Zirconium is a stone of jewelry masters.

Zirconium is one of the most widespread semiprecious stones used in jewelry. Zirconium is a stone formed from chemical and physical reactions from a natural mineral. Its history goes back to the time of distant biblical writings, although the exact composition was found out only in 1789 by two scientists - Klaprot and Werner, and already in 1824 Berzelius received the first artificial stone. Zirconium - a stone of high uniqueness in its structure and composition - this is due to the natural property of light refraction due to the density of the mineral, which brings it in appearance to faceted diamonds - diamonds.

Since zirconium is a natural mineral, its composition is often different due to the areola of occurrence - rare-earth elements are added to the main composition. Most often it is an admixture of iron, titanium, uranium, strontium, zinc, copper, etc. It is this or that impurity that determines such a diverse color scheme of zirconium stone that it misleads many people who, due to the wide range of colors, often confuse zircon with other precious stones. The color of zirconium has almost all shades, but the most common in jewelry is brown zircon, which, as a result of heat treatment and firing, acquires a pale blue color. You can also highlight the wide popularity of the transparent natural color of zirconium. This type of stone perfectly imitates diamonds, which allows jewelry to look expensive and elegant with low cost, although for the master the imitation is very clearly visible. Even an ordinary person will be able to distinguish ordinary zirconium stone from diamond - the main role in this is played by lower strength and multiple refractions of light in the faces of zirconium, while a diamond refracts a light beam once. Zircon, which is less solid than diamond during long-term operation, can get chipping and chipping, which will not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the jewelry, but also bring discomfort when worn. To avoid defects, zircon is usually framed with a protective frame in jewelry. Currently, the transparent or blue color of zirconium can be seen in many jewelry, giving them amazing shine and beauty.

In addition to jewelry, zirconium stone gained mass popularity in esoteric and astrological fields. Many people give it the so-called magical and healing properties that can affect the life and character of a person. The many properties of this stone, which are described by suspicious people, are truly diverse - it is a guard against dangers on the road, animals, snakes, a healing stone that stops bleeding, an antidote that improves the general condition of the body, a stone that helps expose deception and lies, and much, much more. And in the last century, zirconia bracelets began to be widely advertised, which have a beneficial and healing effect on the body.

Zirconia bracelets are advertised as a means to normalize pressure from diseases of many internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. With all this, the cost of bracelets in online stores has increased significantly several times compared to the cost determined by the market for zirconium itself. But it is worth considering whether this mineral really has all the properties that are attributed to it, or is it just a vivid example of human auto-suggestion? After all, the scientists spoke out unequivocally - science has not found any healing properties in zirconium. Nevertheless, the popularity of zirconia bracelets does not fall, but for what purpose to wear them - to heal from diseases or beauty and at a relatively inexpensive price - you decide.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15772/

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