Berloga is a convenient wintering place for bears

The den is the place where the bear hibernates. This is a temporary shelter of the beast for the period of hibernation. As you know, bears are large animals that find it difficult to find food in the winter. Although bears are considered predators, however, when observing the behavior of these mammals in natural conditions, it can be understood that most of their diet is plant food and even grass.

In winter, due to lack of favorite food, animals go to bed, having previously accumulated a huge amount of fat. The den is a dwelling set up by a bear near the summer habitat. It can be arranged in a variety of places, depending on the structure of the area. Consider several options for their placement.

Where is the bear den usually located

Bear lairs are located either in the cavity of the earth, for example, under the roots of a large tree, or they tear it out independently with claws. In places of accumulation of stones or in rocky terrain, dens can be found in caves.

lair in the ground

The Himalayan bear likes to settle in hollows of trees, since its size allows it to climb. A brown bear, of course, will not be able to do this, so basically his dwelling is a lair dug in the ground.

Sometimes bear winter dwellings are located in the neighborhood, however, with the onset of the spring thaw, animals again diverge in their habitats.

Setting up a lair inside

Before hibernation, the bear equips the interior of the den with dry leaves and branches, spreads the bottom with moss or spruce. Dipper usually tries more, and her holes are more convenient and better than that of a male.

bear with cubs in a den

A bear goes to bed alone, but a bear can sleep with cubs from a past brood. Inside, the bears curl up, resting their nose on the chest, and their paws folded under the muzzle. They are stacked only by the head to the inlet. Lying in this way, the bear with its breath helps to thaw the snow at the entrance. If you walk through the woods in winter and see a hole with a dark mouth in front of the entrance, know that this is a bear’s den, go around this place. Near the dwelling of the beast you will not see traces of other animals, since they smell the bear from afar and will not come close.

Lairs of the polar bear

Polar bears make their shelters in the thickness of snow. Males rarely hibernate, so mostly pregnant females lie in the den for breeding. Bears begin to dig their den in October, but do not immediately go to bed. Only from mid-November do they remain in hiding until April.

den in the snow

Knowing the habits of these large animals, people in zoos create secluded places for hibernation so that the bear feels protected even in artificial conditions.


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