Risen 3: review, reviews and comments, features, gameplay, graphics and plot

Summer is coming and it's time to go to the South Seas on a beautiful cruise on tropical islands: explore abandoned ruins and search for chests full of jewels! While someone is spending another boring vacation on a family trip, you can take a virtual journey into the world of pirates, romance and constant adventure. So that you can understand what kind of adventure awaits you, it is best to read the review on Risen 3.

The story begins!

Ask your friends to name the top 10 best role-playing games, and you will certainly shout the names “The Witcher”, Dragon Age, as well as timeless classics such as Gothic or Fallout. Historically, in this large family, real geniuses are born much more often than in other genres. However, some games, like people, do not always need to be talented to be just good. This will prove to you a review on the Risen 3 Titan Lords PS4.

The Risen series of games can be called the standard of the stereotype "fool, but good." The world in these games can not be compared with the endless wastes of Bethesda, their characters will be just the shadow of the heroes that were invented by Bioware. The founding company of "Gothic" was not the best in anything, however, their games always had a unique charm.

Review of the game Risen 3 is better to start with an introduction to the main character! This is a typical character for all role-playing games: a person without a name, history, lost everything and begins his journey from the bottom. Agree, a familiar situation.

Although the difference can still be noticed, since our nameless hero has a pedigree. He is a pirate captain and is the brother of the famous Patty. During the day, he plows the seas, hunting piracy in search of treasures, and at night he suffers from nightmares in which he fights with ghost captains. With this little baggage of knowledge, we are sent to the Crab coast. This is where, according to Patty, there should be treasures. However, instead, the couple goes to the portal, which leads to the other world, from where the Lord of Shadows leaves at the most “successful” moment. The result of the meeting of the protagonist with the enemy is very obvious: he loses his soul and life for a while, his sister only received a few bruises.

risen 3 titan lords

Resurrection and the search for salvation

No, this is not the end of the Risen 3 review! Our protagonist survives! Bons doesn’t let him die, another resident of the previous parts. Thanks to Voodoo magic, our hero again stands on two legs, in perfect order. However, his spiritual affairs are much worse: if measures are not taken, the protagonist has every chance of becoming a servant of the world of shadows without the possibility of pardon. Only powerful wizards will help to stop the process, and in order to find them and convince them to help, it is necessary to carefully comb through all the expanses of the Southern Seas. You will meet with many clans, like the guards on Taranis, the demon hunters of Calador, the Voodoo pirates on Kiel, and some of these clans will be ready to accept you into their ranks.

As often happens with nameless heroes, their worldview can be easily changed. You can help the poor, compliment people and refuse rewards, which will increase your reputation. If you are rude to everyone in a row, intimidating and humiliating people, then your reputation will accordingly be reduced. Karma does not help to lift you in the eyes of others, but it does affect which of the two endings appears before your eyes.

This has always been an advantage and a disadvantage of the games of the presented genre. You can create everything you want in this world, to become the most skilled magician, while perfectly opening the castles and eloquently chattering passers-by. If you are tired of magic, then it’s time to get a gun or a sword and go chop the opponents left and right. On the one hand - fun and cool. On the other hand, it is unnatural if you start thinking about the reality of everything that happens, of course.

The hero has almost no effect on the outside world and its inhabitants. People imitate the likeness of activity: they sleep at night and will be nervous if their property is disturbed. There are not so many talkers among NPCs, all conversations that are not directly related to the task will come down to banal answers to the question: “Who are you?” and "What is the situation on the island?" The world around us seems more alive: the rustle of leaves, the sound of the surf, the sounds of animals, which, like people, often relax in the late hours of the day. Such trifles help to create a strong sense of presence, it helps to believe more in history, and you will be more interested in adventure. The mood change can be determined by the musical accompaniment: the title track was recognized as one of the best in the games of that year, the melodies in the background are perfectly complemented by the singing of cicadas at sunset and help to entertain you during your studies. If the battle begins, then, as always, the musical accompaniment becomes more assertive, military, supporting the mood of the hero. Short rhythmic sounds will tell you if you get a valuable find or complete a successful quest. The review on Risen 3 makes it difficult to convey all this magical atmosphere, but you can believe that you will enjoy it to the full.

Large spacious world

We continue the review of the Risen 3 Titan Lords from its territories. Taranis, Calador and Kila - each of the main zones in the game is practically not inferior in size to the island that was in the first part. A wide variety of interesting locations appeared on the map; you can often find large multi-storey caves and underground grottoes that store many values.

In addition to increasing borders, level designers in the game tried to diversify the world: tropical jungle, sandy beaches, port cities and spacious stone castles, scorched wasteland washed by lava flows. Everything is there for true adventurers. All that is missing is the snow-capped peaks to fall in love with this land as much as possible.

Reading a review of Risen 3 Titan Lords, do you think that before you go exploring a new island, it is best to visit the nearest settlements and chat with the locals? Of course, such advice is relevant for most role-playing games, but not for ours. Run straight ahead and kill the monsters! Collect treasures! All things, even quest ones, are already in their places. If someone asks them to bring later, you can immediately get the necessary artifacts from your backpack.

