Disability pension amount by groups: calculation principles

To calculate the size of a disability pension, many factors are taken into account, such as length of service, group, dependents, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to name just one amount, knowing only certain facts about the disabled person. The following article will help to understand the topic in detail and understand what size of pension for disability groups and other factors this or that person with disabilities can count on.

Disabled people

In our country, people who are disabled are people who cannot ensure a normal quality of life on their own due to their health conditions. In general, disability is received as a result of injuries and injuries, visual impairment, for occupational diseases. Disability can also be congenital. The main provisions relating to the regulation of this issue are contained in the Law "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities" No. 181-FZ.

People with disabilities are divided into 3 groups. A separate category includes children with disabilities. With group 1, the body has the greatest damage (in which human life is impossible without outside interference). With group 3, the damage is least harmful. A disability group is established as a result of a medical examination. Depending on this indicator, the basic size of a disability pension is different.

disability groups

How is it considered

Disabled people can receive the following types of payments:

  • Insurance pension, as well as EDV.
  • Social pension, as well as EDV.

An insurance pension is granted to those who have ever worked (officially) in their lives. In this case, the length of service does not matter.

Social benefits are paid to the following people with disabilities:

  • Children with disabilities.
  • Persons who have never worked.
  • Injured as a result of a criminal act. This payment is assigned even if they had a long work experience.

EDV is understood as a monthly cash payment, which is compensation for the purchase of medical supplies, transportation costs, in case of refusal from the NSO (a set of social services provided in kind). EDV is paid in a fixed amount, which is indexed every year in February.

Pensioners are provided with NSOs, but they have the right to refuse it in order to receive EDV in a larger amount. Two types of support are not provided at the same time.

Many people with disabilities who feel good do not need an NSO. Therefore, they refuse it, having decided to receive the monetary equivalent of compensation. In addition, it is possible to refuse not all but part of the services. In this case, the EDV is recalculated.

The amount of disability pension in 2018 will increase by EDV (with and without NSO) for various disabled people, depending on the disability group, by the following amounts:

  • People with disabilities of the 1st group are entitled to 3 651.75 rubles.
  • Disabled people of 2 groups - 2 607.93 rubles.
  • Disabled people of 3 groups - 2 087.67 rubles.
  • Children with disabilities - 2,590.24 rubles.
how is disability pension considered

Amount of social payment

Currently, the following social disability pension is provided depending on the group:

  • Disabled people of the first group, disabled children - 9 919.73 rubles. or 11 903.51 rubles.
  • Disabled people of the second group, disabled children - 4,959.85 rubles. or 9 919.73 rubles.
  • Disabled people of the third group - 4,454.78 rubles.

Each year, this payment changes as a result of indexation. In 2019, this procedure will be carried out in April, and the minimum disability pension will increase by 2.7%. In this case, the payment will increase by an amount from 200 to 500 rubles.

Insurance and funded parts: calculation principles

The insurance and funded parts suggest a different amount of disability pension in 2018. In this case, the following formula is used for the calculations: PV = FC + SP + NP, where

  • PS - a fixed part of the payment, which remains unchanged for all pensioners, but increases as a result of annual indexation.
  • JV - insurance pension, which is considered by dividing the pension savings by the number of months remaining until the appointment of an old-age pension.
  • NP - funded pension, which is formed due to savings in a special account. The amount is calculated by dividing the available savings by the number of months remaining before the appointment of a standard insurance benefit by age.
insurance and funded parts: calculation principles

The fixed part depends on the group, as well as the composition of the family. The amount of disability pension in this case will be as follows:

  • Single pensioners of the 1st disability group were entitled to 9,610.22 rubles., 2 groups - 4,805.11 rubles., 3 groups - 2,491.45 rubles.
  • With 1 dependent, pensioners of the 1st disability group will receive 11,211.92 rubles, 2 groups of 6,406.81 rubles, 3 groups of 4,152.42 rubles.
  • With 2 dependents, pensioners of the 1st disability group will be paid 12,813.62 rubles, 2 groups - 8,008.51 rubles, 3 groups - 5,813.48 rubles.
  • With 3 dependents, pensioners of the 1st disability group will receive 14,415.32 rubles, 2 groups of 9,610.21 rubles, 3 groups of 7,474.34 rubles.

Calculation of insurance pension

To calculate this type of payment, the following algorithm of actions is applied.

  1. You need to know the pension capital, which is calculated by the formula: PK1 + (PK2 + B) + PK3 (PK1 means the amount of contributions paid before 2002, PK2 - the amount of contributions paid in the period from 2002 to 2014, PK3 - the number of pension points since 2015, B - the amount of valorization).
  2. Then you need to calculate the period (in months) until the insurance pension is paid, which is expressed in T. The following formula is applied: T = 144 + n * 12 (months). This formula introduces the values ​​available since 2002, and n means the number of years that have passed since that year.
  3. The coefficient is considered as follows: the number of months of insurance experience is divided by 180 (maximum number of months). Moreover, for people with disabilities up to 19 years, this number is much less and is 12. But after the onset of 19 years, it increases annually by 4 months until it reaches 180 months.
disability insurance amount

To pay a funded pension, it is necessary to achieve retirement age, as well as having 5 years of work experience. The calculation is carried out by applying the following formula: NP = CH / T, where

  • CH - the amount in the savings account.
  • T - survival period (may vary each year).

