The lyrical hero of Lermontov. Romantic hero in the lyrics of Lermontov

The anniversary of Lermontov increased interest in his work. In most cases, the reader is interested in the psychology of the author, the manner of writing, and the features of the lyrical hero. For Lermontov’s lyrics, this question is especially relevant, because there is still debate about how the hero of Lermontov’s lyrics is autobiographical, written off from the author himself. In fact, Lermontov, like none of the other poets, implements the principle of autobiography. Therefore, such a comparison as “author” - “lyrical hero” is practically not considered a mistake.

Lyric hero of Lermontov

The origins of Lermontov's work

Many researchers say that the roots of the themes and problems of Lermontov’s work should be sought in his childhood. He did not know maternal love, was brought up by his strict grandmother, hence such problems in the writer's work as misunderstanding and loneliness. This motive is further enhanced due to the author’s enthusiasm for the work of romantic writers. If V. A. Zhukovsky relied on German romanticism, then Lermontov was more interested in English romanticism, mainly in the person of the poet Byron. Lermontov’s lyrical hero is somewhat similar to Byron’s: he is just as lonely, searching, seeking to break out of the world of reality.

The specificity of romanticism in the works of Lermontov

Romanticism as a literary trend arises on the basis of disappointment in the French Revolution. People striving for freedom, equality and fraternity did not achieve what they wanted. That is why the heroes of romantic works are not happy.

Lermontov's romantic hero has its own specifics. As a rule, he is a rebel hero, he does not want to put up with his position. However, it is never possible to break out of the real world, to get into the ideal world. Therefore, often the lyrical hero of Lermontov is carried away in dreams. This we see in the poem "How often a motley crowd surrounded." This is a vivid example of the poet's romantic work. Here the hero is practically inseparable from the author. He is in a society in which lies and pretense reign, all that abhor him, with his thoughts the hero goes to his childhood. How do we understand that a poem is autobiographical? First of all, in the final lines in which Lermontov wants to throw his “iron verse drenched in bitterness and anger” in the face of hypocritical people - the poet’s only weapon.

Hero of the lyrics of Lermontov

The evolution of creativity and the lyrical hero

Lermontov is considered one of the most static writers. Indeed, it is difficult to distinguish periods in his career. Traditionally, the work of M. Yu. Lermontov is divided into earlier and later. The border between the two stages is the poem "The Death of the Poet", because of which he was sent into exile. As you know, Lermontov began to write poetry at a fairly early age. That is why in the first period of his creative career the lyrical hero is distinguished by a certain youthful maximalism. He does not accept half measures, he needs everything or nothing. The hero of Lermontov’s works is not ready to put up with any flaws. We see this in poems of any subject: love, landscape, dedicated to poetry. Of course, the hero of Lermontov is lonely, but, above all, lonely because he wants it so much, because he does not understand it by people, he is not appreciated. In later works, the motive of loneliness intensifies. However, the poem no longer has the challenge that was in the early lyrics. The hero is quiet, calm, endlessly unhappy and lonely. A striking example is the poem "Cliff".

Analysis of the poem "cliff"

Why does Lermontov choose this particular image? Because the cliff is strong and strong. The elements do not have power over him; he is powerful. And because the cliff is not connected with the mountain range, it is lonely, it stands out against the background of the general landscape. And then the cloud spent the night on his chest. She gave him hope for friendship, but in the morning left him. And this mighty giant remained crying in the endless desert. There are no vivid metaphors and comparisons in the poem; it is absolutely small in volume, but Lermontov’s poetic gift was most vividly embodied in it.

The hero of the works of Lermontov

Another example of late lyrics is the poem "Leaf". And again an autobiographical lyrical hero. Lermontov’s lyrics have more allegories in later years, now he does not speak directly, but uses such vivid images as a leaf, cliff, pine trees, palm trees. The leaf, detached from its native branch, went on a journey around the world, but nowhere could he find a haven.

Analysis of the poem "Sail"

One cannot speak about the poet’s romantic work without mentioning his program poem “Sail”. It reflected all the main motives of Lermontov's work: wandering and wandering, loneliness, exile. But mainly in this poem the motive of double peace, so characteristic of romantic poets, is clearly visible. From the real world, in which the lyric hero expects nothing, in which he had nothing, the hero goes to a world in which, in his opinion, he will be better. He is looking for a "storm." In general, the storm is one of the poet’s favorite poetic images . Indeed, the lyrical hero of Lermontov is not ready to live in a world where peace and harmony, he needs a world where passions rage, where he will feel that he is living. And let him suffer, but it will be sincere suffering.

