Bazarov: attitude to nature. The novel "Fathers and Sons", Turgenev

The famous character of Turgenev in the work “Fathers and Sons” - Bazarov turned out to be peculiar. And all because he builds his ideology on very strange principles, adherence to which it will be difficult for a sane person. Bazarov’s attitude to nature is very funny . His quotes speak for themselves. The attitude to art and life in general is also somewhat surprising, for example: “Pushkin’s reading is a waste of time, it’s ridiculous to play music, it’s ridiculous to enjoy nature, Rafael isn’t worth a damn. But where does an educated person get such thoughts? This should be dealt with in more detail.

Bazarov attitude to nature

Bazarov. Attitude to nature. Arguments

About the nature of this hero speaks quite clearly. He believes that nature is not a temple, but a real workshop in which a person is a worker.

Further developing the theme of “Bazarov: attitude to nature”, we touch on the most important thing. Surprisingly, in all this there is a kind of logic, which to some extent can fully justify his views. Indeed, for Bazarov, the main figure has always been a simple Russian people, where he came from himself.

The rude and superstitious man was crushed by poverty, he had only thoughts in his head only about his daily bread, and therefore Bazarov believed that there was no point in talking with such people about high art in which they did not understand anything. And this cannot be considered unfair.

Bazarov's attitude to nature quotes

Attitude to the nature of Bazarov

Those ideals that young people are so enthusiastic about are completely irrelevant for such a hero as Bazarov. A special attitude to human nature is natural, because they are very strongly interconnected. You can even characterize anyone according to his perception of the natural world. In almost every classic work of art there is a description of nature, which is in full interaction with man.

Attitude to the nature of other heroes

The image of the same nature makes it clear a lot about the author of the work. In the novel “Fathers and Sons”, the relationship between nature and man can be examined by the example of other heroes, not only Bazarov, but also Arkady, Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai Petrovich.

Bazarov is a person who denies everything, and is more materialistic in him. On the other hand, there are hidden notes of romanticism in him, but he cannot even admit to himself in this, not that he is an outsider. In nature, he does not see anything mysterious and not subject to man. He calls the acacia and lilacs sincere and "good guys." He is very economically pleased that his father’s grove has begun, because nature in its intended purpose should be beneficial.

Bazarov's attitude to nature

Love changes everything

When Bazarov fell in love with Romantsova, it gradually becomes evident how the sprouts of that very romantic whom he was so afraid to become sprout in him. It was in these moments of despair that he sought peace and solitude, and therefore all alone went into the forest and wandered there, breaking branches, swearing at himself, then at the one that condemned him to suffering. Bazarov himself did not look like himself. The attitude to nature, to love, and, in fact, to life itself, changed literally before our eyes.

Bazarov at this moment considers himself a weakling and despises himself. He is very poor, and life seems to him very difficult, so he does not want to waste time on romantic relationships.

Turgenev contrasted Bazarov with his friend Arkady, who imitated his friend very much and tried to pose as an adult man. But, as it turned out, he was a very gentle guy who was touching in nature. He felt and understood her, but he also tried to hide all this in himself, mainly because of Bazarov. And then he completely naturally betrayed himself when he began to admire the fields and the sunset. And involuntarily he did not support such an attitude of Bazarov towards nature. The work can already be completed.

Bazarov attitude to nature arguments


And in conclusion of the theme “Bazarov: attitude to nature” I must say that for Arkady nature is a temple, and not a trifle, like for Bazarov, then he cannot agree with his authoritative friend. Such a worldview is alien to him.

An unexpected feeling for Katya, who is just as romantic and loves nature, brings young people closer together. But Bazarov is mortally sad at first, torn away by his beloved woman, and then dies of consumption. This is how the once strong and self-confident man broke.


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