In our review on Risen 3, you will find out that there are a lot of different assignments here, you can often forget what the character thanks you for and gives you gold. The most popular complaints from NPCs are monster threats, as well as missing items. However, there are often quests that differ depending on which ending you have. Often there are tasks of ingenuity in which the obvious solution will not tell you anything. But there is no such quest that would make the hero think or get stuck for a long time. In new games, such moments are becoming less common, unfortunately.

The most problematic point in the previous parts was the linearity of the narrative. You help to solve problems in one community, destroy all monsters and everything, you can safely go further, realizing that you will not return back. This does not really interfere with the game, but an unpleasant aftertaste still remains. Even in the review on Risen 3 from "Gambling" it was indicated.

The world is open before you

In Risen 3, each island is immediately accessible, you start with your own ship and at the end of the prologue you decide where you will sail. It is not at all necessary to first finish all your affairs on one island in order to move to another. You are free in your actions. To move inside the location, just find and activate the teleport, after which you can transfer to this place at any time.

Beginner Tip: In Risen 3, starting a trip is best from Antigua. There, it will be easiest to acquire useful skills: how to sneak, strike back and increase the attack speed.

Of course, you can go through the game sequentially, but you can’t avoid frequent travel over long distances. This is due to the hunt for profit. As in the previous part, in Risen 3 there are often treasure maps and records that lead you to the legendary artifacts. You can find chests with useful treasures, as well as rare items that can significantly improve your skill. There are many reviews from Gambling on Risen 3 Titan Lords, from which you can learn a lot of secrets for finding game treasures.

In the game, you can still collect everything that is not nailed to the floor: scrolls, supplies, equipment, silverware, useful herbs, everything that you can use for sale or treatment. It has become much easier to navigate the territory - instead of a compass, you can display a mini-map, so you no longer need to buy a map of the area.

How to fight the enemy?

risen 3 ps4 review

We continue the review of the game Risen 3 Titan Lords with the analysis of the combat system. The mechanics of dealing with magic has not changed since the previous part. Risen 3 scattered one-time spell charges scattered throughout the wide world. Everyone can use them, but in order to learn the basics of one of the schools and be able to conjure without scrolls, and with reloading, it is best to join one of the factions. Demon hunters teach runic magic, the guardians of Taranis will tell you how to create spells using crystals.

Voodoo magic allows you to manipulate people, and this topic can be maximized if you want to join Aboriginal pirates. Of course, the hero will be able to infiltrate someone else’s consciousness only in a few quests, but you can turn into a parrot at any time. This is a useful skill if you need to get into an inaccessible location, go down from a great height without the risk of life, or get into a protected area.

The tactics of the battle were changed. The “strike block” now doesn’t work at all, because the shields have not returned to Risen 3. Of course, you can fend off a strike with weapons, but it’s not always possible with every enemy. It remains only to evade, constantly tumbling around the enemy. This is especially true for the initial stages of the game, when you cannot manage to calm down a dangerous beast with one series of attacks.

The fights in Risen 3 are interesting, because each enemy behaves differently. Scavengers inflict painful injections if attacked in a tight, crabs are perfectly protected in front, but can roll over on their back after a strong poke. Powerful guards can, with one series of sweeping strokes, completely knock the spirit out of the hero. So the best strategy would be to use shotguns or a crossbow. It is worth noting that there are almost no fights with people in the game, the main threat comes exclusively from the aggressively-minded fauna of the islands.

Review on Risen 3 and gaming companions

As in the previous parts, you can take one companion with you, which will help increase your chances of survival, especially in a battle with a strong opponent. While a partner distracts a dangerous golem or leviathan, you stab in the back or shoot from a long distance. Satellites have their own abilities and manner of battle. Bons helps to heal wounds and perfectly wields a sword, Horace is a strong magician, but weak in health.

Each quest and kill gives the hero glory points that can be spent on improving the characteristics. Skills are divided into 8 groups. As in the previous parts, breaking locks and mastery of beliefs are considered the most useful, because you can do without magic or spirit, but without money.

Movement is life

risen 3 titan lords

Continuing the review of the Risen 3 Titan Lords Enhanced Edition. Only those who played in the previous parts of Risen 3 will be able to fully enjoy the charm of the visual component of the game. The boring bleached swamps and temples remained back in 2009. The new game has improved significantly in terms of detail. The only thing where developers overdid it is makeup, or rather lighting. From this saturation, eyes quickly get tired, light can often be incorrectly projected relative to the camera.

The game does not put pressure on your system. Excellent performance does not load even outdated computers. The developers also managed to avoid another disease - bugs during the passage. You rarely see something serious, but the little things are quickly forgotten. Review of Risen 3 for PS4 is not required, because there are practically no differences from the PC version.

