Ethnographic tourism and its development in Russia and the world

According to UNESCO, ethnographic tourism is the most effective way to establish peace and mutual understanding between residents of different countries. This concept in the domestic theory of tourism is still only conceptualized. While tours are already being organized in practice, objects are being created to understand the characteristics of different cultures and peoples. We will talk about what is meant by the concept of ethnographic tourism, what are its specifics and what are the prospects for development in the world and in Russia. We also give examples of how this type of tourism is organized in different countries.

The concept of ethnographic tourism

From time immemorial, mankind has been inherent in the need to study the origin of peoples, their characteristics, traditions, and language. Ethnography deals with all this - a science that has grown in the framework of history. Traveling has always been a way for people to get to know the world, find better places to live, as a means of interaction with other cultures and peoples. It is from the need to learn more about the world around us that ethnographic tourism appears. The definition of this concept is still in the process of finalization. In general terms, it means a special type of tourism in order to get acquainted with the peculiarities of life of peoples living today or earlier in certain territories. This type of tourism is based on the genuine interest of tourists in the life of people in other countries, in their traditions. In the modern world, the processes of national self-identification of peoples are intensifying. Increasing globalization strengthens the desire of people to realize their uniqueness, belonging to certain ethnic groups. People have a growing interest in their own roots. All this leads to an increase in tourist trips in order to study the lifestyle of their peoples and foreign countries.

ethnographic tourism

Ethnic or Ethnographic

In the articles on tourism you can find two terms: ethnic and ethnographic tourism. The difference between these phenomena can be detected by analyzing these tokens. Ethnic - this refers to any nation, to its origin. And ethnographic is related to the science that studies the origin of peoples, their traditions and cultures. That is, ethnic tourism is a type of tourism that is associated with the knowledge of ethnic groups, and ethnographic tourism - with the inspection of objects that are created or discovered in the process of researching ethnic groups. By and large, the difference between these terms is minimal. There is a point of view that ethnic tourism is more focused on ethnolinguistic and cultural components. However, in widespread use, such a separation of terms has not yet been adopted. Therefore, in speech, they are usually used as synonymous concepts. In our article, we will also use these terms as equivalent.

The relevance of ethnic tourism

The modern world urgently needs interaction between peoples. According to the position of UNESCO, tourism is one of the most important factors in the humanitarian and cultural development of human civilization. It contributes to the establishment of dialogue and good neighborly relations between peoples, leads to the preservation of peace and the rapprochement of ethnic groups. Today, when there is a growing wave of conflicts on ethnic grounds, the search for common human and cultural foundations between nationalities and states is extremely important. And tourism solves these problems among others. It is designed to draw attention to historical events and facts, focused on the preservation of cultural heritage of different nations. We can say that through tourism there is awareness and understanding of the social world. People will learn about how other peoples live, what are their values, the historical path, and become more tolerant and friendly. In addition, of course, ethno-tourism is a way of economic and social development of the regions, which is especially important for developing countries.

organization of ethnographic tourism

Ethnographic objects

Each type of tourism, including ethnographic tourism, has its own specific objects. Ethnographic objects are understood to be phenomena and objects of culture and history that preserve information about the ethnic characteristics of the traditions and way of life of the people. This is a system of specific features that distinguish the ethnic culture from all others. The following ethnographic tourism objects are traditionally distinguished:

- Archaeological sites with pronounced ethnic features. For example, archaeological excavations in the Altai Mountains at the site of the Pazyryk culture.

- Religious and architectural structures and complexes created by ethnic groups in the process of living in some place, including objects created by several ethnic groups. For example, the Kazan Kremlin combines the structures of Christian and Muslim cultures and is a unique monument complex of several ethnic groups.

- Architectural monuments that embody the traditions of a particular ethnic group and are associated with a certain stage in the development of the ethnic group. A vivid example is the Terem Palace in the Moscow Kremlin, an excellent example of the Russian patterne style.

