The scientific organization of labor is ... Definition, fundamentals, characteristics, goals, objectives and application in business

The scientific organization of labor is the process of improving enterprises and organizations based on the implementation of the results of scientific and engineering studies that relate to the activities of the employee as a subject of the labor process (abbreviated abbreviation - NOT). NOT is a term actively used in the territory of the USSR and former union republics. Abroad, in particular in Western Europe, the term NOP - the scientific organization of production - has become more common. Given the identity of both terms, it will be correct to talk about the scientific organization of labor and production.

Fractal production structure

History of development abroad

The system of scientific organization of labor originated more than 100 years ago, having experienced periods of rapid growth and cycles of stagnation. The starting point in the systematic development of the system is considered to be the end of the XIX beginning of the XX century. The widespread use of advanced technologies required the creation of high-performance technological equipment. This complicated the enterprise system and increased operating costs. In such conditions, obtaining economically liquid enterprises was possible only using the principles of the scientific organization of labor in production processes. Decisions were required that were based on a rigorous mathematical basis, and were not made on the basis of rough estimates, "by eye". A new field of science became the brainchild of the first professional engineers of industrial enterprises.

Rational school

The development period is 1885-1920. Famous activists are Frederick Taylor, Frank and Lilian Gilbreth. Bright innovators were Henry Gant, Harrington Emerson and Henry Ford. The basis of the methodology is measurements of the elements of the labor process, a logical analysis of the elements. Timing of operational movements was carried out. Developed production standards. The operating mode was optimized. New forms and payment systems were proposed.

scientific production methods

School of Administrative Development

Years of activity - 1920-1950. Representatives - Henri Fayol, James Mooney and Max Weber. The main focus of the activity concerned research in the field of determining the principles of management applicable to all systems. Having extensive experience in the practical management of production, we considered organizational structures that were progressive for that time and production control models.

School of Human Relations

Actively developed in the 1930-1950s, transforming later into the well-known and now approaches to the scientific organization of managerial work. Mary Parker, Elton Mayo and Abraham Maslow. The main emphasis was on studying the influence of the human factor, which was considered the main element of an effective organization. The analysis of the mechanisms of motivation of employees was carried out. The behavioral strategies of workers in the organization were studied.

Application of scientific management methods

In the second half of the 20th century, more modern trends emerge - the school of scientific management, the 7-S theory, the Z theory, etc. From the height of the doctrine data, the scientific organization of labor is a constant process of improving all the links in the production chain.

Development in domestic production

Chronologically, the scientific foundations of domestic enterprises were based on such key stages:

  • Development of the principles of interchangeability in the production of weapons, developed by Count G.I. Shuvalov in 1761 at the Tula arms factory.
  • Creation of a training system for "mechanical skills" in 1868, called the "Russian system". In this case, the separation of training workshops and factory. Theoretical training with practical elements was initially conducted. Then the acquired skills were fixed in real production.
  • In the period 1921-1927, functional and combined (linear-functional) management structures were introduced. New functional departments of enterprise management were created: statistics, rationing, rationalization, planning, technical control departments, etc.
  • In the early 30s, Professor V.M. Joffe developed the first classification of labor movements, which made it possible to create a system of production standards.
  • During the Second World War, continuous production methods, operational planning and scheduling, and progressive organization methods (daily and hourly schedules for units) were actively developing.
  • In the post-war period, the field of modernization of industrial infrastructure, the development of industrial systems of automated control systems and automated workstations (AWS) rapidly developed.
  • In the future, the integration of information technology and production, which creates a flexible production environment.

Process content

The scientific organization of labor is an important part of the modernization and maintenance of enterprise subsystems (private or public, commercial or non-profit). Its level has a direct impact on the economic component of production and the scale of capital costs to achieve the liquidity of the enterprise.

Digital Transformation Industry

The scientific organization of labor is understood as a complex of various approaches, methodologies and techniques that ensure the most optimal distribution and use of various resources of the production system (including labor). Methods of the scientific organization of labor are a necessary factor in the development of the production system. The main goal is to achieve maximum operator productivity and product quality based on the results of scientific analysis and production synthesis. This contributes to the leveling of biased and arbitrary estimates of factors of production. There is a shift to precise production management mechanisms (the application of advanced methods of controlling process flows).

