Independent activities of children in the 1st younger group of kindergarten: planning, forms, conditions and tasks

In order to achieve the educational goal set for them, the teaching staff of kindergartens should use in their work a methodically thought-out combination of two types of children's activities. One of them is joint. It involves the interaction of each child with the teacher and with their peers. The second type of activity is independent. This direction requires the teacher as close attention to his pupils. The adult in this case plays the role of an observer. He is no longer a playmate. And this requires a great concentration of a specialist on the issues of methodological expediency of any step. This is especially true when it comes to the independent activity of children in the 1st younger group, that is, between the ages of 1.5 and 3 years.

Definition of a concept

Under the independent activity of children in kindergarten, they understand such activities that teach children to perform adult tasks of a developing or educational nature, without outside help.

two girls

In this case, the teacher does not participate in the process itself, but only guides the child.


There are four forms of independent activity of children. Among them:

  1. Gaming. This type of diabetes, based on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a younger age, is the most popular. It implies obtaining skills such as the ability to search for details for the simplest puzzles, alternating colors while working with mosaics, finding the right application for toys (yule turns, cars drive), etc.
  2. Propulsion. Such classes on the organization of independent activities of children in the 1st younger group are associated with physical activity. Pupils learn to catch the ball, hit it, and then send it to the partnerā€™s hands, and also run, while avoiding obstacles, etc.
  3. Productive. This type of independent activity of children in the kindergarten attending the first younger group implies solving everyday tasks feasible for kids. This includes, for example, developing hygiene skills. This can be an independent washing of hands or feet and so on. This category of skills also includes the ability to use cutlery correctly, to dress at a time when peers interfere with this, etc. The development of the most elementary artistic techniques is a productive form of independent activity of children in the 1st younger group. This may be the ability to hold a brush or pencil correctly, colorize the desired area of ā€‹ā€‹the picture, and so on.
  4. Cognitive research. Such work is aimed at independent activity of young children in the form of acquaintance with new information and its search. An example of this is the turning of books in a group to find the desired picture.

Work organization

Federal educational standards do not consider organized independent activities of children as a separate field of study. The FSES devotes considerable attention to the joint work of teachers with their pupils. Nevertheless, the target reference point for each of the developing fields of knowledge (physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative) is to encourage children to choose their own methods of activity, as well as their implementation.

In modern society, there is a need for people with research thinking, able to pose problematic questions, and then determine the algorithm for their elimination. At the same time, creative personality traits, expressed in the ability to go beyond the framework of social stereotypes and standards, are also welcomed. This helps to find the path to the most important discoveries.

girls play with a red box

Thus, the independent activity of children in the 1st younger group is an indispensable condition for the educational process. Such work will bring up a comprehensively developed personality. For the proper organization of such a pastime for kids from the teacher, it will be necessary to create conditions for independent activity of children. It is important to:

  • allocate the optimal amount of time for classes;
  • create space and the right atmosphere for children's activity;
  • sort material that is suitable for various forms of independent activity;
  • choose the optimal arrangement of gaming accessories in the group.

In addition, the creation of conditions for the independent activity of children implies active personal communication between the teacher and the child. In this case, an adult needs to choose a method of influence on the baby that will correspond to the peculiarities of its development.

One of the conditions for independent activity of children is also the organization of management of the activities of a preschooler. One of the priority tasks facing a professional is to maintain a calm and balanced state in a child. That is why in order to conduct the most effective plot game, the pupils will need to provide special attributes that will allow them to reflect their own impressions and experiences as fully as possible.

