How to make a slingshot (several ways)

Each of us at least once, but have to remain alone with the boy. And okay, if there is a computer nearby, a TV or a box with toys, at worst. But what to do if none of this is at hand? Meanwhile, the baby curls his lips and begins to whine, that he is bored, that his mother told him to entertain and teach something good ...

But nothing good, as luck would have it, doesn’t enter my head, except for childhood memories that tell you how to make a slingshot. Wow, pretty little business! That's for sure mother will not be very happy on her return, seeing our black eyes and chopped dishes around.

But by the way ... Why not? Do-it-yourself slingshot is already a useful activity that develops manual skills, modeling and perseverance. And to shoot at each other or at the dishes is not necessary. We will make a target out of a sheet of paper and hang it in the hallway. We will shoot pieces of plasticine so that they stick to the target, and then count the points. Your color, for example, will be green, and let the guy roll himself a “bullet” of red.

It remains only to remember how to make a slingshot. In fact, there are many ways to make this ancient weapon. After all, the first people invented a slingshot for hunting wild animals. Instead of rubber, they used the dry intestines of cut animals.

I immediately remembered the first method, the fastest and easiest. How to make a slingshot using only one rubber band? This method is extremely convenient for bullies during lessons. Why - will be described below.

Aviation gum is best, or if it’s not, then medical gum can also be used (these are the rings with which some ladies twist their hair, and bank employees pull bundles of money. They call them medical because they were first wound on the neck of vials with potions. ) The ring should be cut before work so that the elastic has the appearance of a regular segment.

At the ends of it, loops are made, which they put on the index and middle fingers of the left hand, and with the right they put a dowel in the middle of the elastic band, pull it, aim and shoot.

This is provided that the shot is performed by the right-hander. For left-handed people, this process happens as if “in mirror image”: the elastic is put on the right hand, and, accordingly, you need to shoot with the left.

Now a small digression about why this method at school was popular with bullies. For example, during the lesson, the restless little boy, and sometimes the girl, who was terribly tired of the tricks of a particularly “attentive” classmate, puts this gum on her hand slowly and, while the teacher turns away from the blackboard, shoots with a key “at the target”. The “struck target” screams naturally, the teacher turns around and screams menacingly: “Who shot?”

In response, there are replicas - quotes from Vasily Terkin: “Who shot? - call from the headquarters. - Who shot? Where did you go? " Then an angry teacher requires everyone to put their hands on their desks, show their pockets, briefcases and so on.

And at this time, with an imperceptible movement, you need to easily roll the rubber from your fingers. Twisting into a tiny lump, she will safely get lost somewhere on the floor, and the hooligan trick will go unpunished.

Of course, this is more likely not a slingshot, but just one pampering. A real slingshot needs to be made from wooden slingshot - such a forked twig. At the upper ends, you need to cut a little hollows so that the gum does not come off during the shots.

The best homemade slingshot is one in which the elastic in the middle is much wider than at the ends. Then you can shoot not only with paper or wire dowels, but even with something larger.

Therefore, such a slingshot is best not to do with the baby. Yes, and in the apartment there may not be either a branch-horn or a rigid wire, which can be replaced, nor good, durable and flexible rubber.

So, you need to think again how to make a slingshot of what is. And we have an empty plastic bottle and a medical fingertip, found in a medicine cabinet. This will just be enough for us!

We cut off the neck of the bottle so that we get a small funnel. We put the fingertip on the neck. To fix, you can use the medical gum already described by us. The neck is tightly wrapped around it - the slingshot is ready!

Yeah, a new problem: the first-aid kit didn't have the gum we needed. Then you can fix the fingertip with ordinary threads, sewing or woolen. You just need to fold the threads in several layers, having achieved the necessary strength, and wet. Wet twist in several turns to wrap the neck of the slingshot and tie a strong knot. When dried, the threads will shrink and the fastening will become stronger.

And now let's start the competition-game, who is more accurate. You can shoot with dry peas, rowan berries or, as already mentioned, plasticine balls. The "bullet" is placed inside the fingertip, he pulls the other hand towards himself, and then the "bullet" is released and - hits the target! Or a little lower. But this is not so important.

The main thing is that we took the baby’s free time. And now we will develop a well-aimed eye and a firm hand. Entertaining, useful and relatively safe!


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