- Monuments of religious architecture with pronounced confessional features, created in a specific architectural tradition. An example is the Cathedral in the German city of Bamberg of the 12th century, which is one of the purest examples of the Romanesque style.

- Traditional ethnic burials, cemeteries, monuments on graves, necropolises created in accordance with national traditions. An example of such an object is the old Jewish cemetery in Prague, which today has become a tourist attraction.

- Museums of national cultures, exhibitions of objects of ethnic cultures. For example, the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia in Ulan-Ude.

- Traditional dwellings and outbuildings characteristic of different peoples, often with the presentation of traditional home decoration, tools for carrying out economic activities. An excellent example of such an object is the Skansen Museum Park in Sweden.

- Entire villages or cities that have retained the layout, buildings, organization of life characteristic of any people. An example is the city of Cesky Krumlov, the center of which has retained its appearance from the Middle Ages.

- Separate objects of everyday life and traditional culture of an ethnos. Examples are mills in different national cultures of Europe.

- Places where festivals and holidays of national cultures are held. During these events, the traditions of folk rites are revived, national costumes are demonstrated. An example is the Maslenitsa holidays, which take place in many cities and regions of Russia.

- Places where folk crafts and traditional crafts are reviving. Examples are many villages and cities of Russia: Zhostovo, Vologda, Kasli.

For the development of ethnographic tourism, it is necessary to study national cultures, identify new objects, restore and preserve them.

ethnic and ethnographic tourism contrast

Ethnographic Heritage

The totality of the monuments of national cultures is the legacy of this ethnic group. It can be locally assembled in one place, or it can be scattered around the world. The task of ethnography is to identify and systematize these objects. Ethnographic tourism organizes tourists to get acquainted with these heritage sites.

The most significant monuments of national cultures are protected by state and international programs. The most famous of these programs is UNESCO, associated with the identification and protection of World Cultural Heritage sites. True, not all objects in this program are ethnographic, there are a number of natural ones. Large nations within the framework of state programs retain their ethnographic wealth. For example, in Uzbekistan there are special institutes and programs for preserving the medieval cities of Khiva and Bukhara, in which large parts of traditional settlements have been preserved.

Ethnic tourism is a way of popularizing the cultural traditions of different peoples, as well as a source of raising funds for the preservation of these objects.

cultural and ethnographic tourism

Types of Ethnographic Tourism

There are several classifications of ethno-tourism. First of all, it can be divided into external and internal. External ethnographic tourism abroad is focused on familiarization with the life and traditions of other nations. And the internal one takes place within the framework of one’s country and allows one to better know one’s own culture and its origins.

According to the method of tourism, there are:

- A visit to existing, “living” ethnic settlements. Such trips are connected with the inspection of the preserved national settlements, where the life system of this ethnos can be recreated or presented for viewing. An example would be the traditional settlement of South American Indians in the jungle of Peru. As part of such visits, tourists can familiarize themselves with how these people are farming, take part in cooking, household items, and decorations. Also, tourists have the opportunity to take part in national ceremonies and holidays.

- Visiting ethnographic museums and exhibitions. This is the most common cultural and ethnographic tourism; it does not require any special effort or expense from a tourist. To get acquainted with the life of this or that people of Russia, you can come to the Russian Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg, where there are exhibits about all the major ethnic groups living in the territory of modern Russia and in the territory of the former Russian Empire.

- Aboriginal tourism. In such trips, representatives of the ethnic group in question are involved in the tour program. For example, safaris in Egypt or the United Arab Emirates are often held by locals dressed in national clothes.

There is also a division of ethnic tourism into traditional and nostalgic. The first involves getting to know cultures through visiting settlements or museums. And the second is a visit to places of origin, historical homeland. So, for example, for the Jews of the whole world, such a place is Jerusalem, where representatives of this people often travel to touch their origins.

Anthropological tourism is also distinguished, it is associated with visiting places of extinct or disappearing cultures. For example, today in Russia tourism is starting to take shape in the Far North zones to get acquainted with the life and traditions of small peoples that are in danger of extinction. The youngest subspecies of ethno-tourism is jailoo. In this case, tourists settle together with an ethnic group, usually small, leading a primitive lifestyle, and live with them. Such tours are already in Nepal, Kyrgyzstan. A tourist settles in a family and performs work that all family members do.

