When does a child start smiling at parents?

From the moment when future parents first see two stripes of a pregnancy test, they begin to dream about the moment when the child begins to smile. After all, it is this first meaningful expression of emotion that will help them become even closer with the baby. Therefore, adults are so reverently catching any changes in the expression of a child’s face, dreaming more likely to say: β€œHe smiled at me!” What needs to be done to accelerate the desired moment?

when the baby begins to smile
Positive attitude

It is well known that happy children grow up in happy families, where they are loved and appreciated. With harmonious relationships in a couple, planning pregnancy and giving birth to a baby will be normal. And, even at the stage of intrauterine development, the baby will feel desirable and necessary, it will be easier for him to become joyful and cheerful himself. When we talk with a baby before his birth, he may not yet understand the meaning of each word, but he will certainly feel love and warmth. It is believed that it is easier for a baby to hear the low tones of his father's voice, and he hears his mother’s voice a little distorted. Therefore, it is imperative that the future father communicate regularly with the fetus. And after the child finally sees the light, communication becomes even more important for him. The baby lost the protection that he had for nine months. He is lonely, and he can get support in this world not only from his mother, with whom he has shared all his impressions, food, sorrows and joys all this time, but also from his father, whose voice he heard and remembers. And when the child begins to smile, he will give his first smile to both parents.

talking with the baby before his birth
What to do?

There are so many things that anyone can teach a child. So, teachers will instill in him reading and writing skills, peers will jump with him, run and play hide and seek. And only one, the most important thing, thing can be given to it exclusively by native people - love. Moreover, you can teach her only by deed, by your own example, giving the baby his love every day, every moment. When we smile at the child, he understands that such a large and unfamiliar world around him can be kind and affectionate. Be sure to talk as much as possible with the child, a smile and kind words encouraging him to communicate.

we smile at the child
First smiles

Finally, the long-awaited baby was at home, relatives were on duty near his crib, waiting for the baby to start smiling. And it may well be that a smile appears on a small face. And immediately replaced by a grimace of crying. The fact is that the baby unconsciously tries on himself various expressions of emotions that he sees around. This facial expression is still unconscious, it can not yet be called a smile in the full sense of the word, because it does not carry full emotions in itself. A real smile can be expected at the age of 1 to 2 months. And then the baby will smile more and more often, wanting to receive a return gift - a friendly smile of the interlocutor. So he learns to communicate with others, and such an experience is invaluable for his entire subsequent life.

When the child begins to smile, adults finally see that the little man understands them, responds with emotion to emotion. This is the first small step along the path to a great understanding, which will necessarily come in a harmonious and friendly family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15793/

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