Punishment for driving while drunk. Deprivation of rights for drunk driving

Each driver must comply with the rules of movement on vehicles. If any violation is revealed, you will have to face certain sanctions. Their seriousness and nature directly depend on the crime committed. What is the punishment for driving drunk in Russia? What to expect for a driver who decides to take a little "pleasure" before the trip? Let's get it right.

drunk driving punishment

Types of Responsibility

There is no exact answer to this question. Indeed, the new traffic police rules provide for different responsibilities when driving while intoxicated. What to prepare for?

You may face criminal and administrative liability. Typically, the degree of punishment depends on the severity of the violation. It is generally accepted that the bulk of the studied acts are punished administratively. If a citizen drives a car drunk on the condition that he has been stripped of his rights for such a violation, criminal liability will ensue. So says the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

First misconduct

The fine for driving while drunk is the easiest punishment. But the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides not only for cash payments. A citizen will have to suffer one more punishment.

Let's start with a fine. If the driver was first caught driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs, you would have to pay thirty thousand rubles. In addition, a driverā€™s license will be taken from a citizen for a period of one and a half to two years. These measures are prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in article 12.8.


The next violation is the refusal to pass the sobriety test by any means. Recently, such a decision has been equated with the recognition of the fact of driving while intoxicated.

new traffic rules

The fines for violations of this type will be exactly the same as if the driver was caught driving drunk. That is, you have to pay 30 thousand "hard-earned", and also say goodbye to the rights for almost two years. These measures are applied only if the act is committed for the first time, and also provided that it is not associated with criminal offenses.


As practice shows, people who abuse alcohol are not afraid of these sanctions. Moreover, after their use violators again get drunk behind the wheel. Unfortunately, in Russia this is a very common violation.

The punishment for driving in a drunken state is tightened the second and subsequent times. If a citizen was stopped for the mentioned act not for the first time, he can be arrested for 15 days, but no more. In addition, a fine may be imposed on the driver for an amount similar to previous cases. Usually it is charged when the arrest is not applied. Repeated refusal to pass the alcohol test is also punishable. If the offense was committed before the return of rights, the punishment is toughened even harder.

After deprivation of rights

Sometimes it happens that a driverā€™s license has already been taken from a motorist, but he still continues to drive. If the seizure of the rights did not occur due to the driving of a vehicle while drunk, and now suddenly a person has been caught on such driving, the above sanctions will be imposed on him. More precisely, an arrest of up to 15 days or a fine of 30 thousand.

drunken driving fine

But what if the driver's license for driving "under the fly" has already been seized from the driver? If a citizen re-drives while intoxicated and for this act his rights have already been taken away, one will have to prepare for criminal liability.

It is expressed:

  • a fine (from two hundred to three hundred thousand rubles);
  • mandatory work (480 hours maximum);
  • forced labor (24 months);
  • imprisonment (2 years).

Additionally, a driverā€™s license will be taken from the violator for another 3 years. It is this punishment for drunk driving or refusal to pass an alcohol test that threatens the situation under study.

Control transfer

Today, one can encounter various forms of driving while intoxicated. What will happen if a citizen entrusted driving a vehicle to a drunk person?

Under such circumstances, the same sanctions threaten as the very first punishment for driving while drunk. That is, payments up to thirty thousand rubles, as well as the deprivation of a driverā€™s license.

fines for violation


It is worth paying attention to the fact that any vehicles in Russia must be driven in a sober and adequate condition. Otherwise, you will have to prepare for certain sanctions.

Was there a drunken ride? A fine can be issued both for a direct violation, and for refusing to conduct tests for alcohol or drugs. Even if the person was riding a bicycle.

Under such circumstances, administrative responsibility will be imposed. She expressed a small penalty. In 2017, the violator will have to pay 1-1.5 thousand rubles. No other measures are provided by law.


The last scenario that we have to meet today is the management of mopeds while intoxicated. In practice, such situations are not so common, but they should not be ruled out anyway. This is the same violation as driving a car while drunk.

What sanctions to prepare for? The punishment for a drunk ride on a moped is no different from the measures applied to drunk drivers . We talked about him at the very beginning.

fine size


A few words about how now in Russia they deprive a driverā€™s license. New traffic police rules complicate this operation. Previously, the traffic police inspector could have removed the document. But from now on, doing so is forbidden.

The procedure for confiscating a driverā€™s license will be as follows:

  1. Drawing up a protocol.
  2. Fixing the violation and all its features.
  3. Submission of a request for deprivation of rights to court.
  4. Getting a court order.
  5. Filing a driverā€™s license with the local traffic police.

Accordingly, while there is no court order, the driver can drive the vehicle. If a citizen has decided to appeal the punishment for driving in a drunken state, at first he will still have to give a driverā€™s license. Only after this is allowed to prove their innocence.

On delivery of rights after issuing the driver the resolution of the established form is given 3 days. Otherwise, the violator will be brought to additional responsibility. It is better not to allow it.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that the punishment for a drunken ride is most often expressed in a fine and the deprivation of a driverā€™s license. And such sanctions are administrative in nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15730/

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