How much does a new passport cost in the Russian Federation?

According to popular belief, a biometric passport has a higher status than traditional. Moreover, some believe that old passport designs are no longer valid and must be replaced immediately. However, these are just rumors, in fact, even with an ordinary identity card, it is allowed to travel abroad and obtain a visa to countries whose law enforcement agencies request biometric data of incoming tourists. Myths and misconceptions regarding the receipt of a new type of documents caused indescribable excitement among the citizens of the Russian Federation, in connection with which the terms and prices for the production of a biometric passport increased. In this article you can find the necessary information in order to know for sure how much a new passport costs.

how much does a new passport cost

Biometric passport in the Russian Federation

Few people know that those passports that are issued on the territory of our country can hardly be called full-fledged, because in this document biometric data should be recorded on a special page with an installed microchip. This electronic medium must contain a photo of the citizen to whom the document will belong, as well as biometric parameters that, being unique, are real identifiers that allow you to identify a person. These characteristics (fingerprints and drawings on the retina) do not change throughout human life. It is for this reason that service enterprises offer services in processing a new type of document at slightly overpriced prices (one to two thousand rubles more expensive than usual).

how to apply for a passport

That is why thinking about how much a new passport costs, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. The difference in prices is explained by the differences in the services provided. In Russia, the passport often contains only a photograph, because companies do not have sufficient technical equipment and special equipment that takes all the necessary measurements and encrypts the data. In addition, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there are currently no articles regulating the content of information encoded in a microchip. Therefore, Russian passports of a new type do not meet international standards, however, citizens can travel abroad if there is any kind of foreign document.

How to apply for a passport in the Russian Federation?

If you still want to know how much a new passport costs, you should consider the main pricing factors. The future owner must decide in advance for himself whether he is ready to stand in lines, wait for weeks for the preparation of the document, if he has the time and opportunity to collect all the necessary papers and other bureaucratic trifles. In the case when a citizen is ready to go through all instances without missing a single stage of this procedure, he can simply contact the special state bodies involved in the issuance of such documents. The pricing policy for these law-abiding Russians is rather sparing: they will only have to pay a state fee of 1,200 rubles for a child under the age of fourteen and 2,500 rubles for an adult. In both cases, you will have to wait a long time, and you’ll probably get nerves. An alternative solution is to contact a private office, which will issue a biometric passport in a short time, easily and practically without your participation.

Terms of registration of a new generation passport

terms of registration of a new generation passport
If you are interested in how much a new passport costs, then you should not forget about the dates that interest you. In other words: if you want faster, pay more. Place of residence and age also play a role. For example, for residents of Moscow, the suburbs and the entire Moscow region, issuing a biometric passport will cost a tidy sum (approximately 6-8 thousand rubles), if the document is produced in a week, then the costs can even reach 25 thousand rubles. The same option for children will be much cheaper - about 10-14 thousand rubles. Oddly enough, the prices in the price list for similar services in the regions will be many times higher. You can find out how much a new passport actually costs, by contacting firms and legal centers that provide specialized services for issuing and issuing foreign passports.


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