Ethno tourism can also be divided into stationary and event. The first is connected with visiting the place of residence of the ethnic group. Such tours are carried out systematically, since the object is in constant access. The second is related to the holding of an event: a holiday, a festival. Therefore, tours can be organized only during this event.

ethnographic tourism in Russia


Cultural and ethnographic tourism performs several basic functions:

- contributes to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards other peoples, their traditions and norms;

- preserves the cultural diversity of the world, helps to restore and protect the objects of national cultures;

- contributes to the economic stability of museums, cultural and research organizations;

- improves the socio-economic condition of the region in which tourism facilities are located;

- contributes to the revival of national traditions;

- increases the cultural level of people.

ethnographic tourism objects

Lecture hall

Ethnic tourism is aimed at people with high cognitive needs. Such travelers want to learn something new, they are interested in the life and traditions of different nations. The development of ethnographic tourism is due to the fact that there are more and more people interested in the history and culture of different ethnic groups. Such tourists want to learn about how different peoples lived and live, what they ate, how they prepared food. Often such tourists want to use national instruments, to participate in various ceremonies. This is often an educated audience of middle and older age. But more and more often, families with school-age children are interested in such tours. They want their children to know more about their own culture, its roots, traditions, and heritage. Therefore, most often in ethnographic museums classes are held for children.

Ethnographic tourism is a way of transmitting native traditions to next generations. Children are taught national crafts, introduced to folklore, and talk about the language. In the framework of special tours, this is much easier to do than in classrooms.

World experience

Today, the development of ethnographic tourism in the world is gaining momentum. In Europe and America, there are a huge number of large and small places to get acquainted with the life of indigenous peoples, with the culture of the nation. For example, Indian settlements and parks in Canada and the USA. One of the founders of ethnographic open-air parks was the Swedish Skansen. In its image, many similar museums around the world have been opened, for example, the Hungarian Szentendre has its own Skansen. Such types of tourism are also actively developing in Asia. For example, in Thailand there are routes along the Kwai River, telling about the life of the local population. In Bangkok, there is a unique Muang Boran Ancient City park, which contains buildings from all over the country, there is also a floating market model and many workshops with local crafts.

lesson for children ethnographic tourism

Ethnographic resources of Russia

For multinational Russia, ethno-tourism is one of the most promising areas of regional development. Today ethnographic tourism in Russia is also gaining momentum. In almost all regions there are museums and exhibitions of a similar orientation. Open special places for acquaintance with primordial crafts and traditional lifestyles. For example, in Kazan there are two such places at once. This is the Old Tatar Sloboda, which presents traditional Tatar buildings, workshops, a mosque. As well as the Tatar village “Tugan Avylym” is a park where children can play with traditional Tatar crafts and try national dishes in a playful way.

Ethnic Tourism Organization

Despite the fact that today ethnographic tourism in the world is developing and attracting many people, its organization is fraught with many difficulties and problems. The creation of an ethnographic object requires scientific research, justification, as well as large investments. Therefore, such investments are mainly possible only for large organizations or the state. The problem of organizing ethno-tourism is that a large flow of tourists can harm the object. For example, mass travels to African natives lead to the fact that they lose their authenticity.

Russian experience

Today, in Russia, the organization of ethnographic tourism is mainly carried out by regional administrations. They are faced with the task of improving the tourist attractiveness of their territories, and they are ready to create museums, parks, and restore cultural heritage sites. But usually they don’t have a lot of money, and therefore the objects are organized long and poorly. The experience of private investment in creating ethnographic objects in order to attract tourists is still small in Russia, but it is. For example, in the Altai Mountains there is an ethnographic park “Legend”, founded by the Altai sculptor A. Zaitsev. The administration of Biysk district later joined his initiative. The park acquaints tourists with the legends and myths of the Altai Mountains.


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