Solid fuel water boiler: DIY installation

Have you purchased a solid fuel water boiler? Keep in mind that when installing it, you must follow certain rules that will ensure the durability of the equipment and its safety. Before starting work, the wizard should familiarize himself with the main aspects of the installation, only then the installation manipulations will seem simple and enjoyable.

If you still have not decided in which place and on which technology to install the solid fuel boiler, you should read the information below. In order to provide a complete heating system, a solid fuel boiler should be used, but its installation can be done independently. If a solid fuel water boiler is supposed to be supplemented with equipment like a boiler in the future, then there should be a margin of space in the room around the device for this, which is important to consider at the design stage.

Among other things, if we consider the free space, it is important to think about the fact that a certain place will be needed for distributing heating pipes, and for the boiler itself. Installing pipes is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account all the nuances that will be described below.

Room requirements for boiler installation

solid fuel boiler

First of all, the owners of a private house must solve the issue with the boiler room. The room must be provided with ventilation, which is required for proper and efficient combustion. The surface of the floor is poured with a concrete screed, the thickness of which should not be less than five centimeters.

If you install a solid fuel water boiler, the first step will be to choose the right location for the boiler room and the equipment itself. The main drawback is often the requirements that consist of installing the device in a place where there is enough space around the perimeter for ventilation of all surfaces.

Properly selected equipment needed to install the system will also play an important role. If it is professional, then it costs a lot of money, which is why it is not recommended to do the installation yourself, it is better to entrust these manipulations to specialists. However, everything will depend on the size of the heating system.

Work sequence

do-it-yourself solid fuel water boiler

A solid fuel water boiler must be installed in several stages. One of the first is the placement of equipment in a separate room. At the second stage, the master carries out the laying of the pipeline throughout the house, strapping is carried out, and the boiler itself is last launched.

Requirements and standards for connecting equipment

The durability of the system operation without outside interference depends on how well the installation work will be done on installing the boiler and laying system elements. In order to ensure the safe operation of the device, you need to install equipment in a room with an area of ​​7 square meters or more. The boiler room is equipped with supply-type ventilation, and the channel section of this system should be 80 millimeters per 1 kilowatt of boiler power.

Russian solid fuel water boilers

It is important to install the unit, moving it away from the wall by 0.5 meters. The floor surface must be paved with non-combustible building materials. Before the furnace, as in the case of the furnace, a sheet made of non-combustible material should be placed. Quite often, metal acts as it. The diameter of the chimney is calculated taking into account the chimney of the equipment.

It is worth noting that many indicators are generally accepted, they can be calculated using the information from the documentation for the device. If you decide to install a solid fuel water boiler yourself, you must consider that safety is paramount. This suggests that when connecting to the mains, fire safety standards must be observed .

The efficiency of the heart of the heating equipment - the boiler - will depend on the correct installation and selection of the type of chimney. It is also worthwhile to turn to professionals for help for the reason that with independent work, you no longer have to rely on a guarantee. Depending on the capacity of the unit and the dimensions of the room, the boiler can be unloaded independently or using a mobile crane. In the latter case, it is recommended to take care of installing the device until the completion of construction. This will eliminate problems with doorways and roofing.

Preparation before installing the boiler

homemade solid fuel boiler

Considering Russian boilers water-based solid fuels (Sibir, Ochag, Zota, Prometey and others), you should find out before installation about how to install them. Before laying the system, it is important to calculate the parameters of the room, taking into account the principle of operation of the device. The master must consider the necessary biases. Next, the wiring of the coolant pipes is carried out, as well as the individual elements are connected. To do this, you may have to use a special soldering iron that allows you to work with plastic pipes. If we are talking about metal products, then we need a welding machine. In order to achieve smooth edges at the pipes, you need to prepare special scissors.

Boiler mounting technology

solid fuel water heating boilers

A home-made solid fuel boiler is installed on the same principle as a device purchased in a store. The procedure for manipulation involves the need for preparatory work for installation. This may include the preparation of the boiler room and other premises, if any. Be sure to take care of the presence of a concrete platform on which to install the device.

After the system is mounted, and the boiler is in place, it is necessary to tie it, which is considered the most complex process. Connection of communications provides for a pipe that supplies water to the system. It is important to ensure the return, supply, and also to install all the necessary additional devices. Now the master makes the arrangement of the chimney, and at the final stage launches the equipment.

For the reason that the power and direction of the wind will affect the functioning of the unit, you need to take care of the correct location of the chimney. The house must be well insulated, as this is required for a rare restart of the boiler. With a more frequent restart, the equipment can quickly fail.

Basic requirements for the chimney

When boilers for water heating using solid fuel are installed, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the chimney, which should not have turns. However, if they do exist, then steep bends must be excluded.

do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler

The elements that lead to the boiler, as well as the chimney and component pipes must be well sealed, for this you can use sealant or tape. The chimney should be as durable as possible, and its design - to withstand the weight of the pipe with a certain margin. It is important to choose a chimney, the cross section of which will be equal to the cross section of the output of the unit.

Check and configure the system

solid fuel boilers

If you install a solid fuel heating boiler with your own hands, then after installation is complete, you need to tighten all existing connections, and also check their tightness. The hydraulic system must be flushed and checked.

First start up

Solid fuel boilers water-generating water should be started correctly after installation. The heating system must be filled with water, and then tightly connected to the equipment. Around the boiler, it is necessary to remove garbage if it remains after the completion of installation work. All doors that are supposed to be used during operation to clean the device must be closed. Only after the equipment has completely cooled down can the existing faults be eliminated.

General requirements for the ventilation system in the boiler room

If you will install a solid fuel heating boiler with your own hands, the drawings of which can be borrowed from the article, it is important to properly equip the boiler room. If a chimney passes through the wall, it must be pierced in two places. In this case, one of the holes will be the outlet of the pipe, and the second should be located below, it is intended for cleaning debris accumulated in the chimney.

Air is supplied in through the openings located at the bottom of the door. However, the ventilation stroke can also perform this function. The hole for the air flow can be calculated as follows. Eight square centimeters should be for every kilowatt of equipment power. This is true if the air intake is outside. Thirty centimeters for every kilowatt of power will be enough if the fence is inside.


It is quite realistic to equip the boiler room for installing the boiler with the simplest ventilation system, which can work on the principle of natural air flow. To do this, a hole is made in front of the boiler in the wall, which is displayed on the street. The diameter of the pipe should be equal to fifteen centimeters or more. This element must be supplemented with a valve, which is necessary to regulate the air flow.

The main advantage of the described system is the simplicity and ability to function independently of energy sources.


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