The romantic hero of Lermontov

"I go out alone on the road"

One of the last poems of the poet. It is deeply philosophical and, unlike earlier works, harmonious. It was in him that the author was able to reflect all his life attitudes and his worldview. Now he asks not for the storm, but for rest. But not the “cold sleep of the grave”, he wants to live, feel, look at nature, enjoy its beauty and feel love for himself, perhaps one that he lacked in real life. The poem is written very beautifully, the author uses vivid epithets and personifications. He portrays nature as an ideal and harmonious universe created by the omnipotent God.

The romantic hero of Lermontov in the poem "Mtsyri"

It is impossible to talk about the lyrical hero of Lermontov without mentioning his poem. For example, the poem "Mtsyri". Heroes of M. Yu. Lermontov yearn for freedom (in the literal and figurative sense). They are expelled by people; they cannot find a common language with those around them. Mtsyri is perhaps the true romantic hero of Lermontov. He went to the monastery as a baby. He grew up in captivity, dreaming of parents and friends. With peers did not get along. This takes Mtsyri to the level of a romantic hero, that is, an exceptional hero, dissatisfied with ordinary life. And then the thirst for freedom makes him run. One day Mtsyri spent in the wild, in his own opinion, was richer than his whole life. He saw a Georgian girl, his thoughts carried away to a happy life, which, unfortunately, was not available to him.

The key scene is the battle with the leopard, which represents will, strength and freedom. Therefore, he is not able to defeat Mtsyri, in which the most violent forces live. The finale of the poem confirms that Lermontov’s hero will not succeed in breaking out of the real world, because Mtsyri is dying. Why does Lermontov choose Georgia as the locale? Firstly, he heard this story while driving past one of the Georgian monasteries, and secondly, because the nature of the Caucasus and the life of the Caucasian people greatly impressed him. In Caucasians Lermontov was attracted by a thirst for life and freedom, strength of character.

Lonely heroes of Lermontov

Image of a demon

For Lermontov’s early work, the demonic motive is relevant. The image of a demon often arises, in each of the verses of this subject Lermontov associates himself with an evil spirit, and his gift with a certain obsession. This is not surprising, because the demon is an exile, he is condemned by people, and heaven does not accept him either. That is how the poet felt himself. An example is the poem “Demon”, the poem “My demon”. In one of the early poems, Lermontov writes that he was not created for heaven, that his destiny is to think and suffer.

Heroes of M. Yu. Lermontov

Lyric hero in love poems

Certainly, the love theme is one of the central in the work of any poet. Lermontov's love is also painted in gloomy tones. The lyric hero in Lermontov’s lyrics of an early period had a feeling for his beloved, a cross between love and hatred. He accuses her of misunderstanding, cruelty, inability to love. Lermontov had many objects to whom he dedicated his poems.

One of the most popular poems - "The Pauper" - is dedicated to E. Sushkova. The first part of the work is unconventional. Lermontov talks about a beggar who was given a stone instead of alms, only in the last line it is clear that this is a poem about love. The poet's feelings for Sushkova were deceived. In fact, it was, she made fun of young Lermontov, played with his feelings.

The specifics of love lyrics change after Lermontov met Varvara Lopukhina. These were real mutual feelings. But the relatives of Lopukhina were against her marriage to a young and poor poet. Now there were no reproaches and accusations in the verses, there was only disappointment and the idea that love was a tragedy.


The peak of the poet’s work was the novel “Hero of Our Time”. The true romantic hero Grigory Pechorin is quite comparable with the lyric character of Lermontov. He is also lonely, not understood, but his character is very multifaceted and complex. The hero of the novel by Lermontov suffers because of his pride and ambition. It simultaneously causes sympathy and hostility. And if the hero of the lyrics does not raise almost any questions, then about the nature of Pechorin, discussions continue to this day among literary critics.

The hero of the novel Lermontov

Lonely heroes of Lermontov cannot but arouse sympathy and sympathy. Each of people periodically has thoughts of loneliness. It’s just that Lermontov’s feeling was especially acute. Of course, there was a reasonable explanation for all this: his work was not recognized by the authorities, in his personal life he was not happy. The writer found his ideal world in creativity, in the service of literature. The hero of Lermontov’s works (like the author himself) lives to “think and suffer”, because without suffering there is no life, and he does not need such a quiet, harmonious, calm existence.


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