Tasks of the scientific organization of labor

The main goal of NOT is the rational use of production (labor) resources in the process of professional activity. To solve it, a class of additional tasks is used, which can be grouped into such blocks:

  1. The economic block. Improvement of the working area (the production environment as a whole), optimization of manufacturing and repair methods, reduction of time losses during labor operations, etc.
  2. Psychophysiological block. Creating a flexible and ergonomic environment for the worker, in terms of the impact on physical health and perception, ensuring the required performance during the production process.
  3. Social block. The development of mechanisms that make labor attractive and meaningful (the level of salaries, additional payments and allowances, changing time funds).
scientific casting methods

Influence factors

In the practice of production activities, the NOT system is influenced by a large number of production factors, the key of which are:

  • the degree of development of fixed assets;
  • perfection of manufacturing technology (product repair);
  • features of approaches to the organization of production (stationary, in-line, flexible systems);
  • dominant management models;
  • level of in-plant planning;
  • development of a resource supply system;
  • level of auxiliary production;
  • the presence of mechanisms for taking scientific approaches into account when designing production facilities.

System focus

Directions of the scientific organization of labor are points of application of the required resources in order to optimize the activities of enterprises. Consider the most famous and common:

  • rational use of appropriate forms of labor (cooperation, specialization, etc.);
  • the use of promising approaches to working areas ("5S" and "TRM", lean manufacturing methods, etc.);
  • loss optimization when creating new products;
  • improvement of production techniques;
  • development of motivation mechanisms;
  • adoption of progressive procedures to ensure the necessary staff qualifications;
  • continuous improvement of professional conditions;
  • the creation of mechanisms for monitoring labor discipline;
  • the use of optimal labor patterns of employees of different levels;
  • adjustment of standardization processes.
Production improvement

The principles of scientific organization of labor

In order to systematically use the results of scientific and technical activities, it is necessary to adhere to certain provisions (principles), which include:

  • Scientific - a systematic analysis of operational activities over time, the use of progressive tools (equipment) for research, the necessary calculations using mathematical models to analyze labor data. It allows to minimize excessive administration, unreasonable and incompetent decisions in scientific management and scientific organization of labor.
  • Planning - determining the speed and extent of development of NOT based on existing research experience.
  • Complexity - involves a systematic improvement of labor in relation to all subsystems of the enterprise, all categories of employees and types of activities. There is a similarity with the principle of proportionality in the organization of production activities.
  • Continuity - implies the constant use of the fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor. Any changes in production (the introduction of new equipment, the use of new technologies) should be accompanied by the implementation of NOT procedures. Moreover, they should correspond to the actual development of labor processes at different stages of development.
  • Normativeness - involves linking all decisions of NOTs with the current regulatory and technical documentation. Which in turn stimulates the development of the regulatory framework and the mechanisms for its creation.
  • Profitability - the implementation of the most optimal, in terms of material, labor and other costs, scientific and technical solutions. Reduction and subsequent leveling of various losses and wasteful costs.

Compliance with these principles ensures the formation of the foundations of the scientific organization of labor in the production system.

Robotization of production systems

Common Functions

The scientific organization of labor is the realization in time of innovative processes. The key elements in the theory of NOTs are functions that are realized in processes and affect production elements, including humans. The following key types of functions can be distinguished:

  • Resource Saving. Intensification of production (labor) based on the economy of elements of the production environment (time, semi-finished products, materials, spare parts, energy).
  • Optimization. Ensuring proportional development of the components of production and labor (qualification corresponds to the level of equipment used). In addition, it involves the coordination of the level of payment with the characteristics of production and products.
  • Employee efficiency. Professional selection for a specific activity, staffing with the help of accurate methods of quantitative and qualitative assessments and continuous improvement of the qualification level.
  • Security. It involves the creation of normal conditions for employees.
  • Harmonization. Everything for the maximum disclosure of professional and creative reserves, the coordination of different loads (physical and intellectual).
  • The culture of processes. The use of democratic management styles, elements of aesthetics in the production environment.
  • Activation. The development of creative initiatives of the employee by creating appropriate conditions for the work environment.
Industry 4.0


Modern enterprises and organizations face new serious challenges: customers require individual, high-quality, and at the same time inexpensive and reliable products in the shortest possible time. To solve this problem, intensification in the field of scientific and engineering research is needed. After all, the scientific organization of labor is this very effective mechanism that allows solving problems of this scale.

Computerization and digitalization of production, the development of embedded systems for monitoring the technical condition and communication with control centers, the introduction of new generation of industries "Industry 4.0" - all this is the basis of research NOT.


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