.

You should be aware that even if in the attribution certificate it says: “partially eligible” or “not eligible” for military service, the final decision on enlisting a young man according to his health indicators is made only by the draft committee. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to once again come to the military commissariat for a medical examination and confirm the inability to undergo health services.

The deregistration usually occurs when a conscript intends to leave a city or a village (to study or in connection with a move) for a period of more than three months. In this case, the young man personally writes a withdrawal statement, which indicates the reason for departure, as well as the future address of his residence or study. Usually, there are no obstacles to deregistration, but the specialist is obliged to warn the conscript about the need to register at the military registration and enlistment office in another village within two weeks. If the draftee does not register at the new address, the military commissariat will begin search activities, having the opportunity to involve the police and the FMS departments in this. Untimely registration with the military threatens with an administrative fine or warning.


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