Tomato "Japanese Truffle": photo, description. specifications

Today, gardeners are aware of hundreds of varieties of tomatoes, each of which is distinguished by its original properties, taste and appearance. In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the tomato "Japanese truffle", share the features of its cultivation. You will also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety, its varieties and the history of breeding. We begin, of course, with a description of the tomato "Japanese truffle." In the next section, you will learn how the ripe fruits of this tomato look, and also get acquainted with its main characteristics.

Description of tomato variety "Japanese Truffle"

Japanese Truffle Tomatoes

This variety is indeterminate, that is, the bush does not have a final growth point. Tomatoes "Japanese truffle" do not differ in high productivity - from one bush you can get no more than four kilograms of fruit. Ripening speed also cannot be called fast, as ripe tomatoes begin to appear 115-120 days after planting. However, it’s not without reason that many summer residents opt for these tomatoes. It's all about their original taste and appearance. The weight of ripe tomato varies from 100 to 200 grams. Slightly ribbed and pear-shaped fruits can be of completely different colors - pink, red, black and even golden - depending on the variety variety.

The bush grows quite high - about two meters in height (when grown in a greenhouse), and it must be tied up. When planting in open ground, the height of the bushes reaches one and a half meters, which is also the basis for the garter.

Variety varieties

Red japanese truffle

There are several types of tomatoes "Japanese truffle", each of which has its own characteristics of cultivation and taste. In this section, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the assortment of these tomatoes.

  • Red Japanese Truffle. A photo of tomatoes of this variety shows bright red fruits that have a sweet taste with a subtle touch of acid. This combination makes this variety a great option for canning.
  • Black Japanese Truffle. It has a more refined taste compared to other varieties. This name was given to the tomato due to the very dark color of the fruit.
  • Pink Japanese Truffle. This variety has no special differences from other varieties, except for a more delicate color of the skin and pulp and a slightly more sweet taste.
  • Golden Japanese Truffle. A bright yellow-gold hue of the fruits gives the tomato a certain unusualness. A very sweet taste allows you to equate fruits with fruits.
  • Orange "Japanese Truffle". It is distinguished by a particularly dense pulp covered with bright orange peel. It is permissible to collect rather large fruits of this variety of tomato from the bush until full ripening, they ripen very well.

Breeding history

In fact, it’s quite difficult to accurately name the year and country where the tomato "Japanese truffle" was bred. According to Western breeders, Russia is the birthplace of this tomato variety, but in fact it has appeared on the markets of our country quite recently. Registration of this variety was carried out in 2001, however, the variety of tomato "Japanese truffle" is still not included in the state register, and therefore has not yet managed to become widely known among summer residents and gardeners.

In a favorable climate, the bushes perfectly take root in the open ground, in regions with more severe conditions it is advisable to grow it in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Advantages and disadvantages

Japanese Truffle Tomatoes

The main advantage of the tomato "Japanese truffle", of course, is its original delicate taste. The dense pulp with a small content of watery juice allows not only to store it fresh for a long time, but also to get excellent canned food from this tomato. But because of its high density, "Japanese truffle" is not the best choice for making homemade juice.

Along with the advantages, this variety has some disadvantages. For example, its low productivity. In addition, "Japanese truffle" - tomatoes are rather capricious and demanding throughout the growing period, despite the general resistance to disease. One of the problems you may encounter when cultivating these tomatoes is their sensitivity to temperature extremes.

Growing seedlings

Planting seedlings

Preparation of seedlings should begin in March, provided that its transplantation into the open ground is planned for late May. If you are going to grow Japanese truffle tomatoes in a greenhouse, then seedlings are planted in January, and transplanting to a permanent place is carried out in late March or early April. Sowing begins with the preparation of soil, which should consist of turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. It is this composition that has a sufficient amount of useful substances necessary for germinating seeds, which are planted to a depth of not more than two centimeters.

Containers with seedlings are placed in a warm and well-lit room, the temperature in which does not fall below +16 Β° C. Dive into separate containers from a common container is made only after the appearance of two leaves at the sprout. A week before such a transplant, the soil is fertilized with mineral fertilizers, in which the content of potassium and phosphorus predominates.

Transplant to the ground

Transplanting tomato seedlings

Since transplantation is a kind of stress for seedlings, it is important to properly prepare the sprouts for this process. Hardening can be done by periodically ventilating and placing seedlings on the balcony. But despite such acclimatization, transplanting seedlings into open ground is permissible only after the end of frost. The optimum temperature of the soil for growing tomatoes "Japanese truffle" is considered an indicator not lower than +13 Β° C.

Wells for planting tomatoes are dug at a distance of at least 40 centimeters from each other. For transplantation, choose the strongest and most healthy sprouts. And the preparation of the soil should begin in the fall.


Tomato Seedlings Japanese Truffle

Tomatoes "Japanese truffle" are no exception, if we talk about the frequency of watering this crop - this variety also likes moderate application of water, which is carried out every other day. It is best to water tomatoes in the evening, because more evaporation occurs during the day. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around the bush - this will not only prevent the formation of soil crust, but also save the plant from weeds.

Due to the rather weak brushes very often occurs in their hall at the stage of formation of the fruit. Therefore, it is advisable to start the garter of the bush almost immediately after transplanting seedlings into the ground. To avoid the effects of jumps in planting temperatures, constant warm weather is covered by a layer of mulch, which can be straw or dry leaves.

To obtain a tasty and rich crop, the constant introduction of mineral and organic fertilizing is important. In addition to root dressing, tomatoes can be fertilized by spraying their leaves from a sprayer.

Fruiting conditions

Black japanese truffle

To obtain the maximum possible yield, increased attention should be paid to the quality of the soil in which they are grown. It is obligatory to prepare the soil already in autumn by adding humus, potash and superphosphate fertilizers to it.

To maintain neutral acidity, periodically apply a small amount of wood ash to the soil. After applying any fertilizer, the soil is dug in such a way that the layer of land is turned upside down. To keep nutrients in the soil, leave large lumps on the surface of the earth that will prevent micronutrients from being washed out by snow or rain.

Diseases and Pests

If you believe the information from the manufacturer, then this variety of tomatoes is practically invulnerable to various diseases, especially late blight. However, reviews of tomato "Japanese truffle" say that there is still a disease that affects him. We are talking about phomosis or, as it is also called, brown rot. Phomosis manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the surface of a tomato and rotting pulp. In case of infection of the plant, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected parts and destroy them. The bush, the soil around it and the surface of the greenhouse are treated with a fungicidal preparation, for example, Hom. It is also worth reducing the frequency of watering, since the main cause of this disease is increased dampness.

The pests that most commonly infect Japanese truffle tomatoes are spider mites, gourds and thrips. Drugs "Karbofos" and "Bison" help get rid of them. After treatment with fungicide, it is permissible to treat the leaves of the plant with a soap solution.


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