How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture? Expert Tips & Tricks

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture? Why does an animal do this? Such questions sooner or later arise in almost all inexperienced cat-men. There is hardly a person who can calmly look at how a new wall covering or sofa becomes unusable. Fortunately, there are many ways to raise a pet.

Why a cat is pulling wallpaper and furniture: possible reasons

First you need to understand the motives of a pet. Why is a cat pulling wallpaper and furniture? There are several possible answers to this question.

cat pulls furniture
  • The struggle for territory. Perhaps this is the main reason for the pet's wayward behavior. The sweat glands located on the paw pads allow the animal to spread its characteristic odor.
  • Physiological reasons. It is they who can push the cat to sharpen its claws. In pets, the muscles of the paws weaken, the pads itch, and claws form on the claws. The pet subconsciously seeks to keep himself in good shape, which forces him to dirty tricks.

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture? The best practices below will help you do this.

Citrus fruit

It’s hardly a secret for cats to have a negative attitude to the smell of citrus. Why don't their owners use this for their own purposes? You can sew cotton bags and then fill them with dried zest. In addition to citrus, it is permissible to use spices. You can fill the bag with coriander, ground chili pepper, suneli hops or give preference to another seasoning with a strong smell. Next, the bags are hung next to the crime scene, which was chosen by the pet.

how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture

The solution described above is relevant primarily when the pet spoils the furniture. How to ensure that the wallpaper is not torn? Spray for cats is an effective solution to the problem. Great remedies with the aroma of orange, lemon, grapefruit. It is enough to spray all surfaces that are attacked by the animal. The result is not long in coming. This method is effective regardless of whether the cat spoils the furniture or wall covering.

Water spray

Using a spray bottle with water is another solution to the problem. Everyone knows about cats' dislike of water procedures, and this can also be used. It is necessary to fill the container with the dispenser with water and wait for the pet to begin its favorite occupation.

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture? To do this, spray the composition onto the face of the animal each time it is about to sharpen its claws. It is important to remember that the punishment must be applied either immediately before the crime, or within the first five seconds after it. Otherwise, the pet simply will not understand and will not remember what the owner wants to achieve, it will continue to spoil the wall coverings and furniture.


If a cat scratches furniture or wallpaper, you can wean it from this crime with the help of an object that causes a loud noise. To do this, you need to buy any rattle in a children's store.

cat pulls wallpaper

You can also make this toy with your own hands. It will take a few coins and a can. Money is put into a container, after which it becomes clogged and waits in the wings. How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture? You need to catch a pet at the crime scene, arm yourself with a can or a rattle bought in a store and start playing a loud sound. Most likely the animal will immediately run away from the room, as it will be scared of an incomprehensible noise. To achieve the effect, this manipulation will have to be repeated several times.

Voice command

This method resembles a rattle method. It will certainly work if everything is done correctly. It is necessary to wait until the pet is about to sharpen its claws on the surface, which are prohibited. As soon as the cat prepares to spoil furniture or wall coverings, you need to shout loudly and loudly: "Scat!" or "You can’t!"

You should not wait for the animal to immediately abandon its usual occupation. The prohibiting command will have to be repeated several times, as is the case with the rattle. As a result, the cat will remember that the owner forbids her to scratch the wallpaper and furniture.


So, the cat is pulling the wallpaper. What to do if the methods described above do not help? The use of balloons is an effective method of dealing with this physiological need, which will require some effort.

how to wean a cat to tear a sofa

First you need to inflate and tightly tie several balloons. They are attached near the crime scene. It is advisable to place the balls so that the pet must touch them during his manicure session. They burst, and the animal is afraid of the sound of an explosion. Sometimes this method provides the desired result the first time.

Scratching post - solution to a problem

The purchase of cat claws is the best way to solve the problem. This device will provide the animal with the opportunity to fulfill their physiological needs. If a pet appreciates the benefits of a scratching post, nothing will threaten the condition of the furniture and wallpaper.

cat scratcher

Wood, cardboard, synthetic threads, upholstery, carpet fiber can serve as a cover for a claw-tip. They are horizontal (in the form of a carpet), vertical (standing), inclined. When choosing this device, you should not try to guess which model a particular cat will like. It is better to focus on the room in which the claw point will be located, as well as on your financial capabilities.

