Artyom. The secret of your name ...

One of the most interesting and mysterious is the secret of your name. Many by name try to unravel the character of a person and understand how to behave with him. For example, the name Artyom became very popular today . The secret of this name was discovered in ancient Greece. It is from there that it comes. Translated into Russian means "healthy." Previously, it was quite rare, but today it is increasingly common.

Little Artem

The secret of the name hides a wonderful companion, calm and self-confident.

Artem Secret Name
He will always protect the weak and lend a helping hand to a friend. He does not seek to be in the center of attention, but, thanks to his personal qualities, enjoys authority among relatives and friends. Artem is an independent and independent person. Older guys respect him and listen to his opinion. His keen mind, insight and foresight help make the right decisions. Artem usually has a great physique. He is involved in sports, athletics and enjoys going to the gym. For parents, this child is just a treasure. He will never refuse help at home, he goes to the store and visits his sick grandmother. Sometimes he likes to speak on various issues, and those around him should listen to him.

Adult Artem

The mystery of the name gives us the opportunity to say that this person is friendly and calm. He always seeks to tell the truth, because of which he often finds himself in unpleasant situations. Not everyone can appreciate this quality. Artem can take a sober look at the situation and make the right decision. He is a reliable friend, always ready to help in a difficult situation. You can tell him anything, including the most secret secrets, and he will never give them out under any pretext. At the same time, Artem himself is very picky. It is not easy to become his friend. He sees people through and through. Those lucky enough to be his friend can always rely on him.

mystery named artyom

Family life

The mystery of the name Artyom is that he is a wonderful family man. He takes care of his family, always helps his wife around the house, goes shopping with her. But you cannot call him henpecked. He knows how to defend his point of view and persuade others around her. He will not allow himself to push. If children, a spouse or colleagues try to force him to do what he does not want, Artem becomes depressed.

Artem enjoys authority among children. They respect him and listen with pleasure. He likes to play with kids, take them to the zoo and buy all sorts of little things. But you cannot call him wasteful. He is not inclined to make rash purchases and rush into the pool with his head.

the secret of your name

Professional activity

Artyom, whose secret name implies a firm character, can achieve success in areas such as journalism, medicine, architecture, pedagogy. Almost any area is subject to him. Hard work and logical thinking will help him build a career.


Artyom will be able to build strong relationships and create a family with Lyudmila, Anna, Larisa, Tamara. But with Maya, Zoe and Marina, the union is unlikely to be successful.


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