Dmitrovsky district: attractions with photos and description

Sights of the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region are distinguished by their considerable age, good knowledge and proximity to no less interesting objects that will meet during a trip north from the capital. Dmitrovsky district includes eleven municipalities, of which the largest are the cities of Dmitrov and Yakhroma. The area of ​​the district is just over 200 thousand hectares, the population is 162 thousand people.

History of the region

The development of the territory began a very long time ago. According to archaeologists, the appearance of man in these parts dates back to the late Mesolithic era. A primitive man’s site was found near the village of Davydkovo, on the banks of the Yakhroma River. People here were engaged in hunting, fishing, and gathering. Eastern Slavs began to actively inhabit this territory in the XVIII-XIX centuries. A dense forest grew here, people settled on the banks of the rivers or near them, clearing clearings from the forest.


The main city and the main attraction of the Dmitrov district of the Moscow region. It was founded in 1154 by Yuri Dolgoruky, the Rostov-Suzdal prince, as a border fortress. Soon, the new city acquired not only strategic importance. Located at the crossroads of commercial water and land routes, it began to develop rapidly economically and acquired new significance for the principality. Merchants sailed along the rivers Yakhroma, Sestra and Dubna to the upper Volga, and by land they could get to Klyazma, and from there - to Vladimir.

Wooden Kremlin

The city was at the crossroads of not only trade, but also military routes. Repeatedly ruined by the specific princes, the Golden Horde, the raids of nomadic tribes, he again rebuilt and remained on guard of the princely borders.

The event of 1364, when Dmitrov became part of the Moscow Principality, is of great importance for the city. The peace period, which dates from the beginning of the 15th century, contributed to its economic development, population growth, and prosperity. It was at this time that objects began to be built, which today are the sights of the Dmitrov district of the Moscow region.

The periods of recovery alternated with years of crisis and ruin, but the steady growth of trading activity began thanks to the reforms of Peter I. With the advent of St. Petersburg, construction of manufacturing facilities, industrial facilities: a grease factory, a nightingale factory, and tanneries began to develop. The city has its own coat of arms.

The construction of the railway line connecting Moscow with St. Petersburg reduced the importance of the old waterway, and the city once again began to decline. The population of the city began to decline. Another upward leap is associated with the construction of the Moscow Canal in 1932-1938. The population immediately tripled.

During the war, heavy battles unfolded on the front of the city near Dmitrov, the purpose of which was to destroy the hydraulic system and cut off the supply of electricity to Moscow. Channel them. Moscow, Peremilovskaya height, located south of Dmitrov, are the sights of the Dmitrovsky district, the description of which we will consider below.

Currently, the city boasts well-maintained residential areas, well-groomed streets and parks, restored historical sites. In 2005, he won the Main Prize at the All-Russian contest “The Most Comfortable City of Russia” in the category of cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people.

On the sports attractions of Dmitrovsky district. Travel Tips

When driving along the Dmitrovskoye Shosse by car or bus, you will repeatedly see signs to sports facilities, of which there are a great many in these places. On the slopes of the picturesque Klinsko-Dmitrov Ridge there are numerous slopes, ski slopes, ski routes begin here.

The Volen complex, located on the 63rd kilometer of Dmitrovskoye Shosse, two kilometers from the town of Yakhroma, is famous among skiing enthusiasts for interesting tracks of varying difficulty, well-developed infrastructure, and good coaching staff. It has 16 lifts. But it should be noted that this fashion complex is quite expensive.

The Yakhroma ski slope is rich in entertainment for every taste: ten illuminated slopes, an ice rink, snowmobiles, winding toboggan (a track with turns and turns that are used in special carts) will please both children and adults.

Descent in Sarochany

Sorochany is a well-equipped sports complex, no worse than Volen. But the prices here are still significantly different from the expensive complex, perhaps this is due to the lower publicity of the object.