Organization of a center of cognitive activity

In the formation of independent activity of children an important role is assigned to the subject-spatial environment. They include everything that surrounds the baby and to which he has constant access. In such a spatial environment, the child should be given the opportunity to relax at the game. Here, babies must satisfy their cognitive needs for experimentation and observation.

children pour sand

When planning independent activities of children, it is necessary to organize centers for the activity of pupils with different orientations. These may include:

  1. Cognitive research center. An experimental workshop, a mini-laboratory, as well as various thematic corners (ā€œThe Age of Dinosaursā€, ā€œSpace Stationā€) can be equipped for kids in this area.
  2. Game Zone. In this part of the group room there should be sets of toys, as well as costumes for conducting games of the plot-role type ("Shop", "Hospital", "Kitchen", etc.). A development center can also be equipped here. It is recommended to install racks with puzzles and didactic games on its territory.
  3. Sports section. In this area of ā€‹ā€‹the game room should be placed equipment for physical activity.
  4. Ecological corner. When highlighting such a zone, a mini-garden, a winter garden, etc. should be placed in it.
  5. Artistic and aesthetic part. It is a theatrical corner (costumes and masks of various characters for children, scenery that allows them to stage fairy tales), a place for productive creativity (there should be materials for drawing, modeling, paper construction, etc.), a musical island with a collection of different audio recordings with holiday songs, nature sounds and more.
  6. Relaxing area. It includes a relaxation corner, a magic room (tent, tent, sofa for a relaxing conversation). The presence of such a zone is very important in order to maintain the mental health of the child. It is important for the children in the group to create conditions so that they can relax, retire, dream and recover.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the plan of independent activity of children should include active games held during walks. Space for them should also be organized by the educator. For independent games of children, a cook or doctorā€™s corner can be equipped. In winter, on the site, kids should actively sculpt snowmen and build snow fortresses. Such activities will contribute to the development of their creativity and motor skills.

Main goals

Independence is understood as a personā€™s personal quality, which implies independence, initiative and an adequate assessment of oneā€™s actions. Included here is the acceptance of responsibility for committed acts.

girl with small toys

That is why the main tasks of independent activity of children are:

  1. Formation of strong-willed qualities in kids. They are the psychological stability of the child to external factors, such as children's voices, street noise, as well as other people's opinions. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to teach children to bring the work they have begun to the final result.
  2. The development of self-regulatory processes. This includes the ability to calculate your own strengths that are needed to carry out planned actions. It is also important for the child to begin to feel his body, determining those moments when he requires rest or a change of activity.
  3. The formation of the ability to independently build a game plan, research, observation and labor activity. In this case, the child should strive to fulfill his plan without adult assistance.

The main goals of organizing the independent activities of children in the 1st junior group are to develop their skills:

  • wash your face and hands, and then wipe them;
  • eat independently, without the help of adults;
  • to put on clothes and remove them, as well as to pack things with minimal help from educators;
  • share materials for creativity, toys, etc. with their peers;
  • joint and individual games.

Organization Methodology

It is important for the teacher to do everything possible so that his students can, by connecting imagination and a set of skills, occupy themselves in kindergarten in their free time. For this, it is necessary to achieve a certain degree of independent activity of children of the 1st younger group during educational classes. You can solve the problem using the direct display method. So, an activity that is aimed at obtaining a specific result will be interesting and maximally productive.

children play on the floor

For example, it can be the manufacture of a simple craft, the fulfillment of the simplest labor assignment, participation in a sports game. After mastering the algorithm of certain actions, as well as how to implement them, children will begin to transfer the forms worked out with the teacher to individual activity.


The teacher organizes various independent activities of children in the sensitive moments of the kindergarten, namely:

  • when taking babies in the morning - quiet games and socializing on interests;
  • before lunch - games;
  • in preparation for the walk and upon returning from it - self-care;
  • before food, as well as until a quiet hour and after it - hygiene procedures;
  • during morning and evening walks - independent games and observations of natural objects;
  • in the afternoon - communication on interests, leisure activities, the creation of crafts and drawings.


When planning independent activities of children, the teacher needs to come up with an attractive and vivid technique for his students.

girl with chalk

The most productive methods for babies are play methods, which are combined with clarity. Especially important are such techniques for diabetes, which is associated with the training of hygiene skills.