This type of pension can be paid in an unlimited, urgent and lump sum order. The above formula is used to calculate perpetual payments. If the pension is urgent, then instead of the period of survival, the period of time chosen by the disabled person is used (but not less than 10 years). A lump-sum payment is not possible in all cases, and depends on how much disability pension in Moscow or the regions a person with a disability will receive after making the appropriate calculations.

Who is paid the state pension?

State payment is assigned to the following categories of persons with disabilities:

  • The military, who received disability while on duty.
  • To participants of the Second World War.
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad.
  • Affected by industrial or radiation disasters during their liquidation.
  • Astronauts who have received disabilities in preparation for a flight into space or in flight.

The size of the disability pension for military personnel depends on a special coefficient, which is multiplied by social benefits. It is different depending on the category of military personnel.

Disabled servicemen may receive the following social pension:

  • In case of military trauma, disabled people of the 1st group are provided with 300% of the social benefits, 2 groups - 250%, 3 groups - 175%.
  • In case of illness while serving, disabled people of the 1st group will receive 250% of the social benefits, 2 groups - 200%, 3 groups - 150%.

In addition to social payments, monetary allowance is provided in the following percentage terms:

  • In case of military trauma, disabled people of the 1st group are paid 85% of the monetary allowance (DD), 2 groups - 85%, 3 groups - 50%.
  • In case of illness during service, disabled people of group 1 are paid 75% of the DD, group 2 - 75%, group 3 - 40%.

Child disability pension amount

To understand this issue, you need to immediately determine that there is a category of "children with disabilities", as well as "children with disabilities." These are not identical concepts, since in the latter case we are talking about adults, and not about children. Disability in children can last for several years or all the time.

The disability pension for a child in 2018 is 12,082 rubles. for the first group, 10,068 - for the second and 4,279 rubles. - for the third group of disability.

Pension procedure

disability pension procedure

For a disabled person, the procedure can be simplified due to his state of health. The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Contact your doctor to get a certificate of form 088 / y-06 and referral to a medical examination.
  2. Collection of evidence of disability for presentation to experts.
  3. Appeal to the territorial commission with evidence of the impossibility of a normal life due to the presence of the disease.
  4. Appeal to the FIU with proper information.
  5. After the appointment of a pension, passing a re-examination once or twice a year.

A representative of a disabled person can be involved in paperwork, be it parents or other persons. During the examination, an individual rehabilitation plan is prepared for the disabled person, which is aimed at his return to normal life. According to this plan, the fund may allocate technical rehabilitation means, as well as vouchers for treatment in a sanatorium, regardless of the size of the disability pension of 3 groups, 2 groups or 1 group appointed by the state.

Required documents

Turning to the doctor, the patient should have with him only an identity card and a policy. For the examination you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Direction to ITU.
  • Application for examination and assignment of disability.

In the Pension Fund, the applicant will be required to:

  • Identification.
  • SNILS.
  • Act of medical examination.
  • Individual rehabilitation program.

Benefits for disabled people of groups 1 and 2

privileges for disabled people of groups 1 and 2

Persons with disabilities have the right not only to receive a pension. If a second or first disability group is assigned, the amount of the pension is usually insufficient to satisfy all needs. Therefore, the state provides a range of social benefits. These include the following:

  • How to get to public transport, as well as to the place of treatment.
  • Receiving drugs (prescription).
  • Obtaining equipment and materials for dressing (if available).
  • The annual health-improving rest in the sanatorium.
  • Dental prosthetics services.
  • Obtaining prostheses of missing limbs.
  • Getting orthopedic shoes.
  • Extraordinary admission to colleges and universities, if the exams are passed successfully.
  • Receive scholarships in an increased amount.
  • Work in a mode at which 35 hours a week is the maximum amount of working time.
  • Half the overhaul payment.
  • Half of the utility bills.
  • Half the payment of the insurance policy.
  • Land tax reduction.
  • A tax deduction of 500 rubles from the personal income tax base.
privileges for disabled people of 3 groups

Benefits for people with disabilities 3 groups

Disabled people in this group can count on a much smaller list of benefits. But to them are added exemptions in the field of labor law. These include the following:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines and medical equipment.
  • 50% discount on public transport.
  • 50% discount on the insurance policy.
  • Work without a trial period.
  • The right to vacation at any convenient time.
  • Obtaining part-time work opportunities.
  • 50% discount for utility bills.
  • 50% discount for transport tax.

In addition to these benefits, both disabled people of group 3, so 1 and 2 can count on exemptions introduced at the regional level. You can find out what benefits have been established in a particular region by contacting the social welfare department at the place of residence. And to the question about what size of disability pension in 2018 can be expected, you can find out by contacting the territorial branch of the FIU.


Through social services, the state is actively pursuing appropriate policies to integrate people with disabilities into society. Moreover, if, for natural reasons, rights cannot be equalized, people with disabilities receive appropriate monetary compensation. The law establishes a different amount of disability pension (3 groups, 2 groups, 1 group and children with disabilities). In addition to financial assistance, a disabled person gets the opportunity to use social benefits of one or another direction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15744/

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