Dappled deer

Deer is a rather large beast. The length of his body can be from 100 to 150 centimeters, and weight - more than 100 kilograms. Sika deer is distinguished by a graceful, graceful physique. The artiodactyl has a bright red color in the spring and gray-brown in winter. In summer, characteristic light spots appear on the animal’s hair (in the area of ​​the sides and back). In winter, they are less noticeable. This feature is the main distinguishing feature of sika deer. The hairline of the animal is coarse and rather brittle. The wool on the back is colored darker and resembles a strip, which then passes to the tail. The cloven-hoofed neck is long and graceful, the head is proportional, the ears are quite large. Around the tail there is also a white speck, which is limited by a dark stripe.

The deer’s homeland is the Far East (Primorsky and Khabarovsk cuts, the Ussuri river valley ). It was from there that in the late 30s these amazingly beautiful artiodactyls were taken to the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and the Urals. Today, the Ussuri sika deer lives mainly in mixed forests with grassy meadows and lush undergrowth. It can also be found in floodplain thickets with an abundance of shrubs. The animal eats kidneys, all kinds of herbs, tree bark, branches, acorns and nuts. Deer usually go out to eat in the morning and evening. However, in winter they can be seen in the pasture and in the middle of the day.

Sika deer has luxurious horns, the length of which usually exceeds 80 centimeters, and their weight averages 1250 grams. In April, the animal drops its horns. In their place, processes appear. It is from them that new horns are subsequently formed. At ten months of age, the first three-centimeter horns appear in a young individual, which reach their maximum development by only 10 years.

Sika deer are rare animals. She is listed in the Red Book. In the Far East at the beginning of the 20th century, these artiodactyls were on the verge of extermination. Only thanks to special security measures it was possible to save them from extinction.

Sika deer - an animal leading a herd lifestyle, combining 5-9 individuals. These artiodactyls can often be seen near human dwellings, along roads and feeding areas. They are practically not afraid of people. In the month of June, after an eight-month pregnancy, the female deer gives birth to one or two cubs. Already on the third day after birth, babies are able to follow their mother, and after nine days - graze on their own. Young individuals remain with their mother until next spring.

Sika deer is a pretty valuable animal. Its meat is very tasty and nutritious, and the skin is soft, strong and very strong. All over the world they produce high-quality suede from it. Young deer horns have amazing healing properties. Known in medicine, the therapeutic drug Pantocrine is made from them. It is for these purposes that special antler farms are created throughout the country, where animals live and breed almost freely. In the summer, young horns (antlers) are cut off from them, which are then processed and used in medicine. The weight of antlers can reach up to one and a half kilograms.

The animal is able to swim and dive perfectly, can run for a long time and quickly. All senses of the sika deer are equally well developed. The race starts in September and lasts until November. During this period, the males emit a loud hoarse roar. For each prolific deer, there are 3-4 females. Puberty in this animal occurs by two years.

Of particular danger to these graceful artiodactyls are wolves, lynxes and many other predators. Young deer often die from foxes and raccoon dogs. The puberty of the animal occurs by two years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15700/

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