Moscow Canal

Moving towards Dmitrov along Dmitrovskoye Shosse, the traveler will travel for a considerable period of time along this hydraulic structure, which is an interesting attraction of the Dmitrovsky district. Description of the beauty and significance of the waterway, which made Moscow a port of five seas, will take a lot of time. It will be more informative to characterize its economic significance.

Canal from Moscow to the Volga

The decision to build the canal was made by the Soviet government in 1931, and six years later, the first ships went from Nizhny Novgorod to the capital of the USSR. Two problems were solved at once: two mighty rivers were connected, Moscow and the Volga, and the capital was provided with Volga water, since the Moskvoretskaya was already sorely lacking. 128 kilometers of the canal stretched from Dubna to the Tushino district of Moscow.

In addition to the listed functions, the canal provides sanitary flooding of the Moscow River, is the shortest transport line from the capital to the Volga, provides the city and surrounding settlements with electric energy.

Five reservoirs that appeared on the map in connection with the construction of the canal: Ikshinskoye, Pestovskoye, Uchinskoye, Pyalovskoye and Klyazminskoye, are not only places for Muscovites to rest, but also storage tanks for drinking water for the city.


A small town stretching 55 kilometers from Moscow on the banks of the Moscow Canal. Tourists are amused by the old legend about the name of this settlement. Allegedly, accompanying the Grand Duke Vsevolod to the construction site of Dmitrov, the wife stumbled, getting out of the wagon, and whimsically declared: "I am lame."

The area of ​​the city is only 17 km 2 , less than 15 thousand people live here. But, despite its small size, the city has something to see. Sights of the Dmitrovsky district are the Trinity Cathedral, which rises in the old part of the city, as well as gateway number 3 on the Moscow Canal.

Gateway number three

Caravels of Columbus "Santa Maria", made of red copper, are installed on the lock chamber towers and burn in the sun, attracting attention from afar. Here was the line of defense of the capital in December 1941.

Dmitrov Kremlin. Earthworks

Familiarity with the city should begin with the territory of the Kremlin. Here in the XII century there was a wooden fortress, erected by order of Yuri Dolgoruky to protect Moscow lands. The witness of the events of those times has survived - the earthen rampart, which is one of the main attractions of the Dmitrovsky district.

Kremlin and ramparts in winter

Its length is 990 meters, and its height is up to 14 meters. Once upon a time, wooden walls with towers rose on its top, but the tree burned down or decayed, but the shaft remained. Today this historical monument is protected by the state.

Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin

The Assumption Cathedral, which is the dominant feature of the Kremlin, was rebuilt many times. Now it’s hard to imagine how he looked at first. It is known that five chapters crowned him, today there are nine. The exact date of construction is unknown, but this is the first half of the 16th century. The cathedral was in good condition before reconstruction, because in 1932 it was transferred to the local museum. True, they removed the crosses, dismantled the dome and spire of the bell tower. But in 1991, transferred to the hands of the church, the temple was restored and has been operating since 2003.

Monuments in the Kremlin

There are monuments on the territory of the Kremlin that can hardly be called sights of the Dmitrov region, but they are definitely interesting. In front of the entrance to the Assumption Cathedral there is a monument to the holy martyr Seraphim, who in the twenties of the last century founded the brotherhood of the Holy Cross and "engaged in counter-revolutionary activities." He was waiting for the fate of the "enemy of the people." In 2004, a monument was erected on the territory of Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing. The attitude to them is reverent, their images can be seen in the temple.

Cyril and Methodius

The Kremlin still has many interesting, well-repaired objects that generously share the history of these places.

Peremilovskaya height of 214 meters

Just one and a half kilometers from the city there is another significant attraction of the Dmitrovsky district, photos of which are often printed on city posters, booklets, guidebooks.

Peremilovskaya height

In 1941, bloody battles over strategically important heights took place in these places, today a memorial complex was erected here in memory of the defenders of this extremely important milestone. From here began the retreat of the fascist invaders.


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