Geberit Installation: Installation Features and Reviews

Probably, every owner wants to see his home not only beautiful and comfortable, but also original. Fortunately, now there are a lot of ideas and materials that will make it possible to realize their desires. The industry has made significant progress regarding the manufacture of plumbing fixtures. For example, the installation of Geberit, which is made in Switzerland, will make your toilet (bathroom) room interesting and attractive.

What is a product?

geberit installation

This is a metal frame made of frames, which is intended for mounting a hanging toilet, bidet, washbasin, as well as other items of plumbing. All necessary communications are supplied to this design. A drain tank is also fixed on the frame. With the help of pins, you can install a hanging toilet or bidet. It will look very original and beautiful.

Installation of Geberit allows you to hide most of the design, to make the interior more neat and original. The frame itself is mounted in a vertical position on a plasterboard partition or main wall.

Product Advantages

toilet bowl geberit

The Geberit installation has the following advantages:

  • Provides good savings in usable space indoors.
  • Very fast and easy to assemble.
  • Provides a change in the layout of the room.
  • Provides the ability to hide flaws in the finish.
  • You won’t have to worry that the Geberit installation will ever fail. It is attached very securely.
  • Very good appearance of the product.
  • Ease of maintenance and repair is provided.
  • You get a reliable design that eliminates the risk of leaks.
  • In a specialized store you can buy a complete set of products, along with fasteners and gaskets.
  • The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the system for 10 years.

Varieties of frames

Geberit installation systems can be classified as follows:

  1. Blocky. These designs are designed for installation on thin partitions, plasterboard walls.
  2. Frame. In this case, the system is tightly screwed to the main or supporting wall.
  3. Universal. Here the name speaks for itself.

Product Technical Features

geberit installation systems

Geberit pendant installation has the following parameters:

  • It has the ability to increase the cross-section of the profile, which makes it easy to mount the structure in drywall partitions.
  • The presence of economical discharge allows to reduce the rate of water use. The button consists of two parts. In addition, there are models that have the ability to limit draining by pressing the button again. If this is not done, then the entire volume of water will be consumed.

The cost of the equipment presented ranges from 200-300 dollars. Of course, it’s difficult to call it cheap. But during operation, the design quickly pays for itself.

What tools will be needed for installation?

install geberit installation

Installing a Geberit installation can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to collect all the necessary devices:

  1. Building level.
  2. The installation system itself.
  3. Roulette and plumb line.
  4. Marker for marking.
  5. Crow keys. They should have the same diameter as that of fasteners.
  6. Concrete drills and hammer drill

Features of the installation of the frame structure

geberit installation kit

The Geberit toilet can be mounted manually on a frame installation. Before this, you should determine the place of installation of the structure. Pay attention to the thickness of the wall or partition to which the frame will be screwed. The type of installation depends on this. In addition, one should not forget about the features of the sewage system.

For proper installation, the following operations should be performed:

  • Arrangement of the frame. First, assemble a metal frame on which movable fasteners will be installed. It is on them that the drain tank is fixed. Thanks to the floating mounts, you can set the required height of the plumbing. Frames are capable of supporting a weight of half a ton.
  • Installation of the tank. At the same time, consider the following parameters: the drain button should be at a height of 1 meter from the floor; a small distance (1.5 cm) must be provided between the tank and the wall.
  • Fastening the assembled installation to the wall. In this case, a building level is required . First you need to attach the frame to the wall and mark the places where the holes for fasteners will scroll.
  • Pipeline supply to the tank. Here you should consider the direction: top or side. When connecting the tank, flexible hoses should not be used, as they can quickly fail. To this end, plastic pipes are used.
  • Connecting the structure to the sewer. In this case, corrugation is used.
  • System check. Before the frame is closed, all connections should be checked for leaks. If they are not, you can proceed with the installation of drywall boxes. The frame for it is made of metal. Please note that in this case it is better to use moisture-proof drywall. Especially if the bathroom and bath are located in the same room. The desired thickness of the sheets is 1 cm. You can put it in 2 layers, while the seams should not match. Before screwing the sheets in them, you need to cut out all the necessary holes.
  • Mounting the toilet bowl. However, this should be done no earlier than a week and a half after the installation of the box. The Geberit toilet is mounted on pins.

Lining the box can be done before installing the bowl or after this procedure.

How to mount a block installation?

pendant installation geberit

Installing a Geberit installation does not take much time. The block design is mounted as follows:

  1. Mark the mounting location first. Note that the axis of the room and the axis of the structure must match.
  2. Measure the required height at which the tank will be placed. Often this parameter does not exceed 1 m. The dowels must be screwed in at an equal distance from the axis. The holes should be made with a puncher, after which dowels are clogged in them.
  3. Installing the tank.
  4. Installation of pins on which the toilet will fit. Next, the bowl should be connected to the drain. The hose in this case is attached using clamps.

What problems can arise?

If you want to purchase a design such as a Geberit installation, you can find the kit in a certified or company store. Do not look for these products in the markets or give preference to discounted models, because in this case you can easily be deceived.

If you have already purchased the product, you can mount it yourself. However, for this you need to have some kind of installation skills. If you are afraid to install the frame yourself, it is better to use the services of craftsmen-plumbers. With self-installation, the following problems may occur:

  • Leakage of the toilet. The problem here is that the joints can be poorly treated with sealant. Scuffing and reusing silicone can fix the problem.
  • Leaking drain tank. Check that the gaskets are installed correctly.
  • Stagnant water in a sewer. In this case, the pipe slope is incorrectly observed, which should be 45 degrees.
  • Toilet bowl In this case, the problem is solved simply: tighten the fasteners.

In principle, observing the installation rules, these problems can be avoided. At the same time, the installation will decorate your interior and will serve properly for a long time. Good luck


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