Good wishes for a good mood, or give another smile

A smile will make everyone brighter ... Everyone knows this common truth from childhood. But what if all around you just do something that they frown, grumble under their breath and, look, burst into displeased swearing? First of all, do not be like these people. Try to smile, no matter what - how to know, maybe someone will reciprocate. Secondly, you can try to cheer up others.

Surely, in each of the sad colleagues and sad passers-by there lives quite a cheerful and optimistic person. Perhaps, just in the morning he was cheated on transport or it was today that he got into a long, long traffic jam and because of this he was late for work, or he was deprived of a bonus, or his neighbors flooded. There may be a lot of reasons. As well as ways to cheer up such a person. About what good wishes can be said for a good mood, read the article below.

Be happy!

Share your smile, and she will come back to you more than once ...

The first problem that everyone usually encounters is the most commonplace fear of saying good wishes for a good mood to another person. We are afraid that the interlocutor will simply laugh at our good intentions, misunderstand our aspirations to make his day a little better.

So, this is superfluous. Put yourself in the place of that person: since the morning the day has not been set, everything goes awry, and suddenly someone says warm sincere words, beautiful wishes for a good mood. The natural reaction to this concern is a smile, a pleasant surprise, and not rejection and anger. But even if you were suddenly answered with aggression, do not despair. You have shared your good, which means that it will definitely return to you.

So, the first rule. To cheer up another person, you should not be afraid to tell him good wishes for a good mood or worry about his negative reaction, but just start acting.

Cheer up others!

How to say?

Well, now you are ready to do good and say good wishes for a good mood to dissatisfied people, thereby making them smile. However, it is important not only to be ready to make the world a better place, but also to know how to do it. What matters is, first of all, how you will say good words. You will never succeed in making a person happier if you wish him all the very best with a mournful or angry face.

smile more often

Rule number two

Remember, in order to evoke positive emotions in a person, it is important to radiate them yourself. Saying compliments or just words of support, sincerely smile, speak with a sincere heart, do not take closed poses such as arms crossed on your chest and do not cover your mouth and face with your hands. If the interlocutor is close to you or you are in an informal relationship with him and the level of your mutual trust allows you to violate each other's comfort zone, then it will be appropriate to hug a person. Indeed, through tactile contact, through touch, positive energy is transmitted, good emotions that you want to share with a friend.

What to wish for?

It remains the case for small - what to wish to the interlocutor, what exactly to say in order to raise a person’s mood? Well, if you can approach the issue, given the personality of the interlocutor. So, wishes for a good mood to a friend can be very personal and contain those facts from her life that are known only to you. Thus, you emphasize that the wish is addressed to her, that this is not some kind of general phrase, but sincere, sincere words, chosen specifically for her.

Baby smile

Secondly, remember - it’s not necessary to get angry at compliments for half an hour to make a person pleasant. Short wishes for a good mood sometimes sound much better, more appropriate than lengthy speeches. Wishes of a good morning or a good day can sometimes make a person believe that today and in truth is not such a bad day as it seemed to him before. Compliments will allow the interlocutor to believe in themselves, in their own strength.

Tell a colleague that she looks wonderful, that her curls today are simply impeccable, and this dress somehow especially emphasizes the wonderful color of her eyes - you will see how the person transforms instantly, how these very eyes that you just praised will shine.

Speaking of praise. This will be another great way to cheer up a person. After all, we all love so much when someone notes our efforts, notices our success. Wish each other good, and it will surely return to you.


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