Informative pictures

You can use this technique, for example, by teaching your kids to wash themselves. At the same time, the teacher should show them pictures, such as ā€œMom washes her daughter.ā€ Looking at her, the children learn to use soap, wash it off, and then take their own towel. A similar selection of pictures is recommended to show the kids and in the locker room. This will allow the little ones not to confuse what they need to wear for themselves. Similar hints can be found in lockers. With their help, children will learn what things should lie on which shelves.


This technique is used in organizing independent activities of children most often. And to make games more detailed and informed will allow kids to receive a variety of impressions. To do this, the teacher should conduct thematic tours with tots. For example, children can observe the work of a cook in the kitchen, a doctor in a medical center, etc. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to focus the attention of the children on the most significant points. By doing this, he will help them learn what they have seen.

By focusing on certain details, children begin to understand the relationship that exists between the actions taken. Obtaining such impressions gives the child material for new games. Their plot will reflect his knowledge of the world around him.

It is recommended that the teacher enrich the content of such games. This will be helped by certain dramatizations that introduce kids to patterns of behavior accepted in society.

For example, by training the skill to hold a spoon in his right hand and bring it to his mouth so that the contents do not appear on the table, the educator is recommended to use a game called ā€œFeed the Bear porridgeā€. In this case, ā€œfeedā€ children should plastic bottles from under the water in which the slots are made. The teacher offers the kids to take a spoon, pick up the croup into it and feed the Bear, who does not know how to eat on his own. Moreover, the child should do this without sprinkling food on the table. Thus, fine motor skills training and control of their actions are carried out.

Another interesting game situation that contributes to the implementation of independent activities is the exercise "Shoes made friends / quarreled." In this case, the teacher offers children drawings, on which there is an image of the contours of two shoes - right and left. After that, the kids are given ready-made templates. They must be laid out so that the socks are directed in one direction and the color matches.

Self-service classes

Children attending the first younger group of the kindergarten have still poorly developed fine motor skills, as well as coordination of movements. The teacher has to help the little ones in many ways, but at the same time, he must provide them with the opportunity to do something on their own. Compliance with hygiene standards and familiarization with the culture of food intake should be carried out in the operational moments of the DOE. Among them: holding breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, dressing and undressing before and after a walk, etc.

The plan of independent activity of children traditionally has a structure that includes 4 parts. This includes:

  • the use of motivational techniques - 5 min;
  • work on a specific aspect of self-care (the main part of classes) - 10 minutes;
  • independent activity of children (strengthening skills) - 8 min;
  • statement of encouragement by the teacher (summing up) - 2 min.

To learn self-care skills, an adult has to go through four stages with his students. Among them:

  • explanation and demonstration of the action;
  • fulfillment of the plan with the child;
  • the kids themselves carry out the action at the verbal prompt of an adult;
  • children do everything on their own.


In the work of the teacher, along with other techniques, this one is also used. For babies 1.5-3 years old, the conversation is especially relevant. Such children still need to comment on all the actions of adults. During the conversation, the process of processing new information is accelerated in the kids. In addition, conversation allows them to quickly learn to clearly and correctly speak.


The teacher is recommended to engage in analysis of the independent activities of the children of the first younger group three times during the school year.

children draw

Spend it at the admission of the child, as well as in December-January and in May. Only in this way can objective conclusions be drawn, indicating the effectiveness of the development of independence of children. Such an analysis will allow the teacher to also outline ways to eliminate existing shortcomings.

The analysis scheme should be developed with the participation of the teaching staff of the DOE. In this case, the specificity of the educational process conducted in kindergarten must be taken into account. The fact is that in it, for example, groups of hardening, correction of a certain ailment, etc. can be organized.

When conducting an analysis, grades given to each child individually are considered. In this case, a five-point scale is used. It meets the following criteria:

  • 5 - the baby is able to independently cope with any task;
  • 4 - the adult sometimes has to repeat the necessary algorithm of actions for the child;
  • 3 ā€“ ;
  • 2 ā€“ - , .


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