What you can really cling to in a game is animation. The characters have become calmer compared to the previous part: they do not gesticulate so intensely during a conversation, but still look clumsy. The corpses of dead enemies fly tens of meters away, as if you shot them with a shotgun. The camera can sometimes be brought under textures and effects, especially at those moments when you pass through a thicket or under a waterfall.

What can be said in conclusion?

risen 3 review

It's hard to say something bad in a review on the Risen 3 1300x. While playing it, it’s hard to notice any flaws, and I don’t want to look for them. When you leave it, there is no discomfort or aftertaste. Nevertheless, if you enable the analytical mode, it turns out that the project also does not deserve a lot of praise. This is a classic role-playing game for those people who want to go to the most typical role-playing game, average in all respects, without Napoleonic plans from developers or cardinal swings on genre foundations. However, the classic Gothic was the same, wasn't it?

Judging Risen 3 is difficult, because the game is showing itself worthy. Our review on the Risen 3 1200 only partially reveals this world. If you are looking for some new gaming experience, then you will probably be disappointed, but for most, the game will give you a pleasant pastime.

Going into this world, you are guaranteed to spend many fun hours if you are even a little fan of the genre. Excessive caricature of characters is more fun than annoying. Opponents sometimes make you sweat, as if you suddenly got into the world of Dark Soul, although Risen 3 needs to grow and grow in order to reach the level of this game. If you are new to the RPG world, then this game is unlikely to make you a fan.

Review of Dead Rising 3

dead rising 3

Dead Rising 3 came out very quickly after the previous part. The authors decided to add only a few elements, cars and weapons, but did not fix the key problem of the entire series in the form of the same type of quests, even battles against bosses did not become more exciting. Nevertheless, the creators decided to increase the number of zombies by one square meter, which is why the whole game turned into a kind of combine simulator, only instead of wheat you will harvest a crop of the living dead. Although the graphic component has been improved, the game brings little pleasure.

The main advantage of the PC version is the lack of performance problems and excellent graphics. Of course, for a pleasant game at the highest settings you need to have a powerful system, but the authors offer many options for configuration. The impressive range of drawing makes a strong impression on the player, but only for the first time.

On the screen at the same time you can see a hundred zombies, and around the consequences of the incident apocalypse are noticeable. In this form, given the scale of everything that happens, without glitches or similar troubles, Dead Rising 3 does not look like a project for the previous generation of consoles. But as soon as you get used to large crowds of zombies, the design of the game will immediately lose all its appeal and gloss. The situation of the shopping center in the first part was interesting to the players with its reference to the film Dawn of the Dead. The second part delighted us with fascinating Las Vegas with many colorful buildings. The town of Los Perdidos in the third part is no different - it is a banal set of ordinary buildings and streets, the main attractions of which are huge hordes of carrion.

Quests and why are they so tired?

What else can be said in the review on Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse edition? The game is replete with a huge number of mail orders both in the company and in side missions, because of which you have to constantly run around at different ends of the map. It’s not always possible to drive cars, you will be forced to bypass roadblocks and blockages, which takes time. Of course, you can walk with force through a horde of zombies, but it is dreary. Nevertheless, a means of transportation cannot always be found, therefore, one way or another, one has to take up arms and mow hordes of enemies in their path.

dead rising 3 apocalypse edition

The most interesting task can be called a mission in which you need to get to the specified location without harming the car. Other missions, in addition to running back and forth, will be demands to kill zombies or the military or to get important items. When you receive secondary tasks, an intrigue appears: whether this place was marked on the map or whether you will have to look for the necessary thing without clear guidelines. There are exceptions, but they are difficult to notice in a huge stream of uniformity.

Primitive plot

The review of Dead Rising 3 will not be complete without analysis of its plot. Unfortunately, he is practically devoid of any intrigue that was in the previous parts. But there will be a lot of fit heroes, excess vulgarity and a love line stretched to the ears. It is difficult to empathize with people who have unrealistic and illogical motivation.

The whole point of the game is only to collect a variety of weapons, combine it with each other and destroy crowds of zombies. The most interesting thing will be to gather with friends in a cooperative and go on the rampant destruction of the enemy. But such a format for Dead Rising 3 is hardly viable. Unfortunately, the game has lost its novelty effect and it was practically unable to bring anything new to the genre.

dead rising 3 review

The PC edition has four additional episodes, which do not really please us with new ideas. You need to walk the streets of Los Perdidos, destroying zombies in locations in search of objects, cars or rescuing comrades.

The advantages of the game lies in the improved graphics and the almost complete absence of problems with glitches in the console version.

The disadvantage is a dull narrative with a primitive plot and mediocre battles.

This is the end of the review of Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse. You can judge how interesting and exciting this game will be for you. Of course, you can forget about it for several hours, including driving music in the background to create the proper atmosphere, but is it worth your time? The same as reading a review on D Rose Dominate 3, but never buying them. If you have never played games of this genre, you may not be disappointed. Otherwise, we recommend looking for something more exciting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15769/

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