Classification of public service positions: system, functions and responsibilities

For several consecutive years, among the most popular places for employment is the public service. After all, this is a huge structure, clearly regulated by applicable law. And the higher the position, the correspondingly higher the level of wages.

In different countries, the functions and composition of employees in government are classified differently. The concept and classification of public service posts in Russia provides for a structure of three types:

  • state civil;
  • military;
  • civil service of other types.

General concepts of civil service in government

Service in state bodies is a professional activity that ensures the exercise of powers at different levels:

  • federal, that is, wages are paid from the federal budget;
  • at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, labor is paid from the budgets of local authorities.

The classification of public posts in public service distinguishes 5 groups and 4 categories. The classification features are described in Law No. 79-FZ.

Types of public service


Categories can be presented in the following table:


The timing

Job responsibilities

Heads and deputies (authorities and structural units)

May be appointed for a fixed term or on an unlimited basis

They have the broadest powers, including the publication of legal acts

Advisers or assistants

Appointed with executives and quit with them

Assistance to the head


Appointed on a competitive and perpetual basis

Professional support for the work of authorities

Provisioning Specialists

Hired on a regular basis, on an unlimited basis

Business Support

Civil servants


The classification of public service positions in groups reflects the specific functions of each employee.



Education requirements

Requirements for work experience


Managers, assistants, specialists

Specialist or Master

At least 4 years in government or in a chosen specialty in other organizations


Provisioning Specialists


At least 2 years in government or in the chosen specialty or in other enterprises


Managers, Advisers, Specialists and Provisioning Specialists


No claim


Professional and providing professionals

Secondary vocational

No claim


Provisioning Specialists

Secondary vocational

No claim

According to the classification of public service positions, the highest requirements are imposed on the highest group, both in terms of education and work experience. Indeed, occupying such a post will have to perform not only administrative, managerial, but also analytical, political functions. In addition, the level of knowledge of the language should be at a high level, the candidate should have a good command of a certain specialty.

employee ranks


In the classification of posts of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, managers occupy a key position. This category of employees has the broadest powers. They have the right to perform legally significant actions, that is, to accept and dismiss employees, issue normative acts, issue instructions, prepare and make managerial decisions, and so on.

The higher the position, the more responsibility. Even the Penal Code provides for liability, for example, liability for receiving a bribe is a fine and up to imprisonment for up to 7 years, depending on the size of the bribe.

Assistants or Advisers

As part of the classification of posts of the federal state civil service, assistants are required to facilitate the work of the head (deputy). This position is usually selected according to personal recommendations, and not by competition. Promotion of an adviser through the ranks is possible only after recognition by the head of his business and professional qualities.

The duties of advisers include the direct provision of the authority of the head. Such specialists may be appointed solely on a contractual basis, the validity of which is determined by the period in which the immediate supervisor is in power.

In general, the functions of an assistant consist of advising and informing management, making suggestions regarding its activities, monitoring the implementation of orders, preparing meetings, receptions and so on.

Assistant manager


This is perhaps the broadest layer of specialists in the classification of civil service posts. The main task of such employees is professional support of the functions of the authorities.

Specialists are hired on a perpetual contract basis. It is in this category that the most stable work. Promotion on a career ladder is also possible, for this there is a certification and the possibility of participation of experts in competitions for filling higher posts is provided.

The number of required specialists is determined at the level of local authorities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Employee Responsibility

Provisioning Specialists

According to the classification of public service posts, the supporting staff is called upon to perform auxiliary functions. These employees do not carry out professional activities, as a rule, they are employees of economic departments, financial and economic, organizational and general.

Accepted on a perpetual contract. They have the opportunity to move up the career ladder. As for specialists, a certification system is provided for them. Provisioning personnel are entitled on a general basis to participate in competitive selections for the filling of higher vacant posts.

Bribe to official

Cool ranks

The concept and classification of posts of the state civil service includes such a concept as β€œclass ranks”. They are assigned within groups. If an employee is hired under a fixed-term contract, then in order to receive a rank he will have to pass a qualification exam, with the exception of managers (deputies) and their advisers.

For the first time, an employee receives a rank after passing the test. If there was no test, then the rank can be assigned no earlier than 3 months of work. The lowest class is the third, and the highest, respectively, is the first.

Getting a class rank affects the size of the salary, since an extra charge is provided for it. After dismissal, the rank remains, and if in the future a person returns to the civil service, then he will not have to start all over again.

At the federal level, the procedure for obtaining ranks is determined by decrees of the country's president. At the regional level, this function is assigned to the leadership of local authorities.


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