Yellow whale: description, benefits and harms

The yellow-striped selar (Selaroides leptolepis) is better known in our area as yellow minke. Fish of this species belong to the stavrid family. Comparatively small flock whale whales managed to gain immense popularity. An excellent salty beer appetizer comes out of them , which has now supplanted such a favorite addition to a foaming drink as roach.

Minke whale fish: description

As mentioned earlier, selars cannot boast large sizes. The average body length of an adult minke whale is about 22 centimeters with a weight of 600-650 grams.

yellow whale
Females differ from males in large sizes. The body of the fish is elongated, strongly flattened on the sides. Scales of a beautiful silver color. There are two fins on the back, one of which is spiny (front), the second (rear) is long. The tail lateral line and caudal fin are equipped with keel bone plates.

Natural habitat

Mostly in the natural environment, yellow minke whale lives in Japan, Australia and off the coast of the Philippine Islands. In addition, it is worth noting that although the fish is considered marine, it can sometimes be found in the fresh Mekong River, whose waters flow through the territory of Southeast Asia.

yellow minke fish

Stripes is a small creature, but, despite its small size and weight, it belongs to predatory fish. Its diet includes invertebrates and small fish.

Cooking use

In culinary, yellow whale has become famous for its palatability. In most cases, the fish gets on the table in the form of a dried salty snack for beer. For more than ten years, delicious fish is in great demand. They deliver it mainly from Thailand and Vietnam; on the shelves of stores, minke whale has become a constant product that is well sold out.

Yellow whale: benefit and harm

Each product, whether it is fish or meat, has its pros and cons. Yellow whale is no exception. Let us try now to consider the beneficial qualities of fish, and harmful, up to contraindications.

To begin with, the yellow-striped selar is low-calorie, in 100 grams of fish on average only 88 kilocalories. This ratio depends on the type of selar and its habitat. It follows from this that it is impossible to gain extra pounds by using this product.

Meat whale meat is rich in trace elements and proteins. In addition to these advantages, it contains a very small amount of cholesterol and has a positive effect on the microflora. It tastes nice, and is easy to clean.

In contrast to all its advantages, a yellow whale can be harmful to humans. Such a nuisance can happen mainly due to the excessive consumption of this tasty product. Dried and salted selar is very different in properties from raw fresh fish.

yellow whale benefit and harm

Take, for example, the most popular product made from minke whale - snack. Ready to eat, it often contains various nutritional supplements. They help in the storage of snacks to preserve their taste and nutritional qualities. Such additives do not always pass without a trace to the human body, of course, if they are taken in unlimited quantities. Also, when discussing the question of the harm of the yellow whale, the way a person personally transfers such a product is taken into account.

If you listen to the opinion of doctors, then salty yellow whale should be excluded from the diet of children, especially if the child is a preschool child. When using such a product, an excessive amount of salt can enter the baby's body, which is completely unacceptable.

Having considered all the pros and cons, we can conclude that you can use the yellow whale and enjoy its excellent taste, of course, only within the reasonable framework. And children are better to eat foods that are more suitable and useful for their growing body.


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