Sections for children from 3 years for harmonious development

For harmonious development, the child needs physical activity. And so the parents are faced with a difficult question about which section to give their child at 3 years old?

From what age

At an early age, pediatricians do not recommend giving the baby to sports clubs with strong loads. Firstly, this may not be able to crumbs, and he will form a wrong perception of physical culture. Secondly, young children are more prone to viral diseases, and visiting the team contributes to this.

Until the age of three, the child does not need sections. For children from 3 years old, you can choose a useful and exciting activity.

sections for children from 3 years

Where to begin

The most important thing is to make the right choice. There are different sections for children from 3 years. First of all, ask the child what he would like to do. If the baby can not yet decide on its own, help him. To do this, find out what circles are near your home. Attend class as spectators, usually permitted by trainers. So the child will be able to get an idea about a particular sport.

Choosing sports sections for children from 3 years old is in their area. Tiring trips can discourage any desire to engage, and for parents it is inconvenient.

If the child refuses to go to the section after several classes, ask about the reasons. Perhaps someone offends him or the coach makes comments too often. Cheer up your baby, explain that very soon he will learn everything, that the result will be achieved over time.

Often a child wants to leave the circle and do something else. Give him that opportunity. Let him try and look for something to his liking.

sports sections for children from 3 years

Sections for children from 3 years


This is one of the best options. Almost all children love water and enjoy it frolic. So why not combine business with pleasure? Moreover , the swimming section for children from 3 years old involves a visit with their parents. This is necessary for the safety of the baby. Swimming promotes the development of all muscle groups, it will teach coordination and increase resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

Aerobics or dancing

This option is suitable for both boys and girls. And if you have a son, be sure that at ballroom dancing he will not be left without a pair. Boys are always in short supply in the dance hall. Such activities are useful for developing plasticity and a sense of rhythm. And if your crumbs have a violation of posture, this sport will help to cope with the problem.

swimming section for children from 3 years


A good option for the development of all muscle groups and endurance. A sense of competition will be beneficial, small victories will give the child self-confidence.

Figure skating

Perfectly develops coordination and possession of his body. It is a misconception that this sport is not for boys. Having learned to stay on ice, he may want to enroll in hockey or in the skating section.

Sports sections for children from 3 years old are quite diverse. Be wary of wrestling at this age. Karate, judo, taekwondo are quite fashionable activities, but it is better to postpone them to an older age.

How many sections can a child attend

To get started, select one option. Let the child walk for several months and get used to the new schedule of the day. If the baby does not get tired and wants to do something else, write it in another circle, it is better if the classes will be held on different days.

Do not focus on the children of your friends, one and three or four sections are easy, but another is enough. Overwork is very dangerous at such a tender age. If you notice that the child is in a bad mood, has become absent-minded, drowsy, reduce his physical activity, and give up some activities. Otherwise, it can lead to nervous disorders and other diseases.

Things to remember

in which section to give the child at 3 years

Classes in the sports section should give pleasure and emotional satisfaction. If a child is not attracted to such a sport, do not force him, anyway the result will be very low, and the baby will constantly be in a stressful situation.

No need to use your child to realize your unfulfilled dreams. After all, he is an individual, and his life goals may not coincide with yours.

Sections for children from 3 years old should be conducted not just by athletes, but by people with pedagogical education. Young children require a special approach and attention. If you observe that the child is afraid of his trainer and comes down from school depressed - change the circle.

After each lesson, ask your child how the training went, what he learned. Praise and encourage him, your support will help to cope with difficulties and give confidence.

A correctly selected section will help the child to be healthy and confident and will contribute to harmonious physical and psychological development.


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