Experienced catchers recommend upright models, as animals like to stretch to their full height. It is this desire that makes them scratch tall furniture and wall coverings. It is also worth considering that a bright toy that will attract the attention of a pet can be hung on a vertical model. If the cat begins to play with the toy, she will soon use a scratching post.

How to accustom to a scratching post

It’s not enough to buy and install a cat scratcher for cats at home. It is also necessary to make the pet pay attention to a potential toy. To do this, you can arm yourself with a candy wrapper on a rope or feather and play with the animal next to the clawfish. During the game, the pet will cling to the surface of the accessory, feel its paws. This will tell him what this device is intended for.

Attempts by the cat to use the scratching post as intended should certainly be encouraged. The animal can be praised, give it a favorite treat. Thanks to this, the pet will quickly understand what the owner expects of him. You can also apply a small amount of valerian to the product. You can’t take a cat’s paw in your hand and hold it over a toy. Such violence will not appeal to the animal, it will feel hostility to adaptation and will avoid it.

Claw point

A clawcat in the house is not the first month, and the cat is pulling the wallpaper? What if the animal ignores the device, although the owners are trying to draw his attention to him? This may be due to the choice of the wrong place for the accessory.

A clawfish can be placed where the animal spends most of its time. It is known that cats like to do their manicure immediately after waking up. If a special device will be nearby at this moment, there is a high probability that the pet will use it. An important role is played by proper installation. Reliable fastenings will protect the equipment from falling. After all, if this happens, the animal will no longer fit this device.

how to wean a kitten to tear wallpaper

How to wean a cat to tear a sofa? You can cover the furniture for some time with the fact that the animal does not like to scratch. In this case, the claw point should be placed next to the sofa. As soon as the pet begins to get used to it, the subject should be gradually moved away. As a result, the device will be where it will always be.


How to wean an adult cat to tear wallpaper? With age, the animal is increasingly difficult to train, it is difficult for him to abandon his habits. Salvation in this situation can be a clipper, which can be bought at a pet store.

cat clipper

This device should be used in accordance with the instructions that came with it. To make a manicure for a pet, you need to click on the pillow, wait for the nail to appear and cut off the light part. Obviously, maximum caution is required. It is enough to touch the blood vessel at least once to set the animal against this procedure.

The choice of finishing materials for walls

Suppose the methods described above did not help. The cat is pulling the wallpaper. How to decorate the walls in the hallway to solve this problem once and for all? Obviously, paper products are the first to suffer. Those who expect to re-educate the pet with the help of wallpaper made from natural materials are also mistaken. Fabrics, bamboo, algae, straws - all this with a high probability will also please the animal. Fortunately, there is still a way out.

  • The corners that the animal likes to scratch can be decorated with decorative stone, tile or tile. This option is relevant if the pet has chosen a certain place, and does not sharpen its claws around the perimeter of the entire apartment. Also, do not forget that the cat can climb higher.
  • Traditional wallpaper can be abandoned in favor of decorative plaster with quartz particles. We are talking about the so-called liquid wallpaper. The coating is scratch resistant and will retain an attractive appearance for a long time. The first attempt to sharpen claws on such walls will lead to the fact that the pet will be disappointed in this lesson.
  • Screen printing is a budget option to solve the problem. It is known that smooth walls are not interesting to cats. Also, they bypass the washable wallpaper.

What can not be done

The above describes how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture. There are also means to which it is by no means necessary to resort.

  • Physical punishment. The animal may begin to be afraid of its owner. There is also the possibility that the pet harbors grudge and revenge. You should not risk the love of a cat, as the expected result will still not be.
  • Belated notations. You can scold a pet, but it is advisable to do this only during the crime and during the first five seconds after it. Otherwise, the cat simply does not understand what they are trying to achieve from it, will continue to spoil furniture and wall coverings.
  • Screams. You can scold the pet, but you should not shout at him. He may begin to fear, as is the case with physical punishment. It is better to act on the cat with the help of the correct intonation, without resorting to volume.

It is also important to remember that it is impossible to get rid of the old claw-point. The pet gets used to a certain smell, he will miss him. It will be difficult to accustom an animal to a new adaptation.

What else do you need to know

What cats do not tear furniture and wallpapers? Unfortunately, there is no such breed, the choice of which is guaranteed to protect the owners from damage to the home. The physiological need to sharpen claws exists in all cats. Therefore, those who are going to get a fluffy pet, it is better to immediately include in their plans the acquisition of claws.


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